Do you have any tips for learning HTML/CSS if you have minimal experience working with them? Can you explain more about browser cache and why the browser cache is a problem for a web designer? Could we review the 2 different ways to label? Should we primarily use LABEL with ID? / Could you go over how to use labels with ID? / Could you elaborate a bit more on labeling using IDs and how we do that? Can you explain more about the difference between GET and POST? What exactly is the difference between GET and POST? I kind of get the difference, but is GET more like a messenger whereas POST needs all the info to put it into the server? Are there cases where it doesn't matter if get or post is used? When integrating databases with websites, how do we keep certain information secure? Can we talk a little more about web page accessibility? Are we going to learn more about accessibility in this course? What happens if a POST request is sent to a URL that also expects a GET request? Does the server interpret the body of the POST request or the URL parameters differently, and how does that impact the response? Can you elaborate on the usefulness of the WAVE test? Would it be possible to get new links to the CSS readings? I would love to go over it more but only the last two links worked for me. None of the cs110 hyperlinks work while the mozilla ones do work, it would be cool if we can have access to those! :). There's an extra ""v"" on the second paragraph of get vs. post, before ""when; You can change the look of a webpage from inspect on your computer? When and how does that work and what does that mean? When I deleted the value of the sample web page for the process form button the text disappeared and turned into ""submit"". Are there any extra css resources that can produce fancy web pages recommended? I am just getting started with HTML and CSS. Still a bit confused with everything. Will explore it more and come with specific questions when I get a better understanding of them.