\( \newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\Choose}[2]{ { { #1 }\choose{ #2 } } } \newcommand{\vecII}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIxII}[4]{\left[ \begin{array}{cc} #1 & #2 \\ #3 & #4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIIxIII}[9]{\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} #1 & #2 & #3 \\ #4 & #5 & #6 \\ #7 & #8 & #9 \end{array}\right]} \)

CS307: Texture Mapping 2: Repetition, Texture Coordinates & Synthetic Textures


  • Repeating image textures
  • Textured pyramid:
    • creating a synthetic texture (slides)
    • adding texture coordinates to a Geometry
  • Exercises: Repeating the pyramid textures
  • (if time) Texture, surface color, and lights (+ optional exercise)

Repeating Image Textures

Suppose we want to create the appearance of a natural repetitive texture, such as that shown on the sides of the barn below. We can achieve this effect by tiling the surface with multiple copies of a small snippet of texture, like that shown to the right of the barn.

barn     texture

In Three.js, there are at least two ways to repeat a texture on an object surface:

  • set the repeat property of a THREE.Texture object to indicate the number of times to repeat the texture in the horizontal and vertical directions
  • set the texture coordinates s and t associated with verticies in the Geometry to have values larger than 1

In both cases, we also need to specify how the texture is wrapped horizontally and vertically.

In the following code, texture is a THREE.Texture object. The wrapS and wrapT properties control how the texture is wrapped in the horizontal (s) and vertical (t) directions. The pattern is then repeated two times in the horizontal direction and three times in the vertical direction. The needsUpdate property often needs to be set to true when working with repeated textures, so we also set it here.

texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping;
texture.needsUpdate = true;

This picture from wrap-mode.html illustrates the three wrapping methods that can be used:

wrapping modes

To see how repetition can be done by directly manipulating texture coordinates (s,t), we'll create our own texture and apply it to a simple Geometry that is created from scratch.

Textured Pyramid

The first exercise will build on code for creating this textured pyramid:


There are three key functions that we'll examine in detail:

  • createPyrGeometry() creates the vertices and faces for the Geometry, a pyramid with a square base and four triangular sides
  • makeTexture() creates a THREE.DataTexture object that contains a 4x4 texture pattern of colors that combine different amounts of green and blue
  • addTextureCoords() adds texture coordinates to the Geometry, associating (s,t) coordinates with each of the three vertices for each triangular face

There are three texture-mapped materials (they're initially the same) associated with the faces of the object as indicated by the assigned materialIndex.

The following figure shows the (s,t) coordinates for the texture (left) and texture coordinates assigned to the three vertices of one face of the object (right):

texture coordinates

A THREE.Texture object has a boolean property named flipY that flips the texture in the vertical direction if the value is true. For the synthetic texture above, t would run from 0 at the bottom to 1 at the top in this case.

Exercise: Repeating the pyramid textures

This exercise explores the two methods for repeating textures noted earlier. To begin, download this starting code for the textured pyramid.

Approach 1:   Set the repeat property

Modify the makeTexture() function to enable repetition of the texture:

  • add two inputs to the function, to specify the wrapping style and number of repeats (you can assume that the texture will be repeated the same number of times, and use the same wrapping method, in the horizontal and vertical directions)
  • after the THREE.DataTexture object is created, add code to set the wrapS and wrapT properties to the input wrapping style, and set the repeat property to the input number of repetitions (in both directions)
  • modify the three calls to the makeTexture() function (in the creation of the pyrMaterials array), using multiple wrapping methods and numbers of repeats

Carefully examine your result to be sure you understand why it looks the way it does!

Here is a sample solution

Approach 2:   Modify the texture coordinates directly

Texture repetitions can also be done by directly manipulating the texture coordinates defined in the addTextureCoords() function:

  • first modify your three textures (created with the calls to makeTexture()) to have only one repeat
  • in the addTextureCoords() function, there are 6 calls to the faceCoords() helper function, to add texture coordinates for the three vertices for each of the six triangular faces of the pyramid — modify the inputs to this function by multiplying all of them by 4 (i.e., 0.5 becomes 2 and 1 becomes 4)

What do you observe in your result? What does this tell you about the relationship between the values of s and t and the number of repeats?

Here is the new solution. Be sure to view all of the sides and bottom of the pyramid.

Combining both approaches

What happens if we combine both approaches? Modify your code from Approach 2 to increase the number of repetitions specified in the calls to the makeTexture() function.

How do the two methods for specifying repetitions interact?

Texture Mapping, Surface Color, and Light

Texture mapping adds a pattern of varying lightness or color to a surface. What if the surface itself also has a color with hue, i.e. the color property for THREE.MeshLambertMaterial or THREE.MeshPhongMaterial is not just white or some shade of gray?

And how does texture mapping on a surface interact with light sources in the scene?

The reading said, "the texture is multiplied by the color of the surface." For a single surface location:

  • let (RP, GP, BP) refer to the RGB color specified for the Phong material
  • let (RT, GT, BT) refer to the RGB color of the texture at this location
  • the resulting color is then given by (RP x RT, GP x GT, BP x BT)
In the pyramid scene, the RGB values for the texture range from 0 to 255, and we think of the RGB values for the surface color as ranging from 0 to 1, so the multiplication of the texture color by the surface color values yields smaller values for RGB, corresponding to a darker surface. (Note that we can always "brighten up" surfaces in the scene by increasing the intensity of the light sources.)

More importantly, if any of the R, G, or B values are 0, then the surface will not reflect any of that color component, so the corresponding color component in the image will be 0!

(Optional) Exercise: Texture, surface color, and lights

Experiment with the interaction of texture, surface color, and lights in the pyramid scene:

  • in the makeTexture() function, first add some red to the texture at each location — this can just be a constant value between 0 and 255 (view the result before moving on)
  • change the three materials to Phong material and give them a color with a hue, i.e. not white or a shade of gray (be sure to use non-zero RGB values here)
  • add some ambient light to the scene

How does the texture mapping interact with surface color?

This sample solution uses three different surface colors that have the effect of "toning down" the amount of red, green, and blue, respectively.

Note: You can also change the color appearance of surfaces by adjusting the color composition of the ambient light. Try this!

Next Time

Next time, we'll finish up our exploration of texture mapping with these topics:

  • the interaction of texture, surface color, and lighting
  • mapping textures onto different kinds of surfaces
  • advanced techniques such as the use of bump maps and normal maps