Elena Machkasova and Franklyn Turbak.
A Calculus for Link-Time Compilation.
Programming Languages and Systems: 9th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2000.
Published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1782 ,
Gert Smolka (Ed.)
We present a module calculus
for studying a simple model of link-time compilation. The
calculus is stratified into
a term calculus, a
core module calculus, and a linking calculus.
At each level, we
show that the calculus
enjoys a computational soundness property:
if two terms are equivalent in the calculus, then they
have the same outcome in a
small-step operational semantics.
This implies that any module transformation
justified by the calculus is meaning preserving.
This result is interesting because recursive
module bindings thwart confluence at two levels of our calculus, and
prohibit application of the traditional technique for
showing computational soundness, which requires confluence.
We introduce a new technique, based on
properties we call lift and project
that uses a weaker notion of confluence with respect to
evaluation to establish computational soundness for our
module calculus.
We also introduce the weak distributivity property
for a transformation T operating on modules
D1 and D2 linked by +:
T(D1 + D2) = T(T(D1) + T(D2)).
We argue that this property finds
promising candidates for link-time optimizations.
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