λ CS 251 : Principles of Programming Languages .
Staff / Hours
Instructor: Lyn Turbak
Tutors: Jannitta Yao, Vera Ye
Graders: Sophia Bussey, Jannitta Yao, Vera Ye, Lyn Turbak
Help hours via Zoom: see the drop-ins calendar for the most up-to-date info (it will change week-by-week depending on pset deadlines)
Announcements, Q&A: We will use the Google Group cs-251-t2-01-remote-fa20
email list for announcements, course discussion, and help. You are subscribed automatically on registration. Please stay subscribed and check your email on a daily basis for course announcements. This is also a great place to ask questions about assignments (but don’t post any code to the whole group).
Synchronous Class meetings: MTWRF 1:00–2:15 EDT via Zoom (link shared by email). Classes will be held every weekday of Term T2 from Mon. Oct. 26 throough Fri. Dec. 15 except for Thu/Fri Nov 26/27 (Thanksgiving break). Students are expected to attend all synchronous sections except under extenuating circumstances. Please email Lyn if you cannot attend class.