Can we talk more about middleware? I got a little tricked up on question 1. For answer choices C and D, these are actions that are good to take for security, but are they necessarily required/mandatory? Can you elaborate on the advantages/challenges associated with storing uploaded files in the filesystem vs. the database? How does work? When the website is rendered, does the browser get all the uploaded files in the upload directory? What does MIME stand for? Is MIME just the type of the data? I am still a bit confused about res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, pathname)); how the trick prevents unauthorized users to access the photo with the URL "I don't really understand upload.single('photo') and how it is used in'/upload', upload.single('photo'), async (req, res) => {. I also don't really get how return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, pathname)); works. I am a little confused about these: const DB = process.env.USER; const FILES = 'filesOwned'; const USERS = 'fileOwners'; Are FILE and USERS new directories created in my local environment? Does these only allow access to files on my local machine?"