import sys def printNames(namesFile, numEntries): with open (namesFile, 'r') as inFile: # open namesFile for reading nameDict = {} # create an empty dictionary for line in inFile.readlines(): # associate each first name with a list of last names first, last = line.split() if first not in nameDict: nameDict[first] = [last] else: nameDict[first].append(last) # Below, an "item" is a pairof (1) a first name and(2) an associated list of last names sortedItems= sorted(nameDict.items(), # How does the following key function sort the items? key=lambda (first,lasts): totalLength(lasts), reverse=True) # Sort items in descending rather than ascending order by key. for (fst,lastList) in sortedItems[:max(0,numEntries)]: # what is max doing here? sortedLasts = sorted(lastList, # How does the following key function sort the last namesin lastList? # Note that the key returns a *pair* of string length and string. Why? key=lambda s: (len(s), s)) # Use "list comprehension" notation (in brackets) to create a list of numbered lines. numberedLines = [str(i+1) + '. ' + s for i,s in enumerate(sortedLasts)] print '--------\n' + fst + ' (' + str(totalLength(sortedLasts)) + '):\n' \ + '\n'.join(numberedLines) def totalLength(strings): return sum([len(s) for s in strings]) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Usage: python " else: # All kinds of errors can occur here, but don't worry about exception handling printNames(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))