Documentation of software tools used in CS 251:

CS 251 Computing Environments

Spring 2020: Computing During Remote Instruction

During remote instruction, most students should use the csenv appliance, a self-contained virtual machine you can install on your computer. It includes all necessary software tools for CS 251, allowing you to work while offline. While it is possible to install most or all of the tools we will use for remaining assignments, some of the installations take a lot of work or are tricky to configure correctly. Please use the appliance instead.

If you are unable to install the appliance, you can still work via SSH access to the CS server/workstations while connected to the internet. If using SSH, you should plan to use the pure-text interface (learn the Emacs keybindings). Depending on your location and internet connection, sending the graphical interface over SSH is likely too laggy to be pleasant or usable.

If neither option is working, please be in touch.

First-Time Setup

Spring 2020: Account setup for the csenv appliance

After installing the csenv appliance, you must complete the Account Setup tasks for Git and CodeTub once by running:

$ cs251 auth -i s20

You will be prompted to enter your CS username and password. Since you are acting as the user u within your appliance, you will be prompted to confirm the CS username you enter. This will give you access to the same Git repositories you have used previously.

Whether you are using the appliance or SSH, you do not need to repeat the setup instruction below.

A CS account is required for all computing options. Request one if needed (on campus only).

Account setup for the CS GNU/Linux server/workstations

A CS account is required for all computing options. Request one if needed (on campus only).

Completing these steps on one workstation sets up the account that you use on all workstations (and, a.k.a. tempest).

  1. See the GNU/Linux Skills links below or start with the CS 240 lab activities on the Linux command line if you are new to the command line. (Skip the Emacs/C parts.)

  2. To configure your CS account permanently1 to find CS 251 tools, open a terminal and run the command:

    source /home/cs251/live/env/init/
  3. Complete the Git for Code Assignments tutorial. Even if you are familiar with Git, please skim through this, since it describes both Git and how to interact with our local Git hosting service for CS course work.

Tool References

  1. If you prefer to use the CS 251 tools only in the current shell session, then run the command source /home/cs251/live/env/init/ instead; run this command in each shell session where you want to use the CS 251 tools. If you need to remove the permanent account configuration, edit ~/.bash_profile to remove the lines marked as related to CS 251.