Documentation of software tools used in CS 341:

Code must run on

Unless otherwise noted, all projects for the course will be tested on, where all necessary tools are installed. You are welcome to work anywhere you want. Many projects will work on Linux, macOS, or maybe WSL, but you should verify that your code behaves as expected on

For minimum fuss, we suggest working remotely via SSH to Use whatever method you prefer to connect and edit code. If you are not familiar with a method, try VSCode and its Remote Development extension.

First-Time Account Setup for CS 341

To configure your CS account permanently1 to find CS 341 tools, SSH to and run the command:

source /home/cs341/live/env/init/

Do this once.

Live Remote Collaborative Editing

To collaborate remotely with group members, I suggest one of the following:

  1. Use the Live Share extension for VSCode, Teletype for Atom, or another similar extension for your favorite editor, while you fire up your preferred application for video/audio communication.
  2. The “driver” shares their screen via Zoom while other group members give suggestions.
  3. Use Git, GitHub, and other communication streams to work asynchronously.

General Tools

C Language and Tools

  1. If you prefer to use the CS 341 tools only in the current shell session, then run the command source /home/cs341/live/env/init/ instead; run this command in each shell session where you want to use the CS 341 tools. If you need to remove the permanent account configuration, edit ~/.bash_profile to remove the lines marked as related to CS 341.