Can you further explain the example of the Flask render_template function to combining the static template file with the random dynamic data? A bit confused, is a form embedded in a static page, or is a form a completely independent thing? How is url_for used in static files? / Could you go over generating urls for static files? Where are they used? Should we always avoid having HTML content in our python files ? How do you distinguish between using GET and POST methods? How does Flask handle data differently in GET and POST requests? Do the different encoding of get and post data mean anything in practice? How are request.args and request.form different in how they hold data? And how do we access each when there is a lot of data? Are there kinds of expression/statements jinja2 cannot do? Can you explain a bit more on how static javascript file, python file, and html file works together? I dont really understand the Flask-Static files page. I would appreciate another review of the template language / some chances to practice.