Unit Camera Movement
Suppose that we are using the mouse and keyboard callbacks (we'll
combine the two soon). When the mouse is in the left half of the window,
a key press or mouse click means move to the left,
and similarly if
the mouse is in the right half of the window. (In the gaming community,
this sort of movement is known
as strafing.)
Also, if the mouse is in the upper half of the window, a key press or
mouse click means move up,
and similarly an action in the lower
half means move down.
Assuming (for the sake of simplicity), that
the camera is facing down the $-Z$ axis, how can we implement this sort of
First, we need to know how big the window is, so that we can know where the middle is. Let's set up global variables to record this. These could be constants, but if we want to allow the user to reshape the window, we would set up a reshape event handler (another DOM event; we'll leave that aside for now) that would modify these values if the window changes size.
var winWidth = 400; var winHeight = 200;
Assume that the camera is set up using at
and eye
points, as we did back when we learned that API.
var eye = THREE.Vector3(...); var at = THREE.Vector3(...);
Our callback function can then operate as shown below. Note how this enforces our assumption that the camera is always facing parallel to $-Z$.
function onMouseClick (event) { ... // compute (cx,cy) var x = cx - winWidth/2 var y = winHeight/2 - cy; moveX( x > 0 ? +1 : - 1); moveY( y > 0 ? +1 : - 1); TW.render(); } function moveX (amount) { eye.translateX(amount); at.translateX(amount); } function moveZ (amount) { eye.translateZ(amount); at.translateZ(amount); }
Let's focus on the first two lines of the callback function.
Essentially what we're doing is mapping to a coordinate system where (0,0)
is in the center of the window, $x$ increases to the right and $y$
increases up (whew!). This easily divides the window into the four signed
quadrants that we're used to. See this figure:
We can map the mouse coordinates to a coordinate system where
the center is (0,0) and the $x$ coordinate can range from negative
half the window width (-WW/2) to positive half the window width (WW/2),
and similarly the $y$ coordinate ranges from negative half the window
height (-WH/2) to positive half the window height (WH/2).
The rest of the callback is straightforward.
Proportional Camera Movement
In the previous section, we're throwing away a lot of information when we just use the sign of the mouse coordinates. Why not move the camera a lot if the mouse click is far from the center, but only a little if it is close to the center? That is, we could make the amount of movement proportional to the distance from the center. Now our mouse is becoming useful. Building on the ideas from the previous section, our coding is fairly straightforward.
Recall that the maximum absolute value of the mouse coordinates is half
the window width or height. If someone clicks at the extreme edge and we
want that to result in, say, the camera moving by maxX
or maxY
units, we can arrange for that with a straightforward
mathematical mapping. We first map the $x$ and $y$ coordinates onto the
range [-1,1] by dividing by their maximum value. Then, multiply that by
the largest amount we would want to move. (Call that the xSpeed
The JavaScript code is as follows:
var xSpeed = 3.0; // just an example var ySpeed = 4.0; // just an example function onMouseClick (event) { ... // compute (cx,cy) var x = cx - winWidth/2 var y = winHeight/2 - cy; moveX(xSpeed * x/(winWidth/2)); moveY(ySpeed * y/(winHeight/2));
Oh, that's so much better! We even avoid the ternary operator.
Thus, if the user clicks in the middle of the lower right quadrant (the
$+-$ quadrant), $x$ will have a value of $+0.5$ and $y$ will have a value
of $-0.5$, and so moveX
will be invoked with 1.5
and moveY
with -2.0.
Of course, we're not limited to a linear proportionality function. If, for example, we used a quadratic function of the distance, mouse clicks near the center could result in slow, fine movements, while clicks far from the center could result in quick, big movements. This could be useful in some applications.
Picking and Projection
So far, our interaction has been only to move the camera, but suppose
we want to interact with the objects in the scene. For example, we want
to click on a vertex and operate on it (move, delete, inspect, or
copy it, or whatever). The notion of clicking
on a vertex is the
crucial part, and is technically known as picking, because we
must pick one vertex out of the many vertices in our scene. Once a vertex
is picked, we can then operate on it. We can also imagine picking line
segments, polygons, whole objects or whatever. For now, let's imagine we
want to pick a vertex.
Picking is hard because the mouse location is given in window coordinates, which are in a 2D coordinate system, no matter how we translate and scale the coordinate system. The objects we want to pick are in our scene, in world coordinates. What connects these two coordinate systems? Projection. The 3D scene is projected to 2D window coordinates when it is rendered.
Actually, the projection is first to normalized device coordinates or NDC. NDC has the x, y, and z coordinates range over [-1,1].
You might wonder about the existence of the z coordinate. Since we've projected from 3D to 2D, aren't all the z values the same? Actually, the projection process retains the information about how far the point is by retaining the z coordinate. The view plane (the near plane) corresponds to an NDC z coordinate of -1, and the far plane to an NDC z coordinate of +1.
The NDC coordinates are important because OpenGL will allow us to unproject a location. To unproject is the reverse of the projection operation. Since projecting takes a point in 3D and determines the 2D point (on the image plane) it projects to, the unproject operation goes from 2D to 3D, finding a point in the view volume that projects to that 2D point.
Obviously, unprojecting an (x,y) location (say, the location of a mouse click) is an under-determined problem, since every point along a whole line from the near plane to the far plane projects to that point. However, we can unproject an (x,y,z) location on the image plane to a point in the view volume. That z value is one we can specify in our code, rather than derive it from the mouse click location.
Suppose we take our mouse click, (mx,my), and unproject two points, one using z=0, corresponding to the near plane, and one using z=1, corresponding to the far plane. (At some point, the API changed from NDC to something similar but with z in [0,1].)
var projector = new THREE.Projector(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(...); function pick (mx,my) { var clickPositionNear = new THREE.Vector3( mx, my, 0 ); var clickPositionFar = new THREE.Vector3( mx, my, 1 ); projector.unprojectVector(clickPositionNear, camera); projector.unprojectVector(clickPositionFar, camera); ... }
What this does is take the mouse click location, (mx,my), and find one
point on the near plane and another on the far plane. The
Three.js Projector
object's unprojectVector()
method modifies the first argument to unproject it using the
given camera.
Thought question: If we drew a line between those two unprojected points, what would we see? Here's a demo that does exactly that:
Ray Intersection
Our next step in picking is to take the line between those two points,
and intersect that line with all the objects in the scene. The
Three.js library has a Raycaster
object that has a method
that will take a point and a vector and intersect it with a set of
objects. It returns a list of all the objects that the ray intersects,
sorted in order of distance from the given point, so the first element
of the returned list is, presumably, the object we want to pick.
The Three.js library comes with an example that demonstrates this very nicely:
You're encouraged to look at the code for that example.
The example that allows you to click to create points and click-and-drag to move them employs all of these techniques:
draw moveable points with shift+click
Event Bubbling
In this reading, we've always bound the listeners to
the document
, but if your graphics application is running
in a canvas on a larger page that has other things going on, you might
bind the listener to some parent of the canvas instead. An issue
that can arise is that the other applications may also bind
the document
and then both event handlers might
get invoked. This is called event bubbling. If you want to
learn more, you might start with
the Quirk Mode
page on Event Bubbling. There are, of course, other explanations on
the web as well.