
  1. I have never used HTML or CSS before, and I'm curious about how they work in conjunction with Java. Do we use different languages in the same piece of code?

    JavaScript != Java. The browser understands three languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. (I can bore you with historical details). We routinely combine all three languages in a web page.

  2. Looking at the component pieces of an HTML file (the significance of each individual line) / I would like to review the HTML in the HEAD at the top of the page

    We'll do it!

  3. I think I'm curious as to how websites like WAVE and W3C determine that a website is valid, as well as how Screen Readers and other accessibility tools would interpret a website that isn't valid. I am also curious to see if there are tools or such that accessibility tools would have to overcome the obstacles of invalid webs.

    Would be helpful to talk about what it means for HTML or CSS to be valid and how a validator works.

    Essentially, the parse the file, just like a browser does, but the browser is more loose, rather than strict. Think of overlapping circles, Venn diagram style. There's a standard language at the center. Most browsers accept more than the standard, but not all the same superset. The validator tests for the standard.

    I imagine accessibility tools are yet another set of supersets. The only way to be sure we won't confuse any of them is to stick to the standard subset.

  4. I'm still finding a bit difficulty on understanding validators. What are some things that won't be validating? I think I'm confused if it is trying to validate the url or using the url to see if the website is validating and following the given guidelines.. W3C website was not able to resolve my confusion..

    When it validates by URL, it fetches the HTML code and validates the code.

  5. Validators? I *think* I understand the concept of a validator: it seems to be a tool used to assess how accessible HTML / CSS / websites generally are. But this could be wrong! But I feel like I don't really understand question 4. Technically, I don't think you *need* to use a validator, but I think you *should*. The other 3 answer options seemed less logical to me, so I went with "required", but I don't think it's technically "required". If there was an option for "Very useful and important, but not technically required", I would have selected that.

    You got me. Your answer would be excellent but for this class, I'd like you to consider the validators to be required.

  6. Validation & accessibility / I want to talk more about accessibility and validators because it is something I've never heard of before!

    I'm happy to answer any additional questions!

  7. I am still a little confused about the testing accessibility section. I would like to learn how to use validators.

    We'll use them today. Heck, let's demo them now.

  8. I'd like to get more used to writing out html!

    We'll do that! In fact, that's the next assignment

  9. The anatomy of a URL and why it breaks down the way it does / URL anatomy, specifically the fragment piece

    Sure, let's review that. See url anatomy

  10. How to see caches in your browser

    Why do you want to?

  11. I'm curious where else this course encounters the topic of accessibility. Since we're building websites this is important to consider, and the reading introduces us to WAVE as an accessibility resource. Are there other lectures where we discuss accessibility when designing websites?

    This is a great question. I don't have a lecture set aside for accessibility, but it will be sprinkled in when it's relevant. You can learn more at the CS 204 reading on accessibility

  12. Forms and how to make them accessible.

    Very important. We'll learn forms later in the course.

  13. Apache, cache, I also don't know HTML and CSS so things were slightly more difficult to grasp

    Apache is web server software running on CS and millions of other web server computers. There are alternatives, but we use Apache.

  14. I'm not completely sure what Apache is yet and why it is different from Flask.

    Flask is a Python web framework, meaning it helps us build web applications. We won't be using it. We'll use a JavaScript web framework called Express.

  15. I don't have specific requests, I am pretty familiar with HTML/CSS

    I'm glad!