Minecraft Mechanics
- Mining
- Building
- Advancements (achievements)
- Visibility
- Lighting
- Draw limit
- Day/night cycle
- Navigation
- Walking/running
- Jumping
- Climbing
- Swimming
- Portals
- Doors
- Vehicles
- Block Interactions
- Machinery
- Portal creation
- Lava
- Fire
- Beacons & Conduits
- Agriculture
- Pets + Livestock
- Fishing
- Farming
- Planting/harvesting crops
- Tilling/irrigating soil
- Items + Collection
- Picking up items
- Inventory
- Equipment
- Consumption
- Special Item Mechanics
- Flint + steel
- Fishing rod
- Potions
- Storage (chests)
- Maps
- Books
- Enchanting
- Crafting
- Cooking/smelting
- Crafting blocks
- Crafting items
- Dyeing
- Difficulty settings and modes
- Creative
- Survival
- Adventure
- Water
- Transporting things
- Swimming/sailing
- Drowning
- Source vs. flow blocks; propagation
- Experience
- Drops from mobs
- Drops from smelting
- Used for enchantment
- Weather
- Geography
- Terrain generation
- Structure generation
- Mobs
- Spawning
- Based on light levels/terrain
- Spawners
- Spawn eggs
- Drop loot + XP
- Take damage
- AI/behavior
- Neutral Mob AI (flee when attacked)
- Special Mob AI (dolphins/pandas)
- Villager AI (flee/gossip)
- Hostile mob AI (attack on sight/explode)
- Reactive mob AI (zombie pigmen and wolves)
- Friendly mob AI (Iron/snow golems)
- Interactions with environment (eating grass, damaged by cacti, etc.)
- Interactions with other mobs
- Villagers
- Trading
- Gossip
- Farming
- Jobs
- Raids
- Health
- Satiation
- Raw vs. cooked foods
- Food poisoning
- Healing/damage from being full/starving
- Death
- Drop items
- Lose + drop XP
- Respawn (at bed or global spawn point)
- Beds
- Generation
- Biomes
- Terrain
- Structures
Dynamics/Operational Logics
- Renewable/non-renewable resources
- Item value & rarity
- Collection/accumulation
- Reshaping the world
- Marking the world
- Water
- 3D terrain
- Climates/ecosystems
- Day/night cycle
- Architecture + aesthetics
- Crafting requires no skill, usually no time, and almost no equipment.
- Innate abilities cannot be improved.
- [META] Death does not reset anything.
- Exploration
Interest Areas
- Hannah: Mobs
- Ohana: Collection/accumulation and reshaping
- Christine: Advancements
- Peter: Mapping/exploration
- Write 1--3 paragraph summaries of your interest area's relationship to colonialism by Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
- Mobs, aggro, and AI
- Us/them mindset
- Power imbalance
- Imaginative geography
- No way to claim land
- Emotional attachment to things you build
- Creepers
- Why collect if the upgrade loop is short?
- Place things in the world in a way you recognize even if the game doesn't.
- Access to infinite resources not because they're renewable but because the world is infinite.
- No concept of world belonging to anyone but players.
- This is complicated because we don't want to assume land is always owned.
- Emotionally there's a sense of claiming stuff in Minecraft
- Things like chests lead to claiming territory
- Playing "as intended" leads to claiming territory
- There's no push-back
- You collect resources from other places too
- Amount of hours spent is far in excess of complexity of tech tree/campaign
- You're really the only one that moves blocks around significantly.
- Categorized achievements
- Killing things
- Exploration
- Crafting
- Animal interactions (?)
- Ones that involve killing and ones that don't?
- Acquisition of goods/collection
- Miscellaneous
- Actions (eat/wear/spawn/dye/play music/wear)
- Xbox has numerical values (% numeric / % value):
- Killing -> 14% / 15%
- Exploration -> 9% / 10%
- Crafting -> 17% / 13%
- Animal interactions -> 15% / 13%
- Acquisition -> 7% / 8%
- Actions -> 24% / 22%