
What challenges are there with using traditional testing to find bugs in systems with concurrency?

Think, then click!

Example: Workday registration

Consider a server that implements Workday course list and registration functionality.

The server needs to be able to communicate with multiple clients simultaneously (e.g., two students accessing Workday's student view via their laptops at the same time).

What does the implementation on the server need to do to service multiple clients at the same time?

Think, then click!

Use concurrency: specifically, processes (heavier weight, default to distinct memory spaces) or threads (multiple threads can run in the same process, threads share a single memory space within the process).

For simplicity, we will consider the case of there being two student clients, each with one thread assigned to handle that client.

When is it fine for the two students to do operations at the same time, without any special changes to the server code?

Think, then click!

If both students are just observing (reading but not writing/modifying) data, then it is fine for both threads to access global data at the same time.

Problems happen when one or more students try to modify global data at the same time!

Now consider two people trying to register for the same class in Workday, with cap 18 and current enrollment 17.

Imagine the server had the following code, run by each independent thread:

if (class_is_not_full(class_id)) {
    allow_student_to_enroll(class_id, student_id);
} else {

What problem can happen when two threads execute this code around the same time?

Think, then click!

Both threads could get to the line class_is_not_full and get the answer true, since the class has 17 students with a cap of 18.

Both threads then proceed to call allow_student_to_enroll, and we end up with 19 students in a course capped at 18!

We need to add in some sort of synchronization or enforcement of mutual exclusion for these lines of code:

if (class_is_not_full(class_id)) {
    allow_student_to_enroll(class_id, student_id);
} else { ...

Our goal should be that at any moment in time, at most one thread is executing these lines of code.

By convention, we call these areas where we desire no overlapping threads to be the "critical section".

Strategies for protecting critical sections

The idea of protecting critical sections is something you have likely seen before, maybe with the name "locking".

In many languages, locking is implemented with a "mutex", which stands for "mutual exclusion". In the rest of this lecture, we will consider algorithms for actually implementing mutual exclusion.

We will assume:

  1. Thread can access shared global information, and that thread actions can happen simultaneously and with any ordering between different threads' actions.
  2. An abstract notion of the critical section, where each thread can be either in the critical section (CS), not in the critical section, or trying to enter the CS but waiting.

First attempt at a mutex algorithm

Here is a first, initial attempt at a mutual exclusion algorithm.

Alg 1

if the other thread is in the CS: while (other_in_CS()) {} // Loop until CS is clear try again else: enter CS do work in CS leave CS

Now, let's model Alg 1 in Alloy:

// Model for Alg 1
abstract sig State {}
one sig Uninterested, Waiting, InCriticalSection extends State {}
// Uninterested: the student is just viewing data, not trying to enter the critical section

// InCriticalSection: the thread is actually making some critical changes for the student

// Waiting: another thread was already in the critical section when this one wanted to enter

abstract sig Step {}
one sig Attempt, EnterAfterW, Leave, Nothing extends Step {}

abstract sig Thread {
  var state: State,
  var whichStep: Step, // step taken: per thread => multiple threads can take steps at once
one sig ThreadA, ThreadB extends Thread {}

pred init {
  // Start all threads are uninterested 
  all t: Thread | t.state = Uninterested

fact validTraces {
  init // outside of any temporal operator: applies to the first step (0)

  // Fill in validTraces
     // Difference: *all* threads simultaneously get to choose what to do
     (all t: Thread | 
        attempt[t] or
        enterCSAfterWaiting[t] or
        leave[t] or 

run { some t: Thread | eventually leave[t] }

----- Transition predicates, for concurrency: choosing to make per thread
// Different modeling style: we aren't globally talking about "state" and "state' "
// Splitting the obligation to talk about the variable sig state/state' over each predicate
// This works because validTraces says *all* threads take a transition, not some thread
pred attempt[t: Thread] {
  -- Preconditions for this to apply
  t.state = Uninterested 
  -- Actions that it does on the system
  // No threads at all currently in the critical section
  no (state.InCriticalSection) => // TODO
      // Fill this in
      t.state' = InCriticalSection
  some (state.InCriticalSection) => // TODO  
      t.state' = Waiting
  t.whichStep = Attempt
run attempt for 5 
pred enterCSAfterWaiting[t: Thread] {
  -- Preconditions for this to apply
  t.state = Waiting
  no state.InCriticalSection // No other threads in CS

  -- Actions that it does on the system
  t.state' = InCriticalSection

  t.whichStep = EnterAfterW

pred leave[t: Thread] {
  -- Precondition
  t.state = InCriticalSection

  -- Action
  t.state' = Uninterested
  t.whichStep = Leave

// Different: instead of global "doNothing", specific "doesNothing (given thread)"
pred doesNothing[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = t.state
  t.whichStep = Nothing

When we run attempt, we see that we already have a bad trace! Both threads are initially uninterested, then both take the attempt transition from state 0 to state 1, putting both threads into the critical section at the same time.

Whenever we see a fishy instance like this, we need to decide whether it is caused by one of two distinct things:

  1. The algorithm/system we are modeling is fine, but our model is incomplete or under-constrained, and allows bad behavior that is not actually present in the real system.
  2. The algorithm/system we are modeling has a real bug, which our model has correctly uncovered.

Deciding between these two root causes is a skill that develops with practice. To decide, we need to look at the specific instance (and trace) and compare it to the real algorithm/system to see if we think that trace is actually possible (and problematic).

Here, nothing in Alg 1 stops both threads from simultaneously entering the critical section! This means we are in a Scenario 2: a real bug that our model correctly spotted!

Alg 1 is unsound (soundness here: at most 1 thread in the CS at once)!!

Alg 1 essentially copies the problem of mutual exclusion from the specific application code (e.g., class_is_not_full timing) to the mutex implementation code, without actually doing anything to force threads to not overlap.

Next attempt: polite threads

The core idea behind how to fix Alg 1 comes from how we as humans negotiate access to shared resources, for example, speaking time in a Zoom meeting.

In a Zoom meeting with lots of opinions, if everyone just begins speaking whenever they have a thought (and momentarily no one else is talking), we would have a lot of overlapping speech.

How do humans solve this problem?

Think, then click!

We raise our hands before we speak!

If we raise our hand then check that no one else has their hand raised, we can be confident that its now our turn to speak.

The real algorithm that implements one type of mutex is based on this idea: each thread gets an extra bit of state to model a flag that it can have raised when it is interested in entering the CS.

Consider the updated pseudocode below:

Alg 2

while(true) { [state: uninterested] this.flag = true; [state: waiting] while(other.flag == true); [state: in critical section] // Do work in the critical section this.flag = false; }

When a thread becomes interested in entering the critical section, it sets its flag bit to true. The thread waits to enter the CS until the other thread's flag is false. The thread then enters the CS, does work, then once done executing the CS work, the thread lowers its flag.

This version works, but can deadlock, which we will demonstrate next class.

To start us off, our new model begins like this:

// Start of model for Alg 2

abstract sig State {}
one sig Uninterested, Waiting, InCriticalSection extends State {}

// New set of steps: Raise and Enter
abstract sig Step {}
one sig Raise, Enter, Leave, Nothing extends Step {}

abstract sig Thread {
  var state: State,
  var whichStep: Step,
  // type is boolean => instead have a new external sig that models a subset, "in" 
one sig ThreadA, ThreadB extends Thread {}

// Instead of a per-thread boolean, we model the set of threads with their 
// flags raised as a non-exclusive subset.
var sig FlagsRaised in Thread {}

----- Transition predicates, for concurrency: choosing to make per thread
pred raiseFlag[t: Thread] {
  -- Preconditions for this to apply
  t.state = Uninterested 
  -- Actions that it does on the system
  t.state' = Waiting
  t in FlagsRaised'
  t.whichStep = Raise

Completing our model of Alg 2

Here is the final model we got to in class for Alg 2:

// Alg 2
abstract sig State {}
one sig Uninterested, Waiting, InCriticalSection extends State {}

abstract sig Step {}
one sig Raise, Enter, Leave, Nothing extends Step {}

abstract sig Thread {
  var state: State,
  var whichStep: Step,
  // flag raised type is boolean 
  // => instead have a new external sig that models a subset, "in", FlagsRaised
one sig ThreadA, ThreadB extends Thread {}

var sig FlagsRaised in Thread {}

pred init {
  // Start all threads are uninterested 
  all t: Thread | t.state = Uninterested
  no FlagsRaised

fact validTraces {
  init // outside of any temporal operator: applies to the first step (0)

  // Fill in validTraces
     // Difference: *all* threads simultaneously get to choose what to do
     (all t: Thread | 
         raiseFlag[t] or
         enter[t] or
        leave[t] or 

//run { some t: Thread | eventually leave[t] }

----- Transition predicates, for concurrency: choosing to make per thread

pred raiseFlag[t: Thread] {
  -- Preconditions for this to apply
  t.state = Uninterested 
  -- Actions that it does on the system
  t.state' = Waiting
  t in FlagsRaised'
  t.whichStep = Raise

pred enter[t: Thread] {
  // Preconditions for this to apply
  t.state = Waiting
  no FlagsRaised - t // no t2:Thread | t2 != t and t2 in FlagsRaised

  // Actions that it does on the system
  t.state' = InCriticalSection
  t in FlagsRaised' //   t in FlagsRaised' <=> t in FlagsRaised
  t.whichStep = Enter

// Just "run enter" does not work because it's inconsistent with init
// Need an "eventually" to allow this to be the 2nd step 
run {some t: Thread | eventually leave[t] } for 5
// Different modeling style: we aren't globally talking about "state" and "state' "
// Splitting the obligation to talk about the variable sig state/state' over each predicate
// This will work because validTraces will say *all* threads take a transition, not some thread

pred leave[t: Thread] {
  // Precondition
  t.state = InCriticalSection

  -- Action
  t.state' = Uninterested
  t.whichStep = Leave
  t not in FlagsRaised'

// Different: instead of global "doNothing", specific "doesNothing (given thread)"
pred doesNothing[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = t.state
  t.whichStep = Nothing
  t in FlagsRaised' <=> t in FlagsRaised
  // Don't want: FlagsRaised' = FlagsRaised

// Safety property : no bad things happen: now passes! Fails for Alg 1
assert noOverlappingInCriticalSection {
  // Critical section should never have more than one thread in it 
  // 4 different but equivalent ways to say the same thing. Any 1 would work 
  // on its own.
  always { lone InCriticalSection.~state }  
  always { lone state.InCriticalSection } 
    {not (ThreadA.state = InCriticalSection and ThreadB.state = InCriticalSection)}
    {no disj t1, t2 : Thread | t1.state = InCriticalSection and t2.state = InCriticalSection}

check noOverlappingInCriticalSection

Problem: deadlock

Alg 2 now satisfies the safety property of never having overlapping threads in the critical section, but we suspect it might have another type of problem: what happens if both processes raise their flags at once?

Both processes being unable to make progress would be a state of deadlock. That is the violation of a liveness property, rather than the violation of a safety property.

A Safety property: a bad thing never happens. Examples: a garbage collector never allows a use-after-free, a mutual exclusion algorithm never allows overlapping threads in the critical section.

A Liveness property: a good thing eventually happens. A mutual exclusion algorithm eventually allows some interested thread to enter the critical section, e.g., prevents deadlock.

A deadlock state is one where no further useful transitions are possible; it is a violation of a liveness property. How can we ask Alloy to find out if there is a reachable deadlock state? There are two challenges:

  1. How do we phrase the constraint, in terms of the transition predicates?
  2. Given that we already allow a doNothing transition predicate, how to we determine whether a trace ends in a doNothing loop to satisfy the lasso property despite other transitions being possible (not a deadlock), vs a true deadlock where threads are stuck in doNothing without any possibility of process being made?

We'll first just consider how we can force a given model to always make progress.

Distinction: ensuring progress vs checking for deadlock

If you just want to ensure that your model always can make progress, e.g., for the Modeling 5 Task 1, one strategy is to just add to your facts that progress is eventually made.

For example, for the ring election you might write something like this:

always {
  // Until the election is over, every process
  // will eventually get some update.
  not someProcessWon =>
    all p: Process | 
      eventually not doNothing[p]

Or this, depending on your model:

always {
  // Until the election is over, every process
  // will eventually get some update.
  all p: Process | 
    some p2: Process |
      processWon[p2] or 
      eventually receiveUpdate[p]

Finding deadlocked instances

Another more explicit way to find whether a model can deadlock is to draw a distinct of when our transition predicates are possible, instead of just when they occur.

We already had begun to split up each predicate into preconditions and actions. We can actually use this to separate out the preconditions of each useful, non-do-nothing transition predicate to help us find cases where the model gets stuck in a deadlock.

We can then add the following check for deadlock:

assert noDeadlock {always 
    (some t: Thread |
      canRaiseFlag[t] or canEnterCriticalSection[t] or canLeaveCriticalSection[t]))

check noDeadlock for 5

The full model of Alg 2 including the check for deadlock:

abstract sig State {}
one sig Uninterested, Waiting, InCriticalSection extends State {}

abstract sig Thread {
  var state: State,
one sig ThreadA, ThreadB extends Thread {}

var sig FlagsRaised in Thread {}

pred init {
  all t: Thread | t.state = Uninterested
  no FlagsRaised 

// Distinct precondition
pred canRaiseFlag[t: Thread] {
    t.state = Uninterested
pred raiseFlag[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = Waiting
  t in FlagsRaised'

run { some t: Thread | eventually raiseFlag[t] } for 5

pred canEnterCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
  t.state = Waiting 
  FlagsRaised in t -- no other Threads have their flag raised
pred enterCriticalSection[t: Thread] {

  t.state' = InCriticalSection 
  t in  FlagsRaised' 

pred canLeaveCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
    t.state = InCriticalSection    
pred leaveCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = Uninterested    
  t not in FlagsRaised'

pred doesNothing[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = t.state
  t in FlagsRaised'  <=>  t in  FlagsRaised

fact validTraces {
  always (all t: Thread | 
     raiseFlag[t] or enterCriticalSection[t] or leaveCriticalSection[t] or 

assert noOverlap {always 
  (not (ThreadA.state = InCriticalSection and ThreadB.state = InCriticalSection))

check noOverlap for 5

assert noDeadlock {always 
    (some t: Thread |
      canRaiseFlag[t] or canEnterCriticalSection[t] or canLeaveCriticalSection[t]))

check noDeadlock for 5

Fixing deadlock

To fix this deadlock, we'd need to model the final bit of state used by a real algorithm for implementing mutual exclusion, the Peterson Lock.

The idea is to have one extra bit of global state, called turn, such that if both threads have their flags raised at the same time, the one whose turn it is goes first.

We ran out of time to (correctly) implement this in class, but here is one possible model:

abstract sig State {}
one sig Uninterested, Waiting, InCriticalSection extends State {}

abstract sig Thread {
  var state: State,
one sig ThreadA, ThreadB extends Thread {}

var sig FlagsRaised in Thread {}

one var sig Turn in Int {}

fact {
  always {
    Turn = 0 or Turn = 1

pred init {
  all t: Thread | t.state = Uninterested
  no FlagsRaised 

// Distinct precondition
pred canRaiseFlag[t: Thread] {
    t.state = Uninterested
pred raiseFlag[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = Waiting
  t in FlagsRaised'
  t = ThreadA => Turn' = 1
  t = ThreadB => Turn' = 0

run { some t: Thread | eventually raiseFlag[t] } for 5

pred canEnterCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
  t.state = Waiting 
  FlagsRaised in t or 
  ((t = ThreadA) and (Turn = 1)) or  
  ((t = ThreadB) and (Turn = 0))
-- no other Threads have their flag raised
-- or its our turn to go first
pred enterCriticalSection[t: Thread] {

  t.state' = InCriticalSection 
  t in  FlagsRaised' 
  Turn' = Turn

pred canLeaveCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
    t.state = InCriticalSection    
pred leaveCriticalSection[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = Uninterested    
  t not in FlagsRaised'
  Turn' = Turn

pred doesNothing[t: Thread] {
  t.state' = t.state
  t in FlagsRaised'  <=>  t in  FlagsRaised
  Turn' = Turn

fact validTraces {
  always (all t: Thread | 
     raiseFlag[t] or enterCriticalSection[t] or leaveCriticalSection[t] or 

assert noOverlap {always 
  (not (ThreadA.state = InCriticalSection and ThreadB.state = InCriticalSection))

check noOverlap for 5

assert noDeadlock {always 
    (some t: Thread |
      canRaiseFlag[t] or canEnterCriticalSection[t] or canLeaveCriticalSection[t]))

check noDeadlock for 5