/*Sarah Abraham .h file for Library Metal Gear Rex 11/6/05 #Added bezier surfaces to its feet, making them rounded 11/25/05 #Moved around some of the comments for convenience #Made the drawRex function take three color values as parameters This is based on the mech design Metal Gear Rex from the video game, Metal Gear Solid. */ // put a semi-colon there, not a brace void drawRex (twTriple main, twTriple light, twTriple dark) { /* This command draws the actual mech. Takes three twTriples as parameters, which represent the main, light and dark colorings of the mech. -Origin at bottom right corner of its right lower leg. -Rex Size (estimated): Height > 4.5, Width > 3.5, Length < 9 Here is a listing of the parts as referred to in the coding: Lower Right Leg - right leg, bottom part that touches ground Right Leg Extension - back part of right leg that also touches ground Upper Right Leg - right leg, upper part that connects to torso Lower Left Leg - left leg, bottom part that touches ground Upper Left Leg - left leg, upper part that connects to torso Bottom Torso - lower part of torso, where legs connect Upper Torso - upper part of torso, where arms and head connect Right Arm - actually just an incredibly big gun on right side Left Arm - nuke launcher on left side Head - cockpit, placed in the middle of the upper torso */