- Do you have any tips for learning HTML/CSS if you have minimal experience working with them?
There are a million web tutorials out there. I suggest starting with W3Schools. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good.
- Can you explain more about browser cache and why the browser cache is a problem for a web designer?
The browser is lazy, and it won't reload files it already has it its cache. Files like CSS files and JS files.
As a web designer, we often revise those files and we want to see if our changes worked. So, we want the browser to reload not just the main page content, but the supporting files as well.
For force it to reload everything, hold down the shift key when you reload.
- Could we review the 2 different ways to label? / Could you go over how to use labels with ID? / Could you elaborate a bit more on labeling using IDs and how we do that?
Should we primarily use LABEL with ID?
Sure. Let's look at the reading on labels
I suggest using LABEL by structure, rather than ID.
- Can you explain more about the difference between GET and POST?
/ What exactly is the difference between GET and POST? I kind of get the difference, but is GET more like a messenger whereas POST needs all the info to put it into the server?
Think about the difference between reading Instagram and posting to Instagram. When we read, we
stuff from the server. When we post stuff, we use thePOST
method.Get sends a small amount of data to the server. Basically, just a link:
GET /article/1234
GET youtube.com/watch?v=8939489
Posting sends a lot more data (e.g. image files) to the server, so we have to use a different format and such.
- Are there cases where it doesn't matter if get or post is used?
Possibly, but rarely. Of course, GET and POST can be mis-used (I've misused them in the past, but I'm trying to be better.)
LTS misuses POST in the course lists, and it annoys me to no end.
- What happens if a POST request is sent to a URL that also expects a GET request? Does the server interpret the body of the POST request or the URL parameters differently, and how does that impact the response?
The server (which we will start next week) supports various endpoints (the end of the URL) and methods (GET, POST and a few others). If the server doesn't support a particular combination, the browser will get a 404.
- When integrating databases with websites, how do we keep certain information secure?
Great question, but for another day. We'll talk more about security later.
- Can we talk a little more about web page accessibility?
/ Are we going to learn more about accessibility in this course?
I would love to talk more about accessibility, but there are only so many days in the semester. I will sprinkle it in when it's relevant and we have time. I say more about it in CS 204, including a whole reading on accessibility
- Can you elaborate on the usefulness of the WAVE test?
It does some basic accessibility testing, helping us make web pages that are accessible to all.
- Would it be possible to get new links to the CSS readings? I would love to go over it more but only the last two links worked for me.
None of the cs110 hyperlinks work while the mozilla ones do work, it would be cool if we can have access to those! :).
Oh, my apologies. We have a new CS 110, so I archived the old one, and that broke these links. I'll find some alternatives, or resurrect those.
- You can change the look of a webpage from inspect on your computer? When and how does that work and what does that mean? When I deleted the value of the sample web page for the process form button the text disappeared and turned into ""submit"".
- There's an extra ""v"" on the second paragraph of get vs. post, before ""when;
Thanks; I appreciate the editing help.
- Are there any extra css resources that can produce fancy web pages recommended?
W3 Schools is a good place to start. For fancier things, I often find myself at CSS tricks. Web searching will find others.
- I am just getting started with HTML and CSS. Still a bit confused with everything. Will explore it more and come with specific questions when I get a better understanding of them.
Sure. Don't stress about it. It's useful, both in this class and as a software engineer, but you'll get the hang of it.
Note that HTML is both more important and easier
CSS is complicated and tricky, but ultimately it's mostly cosmetic.
(But I'm a nerd: I dress for function, not fashion.)