#!/bin/bash # you must have blender setup to run from the command line command -v blender >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Blender is not accessible from the command line. Aborting."; exit 1; } export JSON=`python -c "import tempfile;print(tempfile.mktemp(prefix='$TAG.', suffix='.json'))"` export BLENDER_USER_SCRIPTS=$(cd "$DIR/../../"; pwd) # set the root for blend files export BLEND=$(cd "$DIR/../blend"; pwd) # set the python script to exec in batch export PYSCRIPT="$DIR/exporter.py" function makereview() { if [ ! -f "$JSON" ]; then echo "no json, export error suspected" exit 1 fi python3 "$DIR/review.py" $JSON $@ } function tagname() { tag=`basename $0` tag=${tag#test_} tag=${tag%%.*} echo $tag }