Processing math: 0%
\newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\Choose}[2]{ { { #1 }\choose{ #2 } } } \newcommand{\vecII}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIxII}[4]{\left[ \begin{array}{cc} #1 & #2 \\ #3 & #4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIIxIII}[9]{\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} #1 & #2 & #3 \\ #4 & #5 & #6 \\ #7 & #8 & #9 \end{array}\right]}

Animation: Positional Techniques

A limitation of the derivative approach is that, because time is absent from the computation, you can't have things start and stop, or change direction. The derivative approach works very well for continuous, unchanging models like the bouncing ball and the mass-spring, but not so well for, say, cars that start, speed up, turn, slow down, and stop. To do that, we need to explicitly introduce time as a variable.

In general, what we'd love to have is a position function that tells us where the object is at a particular time. If so, our idle callback could be as simple as:

function updateState() {
    time += deltaT;

Our hypothetical updateModel() function would then use the Time variable as an argument to a function (position in the code below) to compute where everything is supposed to be right now:

function updateModel(time) {
   obj.position.x = position(time);

As a more specific example, consider this:

function updateModel(time) {
   var curr_x = initial_x + velocity_x * time;
   obj.position.x = curr_x;

(Notice that the derivative of the equation for the current position is just velocity, which is what we add to the old position to get the new position.)

For example, suppose we have an object that we want to move smoothly from point A to point B. Using the ideas of parametric equations, and using the time variable as the parameter, we can do something like this:

function updateModel(time) {
    var A = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);      // start of line
    var B = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);      // end of line
    var dir = new THREE.Vector();
    dir.subVectors(B,A);                         // direction is B-A
    var P = new Vector3();
    P.lerp(dir,time);                            // compute P = A + dir*time
    obj.position.copy(P);                        // set position of obj to P

This idea is captured in the UFO, in which a UFO drifts across the scene and fires laser bolts (like photon torpedoes) downwards. The laser bolts are drawn with up to five frames, unless the laser bolt hits something, in which case successively larger spheres are drawn, to represent the explosion. Try it! Look at the code.

What if we want to have the object, such as a car, be motionless for a while, then start moving from A to B, then stop, then do something else, and so on? For this, we need to start thinking about particular values of the Time variable. If Time starts at 0 and increments with each frame, this might mean we want to have the car start at time 15, move from A to B during time units 15 to 25, then stop. Our code would look something like:

function updateModel(time) {
    var A = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);      // start of line
    var B = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);      // end of line
    var dir = new THREE.Vector();
    dir.subVectors(B,A);                         // direction is B-A
    if ( time >= 15 && time <= 25 ) {
        var param = (time-15)/(25-15);
        var P = new Vector3();
        P.lerp(dir,time);                        // compute P = A + dir*time
        obj.position.copy(P);                    // set position of obj to P

Notice the computation of param. Remember that as the parameter for our line goes from 0 to 1, the object moves from A to B. So, we have to map the Time units 15 to 25 onto the time interval [0,1]. This is simply another example of translation and scaling.

You'll notice that in the example above, the object isn't drawn except when the time is between 15 and 25. To take care of this problem just requires a bit more coding.

Solid Objects

One problem is that objects can pass right through each other: we've always been able to draw overlapping objects in OpenGL/WebGL. In order to handle this, your program has to detect collisions (when two objects intersect) and decide what to do (does the moving one stop, bounce off, and if so where?). Computing intersections isn't easy. Imagine computing whether two teapots intersect!

One approximation that can be helpful is to use bounding boxes and bounding spheres. Consider bounding spheres first. If you imagine that each of your objects exists inside a bubble of a particular radius, you can compute the distance between each pair of bubbles, using the Pythagorean Theorem. If the distance between the bubbles is greater than the combined radii of the bubbles, the two objects can't intersect. You can then go on to consider another pair of objects. If the distance isn't greater than the combined radii, the objects may intersect, and you can, if you want, try to do additional geometric tests to determine if they do. In some cases, it might be sufficient to simply use the bounding bubble. Using bounding boxes is similar, although the geometry isn't quite as easy. For example, if the minimum x of one object is greater than the maximum x of the other, they cannot intersect. Considering the other two dimensions gives you a rough idea of whether they can intersect. Thus, bounding boxes give you a quick-and-dirty way to eliminate certain pairs of objects from more exacting geometry tests.

Here's an example:

function updateState() {
    // probably move these precomputations someplace where
    // they will only be done once, instead of every frame
    var A = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);    // start of line
    var B = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);    // end of line
    var obstacle = new THREE.Vector3(...,...,...);
    var object_radius = ?;               // bounding sphere of moving object
    var obstacle_radius = ?;             // bounding sphere of obstacle
    var min_dist = object_radius + obstacle_radius;
    var min_dist2 = min_dist * min_dist       // square of minimum distance
    var dir = ...;                            // direction of motion
    if( time >= 15 && time <= 25 ) {
        var param = (time-15)/(25-15);
        var P = new Vector3();
        P.lerp(dir,time);                     // compute P = A + dir*time
        if( P.distanceToSquared(obstacle) < min_dist2 )
             return;                          // stop instantly                                             
        obj.position.copy(P);                 // set position of obj to P

You'll notice that we compute the squared distance between the moving object and the obstacle and compare this with the minimum distance. The reason for this is that square roots are computationally expensive, compared to squaring and adding, so avoiding it when possible can be worthwhile.

In this example, the object just stops moving when it hits the obstacle. It doesn't have any of the effects of real-world collisions, like bouncing off, crumpling, or whatever. We need a physics engine at some point, to compute the effects of these collisions. There are many open-source physics engines out there. Dirksen's book describes one.


One thing you may have considered is that if the scene is complex to draw, it will take more time, and if it's simple to draw, it will take less time. We request another animation frame as soon as the current frame is drawn, so simple scenes will run faster than complex scenes. If we want the program to run at a more predictable rate, the animation frame approach won't work well. Instead, we can use timers:

For many years, browsers have supported a function called setInterval(), which is just the tool we need.

Here's an example:

var intervalID = setInterval(redraw, 500);

The setInterval() function is similar in many ways to the requestAnimationFrame() function: it takes a function as its input and runs that function later. In fact, in the example above, it runs the redraw() function every 500 milliseconds (half a second). Using this, your animation will run at a predictable rate on a wide variety of browsers and graphics cards. Two caveats:

  • If your function takes longer to run than the interval you chose, the different executions will overlap, which will probably produce a mess. We are using setInterval() because we don't want the code to run too fast, so hopefully, the problem of it running too slowly won't occur, but on an underpowered device, it could happen. If you are worried about this, your redraw() function could check to see whether the previous execution finished.
  • If you want the animation to run very fast, you might be tempted to try an interval of only, say, 2 milliseconds, so that it would render 500 times per second. Wow, that would be awesome, wouldn't it?! Alas, most monitors are only going to refresh 60-100 times per second, so at best, you might be able to have an interval of 10 milliseconds, but more likely 16 or 17 ms, which gets you a frame rate of 60 fps (frames per second).

Double Buffering

To animate smoothly, we need to use double-buffering. In the old days, this was not automatic, but nowadays it's pretty much taken care of by the graphics card and/or the browser. So this section is somewhat theoretical and historical. All of our Three.js programs have used double-buffering, even though we didn't know it, but now we'll learn about why they do, and the effects of not using double-buffering.

Without double-buffering, the display can flicker terribly. What causes the flickering?

The graphics system is constantly erasing and redrawing the scene. The monitor is constantly refreshing the screen. (Most modern monitors refresh between 50-100 times per second, so every 10 to 20 milliseconds.) If the screen is refreshed when the new image is only partly drawn (this includes filling areas in the framebuffer), you'll see, briefly, that partial image. That's what causes the flicker.

The solution is to somehow "synchronize" the two so that the monitor never draws an incomplete image. The way this is done is:

  • the monitor reads out from the "front" buffer, while
  • the graphics system draws into the "back" buffer, and when it's done,
  • they swap

The names "front" and "back" buffer are conventional: the front buffer is the one that is "on stage" and the back buffer is the one that is being prepared for the next scene.

Throughout this course, our Three.js programs have executed OpenGL/WebGL code that does the following:

  • glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE, ... ) in the main() method, and
  • glutSwapBuffers() at the end of the display() method.

The first tells OpenGL that you want to use double-buffering, so it sets up two buffers and automatically draws in the "back" buffer. The second says that the program is done drawing in the back buffer and swaps it with the front buffer. The combination means that when we do animations or even just move the viewpoint with the mouse, we don't get any flicker.

Note: if you were using double buffering and you forgot to do glutSwapBuffers(), your screen would be blank! Why? Because you would be drawing in the back buffer and there is nothing in the front buffer.

Perhaps the only reason to ever use single-buffering is when you know you're only drawing a static scene and you're short on memory on the graphics card, but this is pretty rare nowadays.

Note that this double-buffering idea is a general notion that is also used in database I/O and lots of other areas of CS.