So is the parameter for .aggregate() a function? Could you please go through the Computing the Average in the Database example please? "When do we need to put the attribute name in quotes? Name is not in quotes here: {$set: {name: ""Lord Voldemort"", back: true, nose: false}} But is: {$set: {"""": ""Little Whinging"", ""addr.county"": ""Surry""}}" Can we expand more on the aggregation pipeline? Aggregation Pipelines - when should we know if it seems reasonable to do or if it's easier to use ordinary JavaScript? I'd definitely like to review aggregation and its implementation. I did not quite understand the $set operator and would love it if we went over it in class. I was wondering if the following in the reading was a typo: 'await wmdb.insertMany(newStaff, options);'? Don't we need to specify the collection? Composite keys and tricks on the intuition of coming up with them. I think I'm at the point where I need to practice what we're learning to figure out what the confusing parts are. I think all is clear! / no specific questions!