Why does getYear vary from browser to browser? Situations where we should use unknown/unnamed properties For the console.dir(window) command, is there anything that we should pay attention to in particular from the different properties? Manipulating dates and times I'm curious about the use of semicolons in JS. If they're not required, then how could not including them cause an error? For quiz question 4, does person1[age] also work since in JavaScript, the quotation marks around the key are optional and are usually omitted? Is there a simple way to see all the parameters built-in functions take or do we need to always check the documentation? In the example of this content, why does dateObj2.getYear() output 124 but dateObj2.getFullYear() outputs 2024. What are the differences in the way they invoke these informations that getYear() varies by browser to browser. Would love to hear more about this in class! I want to talk more about how JavaScript's objects are just like Python Dictionaries, and why that is so. overview of how Date works whether or not the quotation mark is necessary in dictionary keys in JavaScript I understood this reading pretty well. Thank you! / I think the content for the JavaScript methods were very clear! / All good!