from bpy import context CONTEXT = { 0: { 'title': "Error Message", 'icon': 'CANCEL' }, 1: { 'title': "Warning Message", 'icon': 'ERROR' # I prefer this icon for warnings }, 2: { 'title': "Message", 'icon': 'NONE' }, 3: { 'title': "Question", 'icon': 'QUESTION' } } def error(message, title="", wrap=40): """Creates an error dialog. :param message: text of the message body :param title: text to append to the title (Default value = "") :param wrap: line width (Default value = 40) """ _draw(message, title, wrap, 0) def warning(message, title="", wrap=40): """Creates an error dialog. :param message: text of the message body :param title: text to append to the title (Default value = "") :param wrap: line width (Default value = 40) """ _draw(message, title, wrap, 1) def info(message, title="", wrap=40): """Creates an error dialog. :param message: text of the message body :param title: text to append to the title (Default value = "") :param wrap: line width (Default value = 40) """ _draw(message, title, wrap, 2) def question(message, title="", wrap=40): """Creates an error dialog. :param message: text of the message body :param title: text to append to the title (Default value = "") :param wrap: line width (Default value = 40) """ _draw(message, title, wrap, 3) # Great idea borrowed from # def _draw(message, title, wrap, key): """ :type message: str :type title: str :type wrap: int :type key: int """ lines = [] if wrap > 0: while len(message) > wrap: i = message.rfind(' ', 0, wrap) if i == -1: lines += [message[:wrap]] message = message[wrap:] else: lines += [message[:i]] message = message[i+1:] if message: lines += [message] def draw(self, *args): """ :param self: :param *args: """ for line in lines: self.layout.label(line) title = "%s: %s" % (title, CONTEXT[key]['title']) icon = CONTEXT[key]['icon'] context.window_manager.popup_menu( draw, title=title.strip(), icon=icon)