
The Context class and related functions which form the backbone of the testing process.


A Context represents a specific situation derived from other contexts and ultimately submitted and/or solution code. potluck.rubrics.Goal objects actually evaluate things, but they depend on one or more contexts to provide material to be evaluated.

For example, a typical unit test consists of a potluck.rubrics.ComparisonTest which runs a checker function on the 'value' and 'ref_value' context keys in a Context which is created by running the function to test with particular arguments (it will run the submitted function to generate a 'value' entry and the solution function to generate a ref_value entry). This Context will in turn depend on another Context which loads the submitted and solution modules so that they are ready for testing, etc.

In general, Context objects will form a directed acyclic graph of dependencies, and because they cache their results, duplicate work is avoided. Context objects also have user-facing text to describe how they are derived, as well as the ability to explain their results to the user.

Although Context objects represent the abstract idea of a certain test result, the actual value of that result is stored in a context dictionary, which is created and cached by the Context and supplied to Goal objects on-demand.

   2The `Context` class and related functions which form the backbone of the
   3testing process.
   7A `Context` represents a specific situation derived from
   8other contexts and ultimately submitted and/or solution code.
   9`potluck.rubrics.Goal` objects actually evaluate things, but they depend
  10on one or more contexts to provide material to be evaluated.
  12For example, a typical unit test consists of a
  13`potluck.rubrics.ComparisonTest` which runs a checker function on the
  14'value' and 'ref_value' context keys in a `Context` which is created by
  15running the function to test with particular arguments (it will run the
  16submitted function to generate a 'value' entry and the solution function
  17to generate a `ref_value` entry). This `Context` will in turn depend on
  18another `Context` which loads the submitted and solution modules so that
  19they are ready for testing, etc.
  21In general, `Context` objects will form a directed acyclic graph of
  22dependencies, and because they cache their results, duplicate work is
  23avoided. `Context` objects also have user-facing text to describe how
  24they are derived, as well as the ability to explain their results to the
  27Although `Context` objects represent the abstract idea of a certain test
  28result, the actual value of that result is stored in a context
  29dictionary, which is created and cached by the `Context` and supplied to
  30`Goal` objects on-demand.
  33import copy
  34import os
  35import time
  36import re
  37import sys
  38import io
  39import tempfile
  40import shutil
  43    import optimism
  44    OPTIMISTIC = True
  45except Exception:
  46    OPTIMISTIC = False
  48from . import html_tools
  49from . import phrasing
  50from . import load
  51from . import patterns
  52from . import mast
  53from . import context_utils
  54from . import compare
  58# Globals #
  63A string (or None before it gets set) which holds the file name given to
  64the most recent instantiation of a `FileContext`, which is thus also
  65almost certainly the filename that will be used in any new contexts that
  66are created (unless hijinks have ensued).
  71Like `RELEVANT_FILENAME`, but for a tests file to be validated rather
  72than a submission file to be evaluated.
  75VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT = 10000
  77Limit (in terms of string length, not bytes) after which we truncate
  78large values that would be displayed by `build_context_value_displayer`.
  83# Context class and associated functions #
  86def generic_context_displayer(context):
  87    """
  88    The default display_product function for a Context, this just returns
  89    the string "no details available." This may help cut down on report
  90    sizes where displaying all context values would include highlighted
  91    copies of the source code, etc.
  92    """
  93    return "no details available"
  96class Context:
  97    """
  98    Represents some kind of product of submitted code, like an
  99    AST tree, or produced output. Contexts can specialize each other, so
 100    for example a regular expression could be used to transform a context
 101    containing all output from a program into a context containing just a
 102    single line of output. Context objects organize context_builder
 103    functions into hierarchies, and manage caching of their results.
 105    A `Context` object also needs to know how to render its results into
 106    HTML to display to the user as part of the feedback process.
 108    A `Context` object, via its context_builder function, knows how to
 109    produce, on demand, a dictionary mapping context keys to values.
 110    The base context (and therefore all derived contexts) will always
 111    include the following `potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS`:
 113    - "task_info": A task info dictionary for the current task, which
 114        will have the following keys:
 115        - "id": The task ID.
 116        - "specification": the specification module for this task.
 117        - "target": The default file or folder to grade in a submission.
 118        - "title": The title of this task.
 119        - "desc": The short description of this task.
 120        - "reference_cache_file": The filename where reference values
 121            may be cached.
 122        - "ignore_cache": Whether or not to ignore the cache (might not
 123            be present; ignore cache only if present and truthy).
 124    - "username": The user who submitted the code we're evaluating.
 125    - "submission_root": The root directory within which the
 126        submission we're evaluating can be found.
 127    - "default_file": The official name of the default file to evaluate.
 128    - "actual_file": The actual name of the default file as submitted.
 129    - "tests_submission_root": The root directory where the test's we're
 130        validating can be found (present during validation).
 131    - "default_tests_file": The official name of the default tests file
 132        to validate.
 133    - "actual_tests_file": The actual name of the tests file as
 134        submitted.
 136    When a context is associated with a specific goal, the context
 137    dictionary will also always contain the following extra slots:
 139    - "goal_id": The unique-per-task identifier string for the goal that
 140        this context is associated with.
 141    - "which_context": The index of this context within the goal's
 142        testing contexts. Along with the task ID and goal ID, this can be
 143        used to build a unique identifier for the context.
 144        TODO: Context IDs?
 146    The typical slots of derived context dictionaries include:
 148    - "filename": The file name (without path) of the file we're
 149        evaluating.
 150    - "file_path": The full absolute path to the file we're evaluating.
 151    - "source": A string containing the source code of the submitted
 152        module.
 153    - "parse_errors": A list of Exception objects which were
 154        generated but ignored when parsing the submitted code.
 155    - "defs": A mapping from function names to AST nodes covering
 156        every `def` node in the submitted code (but note that
 157        functions with identical names will shadow each other in this
 158        map).
 159    - "scope": an AST node to check within (e.g., for a function
 160        definition check). See ImplementationCheck for an example of
 161        how these contexts are created and used.
 162    - "docstrings": A mapping from function names to documentation
 163        strings for those functions.
 164    - "top_scope": The top-level AST node for the submitted code.
 165    - "module": a loaded (submitted or solution) module
 166        (for a suite of tests that relies on the code).
 167    - "value": arbitrary Python value returned from a function call.
 168    - "output": a string containing output from tested code. This may be
 169        the full output, or may be filtered by additional Context objects
 170        to contain just part of the full output.
 171    - "trace": a trace list recording certain function calls made
 172        during a test, along with arbitrary state snapshots (see
 173        `potluck.harness.tracing_function_calls`).
 174    - "image": a Pillow Image object holding a captured image.
 175    - "audio": a dictionary with "mimetype", "data", and optionally
 176        "label" slots, holding captured audio data in binary form. The
 177        mimetype should indicate a MIME type for the data, while the
 178        "data" slot holds a bytes object containing the raw data in that
 179        format. The label slot holds a string used to label the audio in
 180        output to users.
 181    - "output_filename": the filename for an output file written to by
 182        testing code.
 183    - "output_file_contents": a string containing the contents of a file
 184        that was written to by tested code.
 185    - "expectations": a list of dictionaries defining expectations
 186        established using the `optimism` module (only present if that
 187        module is available) Each has the following keys:
 188        - "tag" A string indicating the file name and line number where
 189            this expectation was established
 190        - "case" The test case info. This is a dictionary with "result",
 191            "output", and "context" slots, holding the result value,
 192            printed output, and context details for a test case (see
 193            `optimism.get_my_context` for details of the "context"
 194            value).
 195        - "type" The type of expectation: "result", "output", or
 196            "custom".
 197        - "value" The expected value (or output fragment, or the checker
 198            function, depending on the expectation type).
 199    - Other keys not defined here may be established and/or used by
 200        certain Context or Goal classes.
 201    - Versions of the keys above with "ref_" as a prefix hold
 202        equivalent values derived from solution instead of submitted
 203        code.
 205    Note: For various reasons, the context building process creates
 206    shallow copies of contexts, not deep copies (the context values, such
 207    as modules, are often not deep-copyable). Accordingly, it is possible
 208    for changes to some sub-component of a context to be seen by other
 209    places where that context is being used, and thus YOU SHOULD NEVER
 210    MUTATE A CONTEXT VALUE. Context builder functions may safely
 211    synthesize new values based on old ones, and may freely update
 212    context keys with new values, but should not mutate the values under
 213    those keys.
 214    """
 215    def __init__(
 216        self,
 217        description=(
 218            "UNSPECIFIED TOPIC",
 219            "UNSPECIFIED DETAILS",
 220            "UNSPECIFIED FULL TOPIC",
 222        ),
 223        builder=None,
 224        display_product=generic_context_displayer,
 225        depends=None,
 226        failure_explanation=None,
 227        cache_values=True,
 228        base=None,
 229        hidden=False,
 230        generate_warnings=False
 231    ):
 232        """
 233        You must supply a description pair (topic + details), triple
 234        (topic + details + feedback topic), or quad (topic + details +
 235        feedback topic + feedback details). Each item must be an HTML
 236        string to be displayed to the students as part of the rubric; the
 237        feedback versions if provided are used instead of the originals
 238        when generating a feedback document as opposed to a blank rubric.
 240        You must also supply a builder function, to be run when this
 241        context is required. If depends is supplied, it should be a list
 242        of Context objects, and before this context is established, each
 243        of those contexts will be created and merged in turn, to
 244        establish the prev_context argument to the builder function. The
 245        builder function must accept one argument (a context dictionary)
 246        and must return a dictionary of any new or modified keys that it
 247        wants to update in that context dictionary.
 249        You may supply a failure_explanation, which can be either a
 250        string, or a function that will be given the context in which the
 251        failure occurred and an Exception object (with an html_tb
 252        attached) and expected to return a string. This will be used to
 253        set the error message for a ContextCreationError thrown when the
 254        context_builder crashes, and that can ultimately become part of
 255        an explanation for a failed goal.
 257        If cache_values is given as False, the context_builder function
 258        will be re-run every time this context is requested, but by
 259        default, the result will be run only when one of our dependencies
 260        has a newer timestamp than our cached value.
 262        To supply seed values to bootstrap context creation, a Context
 263        may have a base value, which is used to start the
 264        dependency-merging process to provide a context for its builder.
 266        If hidden is given as True, this Context will not show up in the
 267        Contexts list, and will only be visible as a context associated
 268        with a goal when that goal is evaluated (use with care).
 270        If generate_warnings is set to True (default is False) then
 271        issues with context creation of this context (but not with
 272        creation of dependencies) will be logged as warnings in
 273        `list_and_render_contexts` output.
 274        """
 275        self.description = description
 276        if builder is None:
 277            raise ValueError(
 278                "Must specify a context builder when creating a Context."
 279            )
 280        self.builder = builder
 281        self.display_product = display_product
 282        self.depends = depends or []
 283        self.failure_explanation = failure_explanation
 284        self.cache_values = cache_values
 285        self.base = base or {}
 286        self.hidden = hidden
 287        self.generate_warnings = generate_warnings
 289        self.cached_value = None
 290        self.cache_timestamp = None
 292        self.working_from = None
 293        # which base context we're currently working from, for better
 294        # exception reporting
 296    def __str__(self):
 297        """
 298        Uses the first description entry to hint which context this is.
 299        """
 300        return 'Context "' + self.feedback_topic() + '"'
 302    def __repr__(self):
 303        """
 304        Weaves in the description.
 305        """
 306        return f'<{type(self).__name__} "{self.feedback_topic()}">'
 308    def __copy__(self):
 309        """
 310        Contexts may not be copied. They are entangled with each other,
 311        and we also don't want to create multiple copies which will
 312        duplicate the same work.
 313        """
 314        raise NotImplementedError("Contexts may not be copied.")
 316    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
 317        """
 318        Contexts may not be copied (see __copy__).
 319        """
 320        raise NotImplementedError("Contexts may not be copied.")
 322    def changed_at(self):
 323        """
 324        Returns the timestamp of the most recent update to our cached
 325        context dictionary, so that contexts that depend on this one can
 326        know if they need to update themselves. May return None if no
 327        cached value has been created yet.
 328        """
 329        return self.cache_timestamp
 331    def clear_cache(self):
 332        """
 333        Removes cached info & resets cache timestamp.
 334        """
 335        self.cached_value = None
 336        self.cache_timestamp = None
 338    def burn_cache(self):
 339        """
 340        Clears our cache, and burns caches of our dependencies.
 341        """
 342        self.clear_cache()
 343        for dep in self.depends:
 344            dep.burn_cache()
 346    def create(self, base_context):
 347        """
 348        Creates and returns a context dictionary, using our builder
 349        function. If caching is enabled, a (shallow copy of a) cached
 350        value will be returned if we think that it was created after any
 351        changes in our dependencies.
 353        A base context is required, and should be a dictionary; normally
 354        it should have all the `potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS`
 355        already populated.
 357        The resulting context will have a special "__builder__" slot
 358        which contains a reference to this `Context` object. Of course,
 359        this slot will get overwritten by each context in a chain, so it
 360        only stores the last builder to touch the context (but see below).
 362        The resulting context will have a special "__unmerged__" slot
 363        which contains a list of context dictionaries for each dependency
 364        of this context, holding the context state created by just that
 365        dependency before merging with later dependencies. This can be
 366        used to retrieve separate values for the same slot from multiple
 367        dependencies, where only the last of those values would normally
 368        be retained. Those context dictionaries will of course have
 369        "__builder__" and "__unmerged__" slots, so the full chain of
 370        `Context` objects responsible for a given context can be
 371        recursively retrieved if necessary.
 372        """
 373        rerun = False
 374        if not self.cache_values:
 375            rerun = True
 376        else:
 377            # Check whether we even have a result yet:
 378            if self.cache_timestamp is None:
 379                rerun = True
 380            else:
 381                # Check timestamps of our dependencies
 382                for dep in self.depends:
 383                    when = dep.changed_at()
 384                    if when is None or when > self.cache_timestamp:
 385                        rerun = True
 386                        break
 388        if not rerun:
 389            # Return a shallow copy of our cached value
 390            result = copy.copy(base_context)
 391            result.update(self.cached_value)
 392            return result
 393        else:
 394            # Create new cached value and update our timestamp
 395            self.working_from = base_context
 396            prev_context = copy.copy(base_context)
 397            prev_context.update(self.base)
 398            unmerged = []
 399            for dep in self.depends:
 400                try:
 401                    dep_context = dep.create(base_context)
 402                    prev_context.update(dep_context)
 403                    unmerged.append(dep_context)
 404                except Exception as e:
 405                    e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
 406                        linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
 407                    )
 408                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
 409                        self,
 410                        "Dependency failed.",
 411                        e
 412                    )
 413            prev_context["__unmerged__"] = unmerged
 414            prev_context["__builder__"] = self
 416            try:
 417                our_results = self.builder(prev_context)
 418                prev_context.update(our_results)
 419                self.cached_value = prev_context
 420            except Exception as e:
 421                e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
 422                    linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
 423                )
 424                if isinstance(self.failure_explanation, str):
 425                    msg = self.failure_explanation
 426                elif self.failure_explanation:
 427                    msg = self.failure_explanation(prev_context, e)
 428                else:
 429                    msg = "Test setup failed."
 430                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(self, msg, e)
 431            self.cache_timestamp = time.time()
 432            # Return shallow copy of cached value
 433            result = {}
 434            result.update(self.cached_value)
 435            return result
 437    def deps_are_a_stick(self):
 438        """
 439        Returns true if the transitive dependencies of this context form
 440        a stick, not a real tree (i.e., each context, including this one,
 441        has exactly 1 or 0 dependencies).
 442        """
 443        return (
 444            len(self.depends) in (0, 1)
 445        and all(dep.deps_are_a_stick for dep in self.depends)
 446        )
 448    def rubric_topic(self):
 449        """
 450        Gets the rubric version of this Context's topic.
 451        """
 452        return self.description[0]
 454    def rubric_details(self):
 455        """
 456        Gets the rubric version of this Context's details.
 457        """
 458        return self.description[1]
 460    def feedback_topic(self):
 461        """
 462        Gets the feedback version of this Context's topic, or just the
 463        normal topic if there is no feedback version.
 464        """
 465        return self.description[::2][-1]
 467    def feedback_details(self):
 468        """
 469        Gets the feedback version of this Context's details, or just the
 470        normal details if there is no feedback version.
 471        """
 472        return self.description[1::2][-1]
 474    def html_topic(self, in_feedback=False):
 475        """
 476        Returns an HTML string representing just this context object as a
 477        div.topic, without including information about dependencies. If
 478        in_feedback is given as True, the feedback version of the topic
 479        and details is shown instead of the normal (rubric) version.
 481        Details are included behind a help button.
 482        """
 483        if in_feedback:
 484            topic = self.feedback_topic()
 485            details = self.feedback_details()
 486        else:
 487            topic = self.rubric_topic()
 488            details = self.rubric_details()
 489        return '<div class="topic">{}</div>'.format(
 490            topic + ' ' + html_tools.create_help_button(details)
 491        )
 493    def html_context_tree(self, in_feedback=False):
 494        """
 495        Produces an HTML string which shows this context and those that
 496        it depends on in a tree structure, with dependencies nested
 497        inside the contexts that depend on them. In the special case of a
 498        stick, a different format is used.
 500        If in_feedback is given as true, the feedback topic and details
 501        values from the description are used if present, instead of the
 502        normal (rubric) topic and details.
 503        """
 504        if self.deps_are_a_stick():
 505            if self.depends:
 506                dep_chain = (
 507                    '(depends on <div class="context_depends">{}</div>)'
 508                ).format(
 509                    self.depends[0].html_context_tree(in_feedback)
 510                    # there is only one
 511                )
 512                return (
 513                    '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
 514                  + '{}\n</details>'
 515                ).format(
 516                    self.html_topic(in_feedback),
 517                    dep_chain
 518                )
 519            else:
 520                return '<div class="context">\n{}\n</div>'.format(
 521                    self.html_topic(in_feedback)
 522                )
 523        else:
 524            # Dependencies are a tree...
 525            dep_entries = '<br>\n'.join(
 526                dep.html_context_tree(in_feedback)
 527                for dep in self.depends
 528            )
 529            depends_full = (
 530                '<div class="context_depends">\n'
 531              + 'Depends on:<br>\n'
 532              + '{}\n'
 533              + '</div>'
 534            ).format(dep_entries) if self.depends else ''
 535            return (
 536                '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
 537              + '{}\n</details>'
 538            ).format(
 539                self.html_topic(in_feedback),
 540                depends_full
 541            )
 543    def html_representation(self, base_context):
 544        """
 545        Builds an HTML representation of this context's result using the
 546        display_product function. A base context is required because
 547        create is used to fetch the current value (or build a new one).
 549        If context creation fails, the result will be a string describing
 550        the error.
 551        """
 552        try:
 553            return self.display_product(self.create(base_context))
 554        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
 555            tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
 556            return f"""\
 557<div class="context_error">
 558  <h3>An error was encountered while attempting to run this test.</h3>
 563    def warnings(self, base_context):
 564        """
 565        Returns a list of HTML strings representing warnings generated by
 566        this context (excluding warnings generated by contexts this one
 567        depends on). A base context is required because we need to
 568        generate the context value to see if there are warnings, although
 569        a cached value will be used in most cases. Returns an empty list
 570        when no warnings have been generated.
 571        """
 572        try:
 573            ctx = self.create(base_context)
 574            return ctx.get("warnings", [])
 575        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
 576            if isinstance(e.cause, context_utils.ContextCreationError):
 577                # Error comes from a dependency, not directly from this
 578                # context, so report nothing to avoid duplicating
 579                # warnings
 580                return []
 581            else:
 582                # Error comes from this context, so report it
 583                tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
 584                return [ f"Error during context creation:<br>{tb}" ]
 587def add_context_numbering(all_context_objs):
 588    """
 589    Takes a list of Context objects and looks for objects with duplicated
 590    short descriptions, adding numerical suffixes to these.
 591    """
 592    # Map topics to lists of contexts
 593    by_topic = {}
 594    by_feedback_topic = {}
 595    for ctx in all_context_objs:
 596        topic = ctx.description[0]
 597        by_topic.setdefault(topic, []).append(ctx)
 599        if len(ctx.description) > 2:
 600            by_feedback_topic.setdefault(ctx.description[2], []).append(ctx)
 602    # Assign numbers to topics that are duplicated
 603    for topic in by_topic:
 604        contexts = by_topic[topic]
 605        if len(contexts) > 1:
 606            # these duplicates need numbering
 607            for i, ctx in enumerate(contexts):
 608                ctx.description = (
 609                    ctx.description[0] + f" #{i+1}",
 610                ) + ctx.description[1:]
 612    # Repeat for feedback topics (numbering will hopefully be consistent
 613    # because of consistent iteration order over all context objects, but
 614    # if it's not, too bad.
 615    for topic in by_feedback_topic:
 616        contexts = by_feedback_topic[topic]
 617        if len(contexts) > 1:
 618            # these duplicates need numbering
 619            for i, ctx in enumerate(contexts):
 620                ctx.description = ctx.description[:2] + (
 621                    ctx.description[2] + f" #{i+1}",
 622                ) + ctx.description[3:]
 625def build_context_graph(all_context_objs):
 626    """
 627    Takes a list of Context objects and traces dependencies to build a
 628    top-down rather than bottom-up graph. The graph consists of a list of
 629    top-level node dictionaries with the following keys:
 631    - context: The Context object for this node.
 632    - children: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of
 633        each Context that depends on this one.
 634    - parents: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of
 635        each Context that this one depends on.
 636    - level: An integer indicating the longest chain of ancestors that
 637        this node has (0 for nodes without dependencies).
 639    The exact same node dictionary may appear as a child and/or parent of
 640    multiple other nodes.
 642    The ordering of children will be the same as the ordering of context
 643    dependencies, while the ordering of the top-level nodes will match
 644    the order that they occur within the given all_context_objs list.
 645    """
 647    dict_cache = {}
 649    def dict_for(cobj):
 650        """
 651        Returns the dictionary for the given Context object, either by
 652        creating it or remembering one already constructed during the
 653        current construction process. For new encounters, the children
 654        value will be an empty list.
 655        """
 656        nonlocal dict_cache
 657        if id(cobj) in dict_cache:
 658            return dict_cache[id(cobj)]
 659        else:
 660            result = { "context": cobj, "children": [], "parents": [] }
 661            dict_cache[id(cobj)] = result
 662            return result
 664    nodeps = []
 665    for ctx in all_context_objs:
 666        d = dict_for(ctx)
 667        if ctx.depends:
 668            for dep in ctx.depends:
 669                pd = dict_for(dep)
 670                pd["children"].append(d)
 671                d["parents"].append(pd)
 672        else:
 673            nodeps.append(d)
 675    # Loop again and assign "level" values now that the graph is complete
 676    for ctx in all_context_objs:
 677        d = dict_for(ctx)
 678        assign_cgraph_level(d)
 680    return nodeps
 683def assign_cgraph_level(node):
 684    """
 685    Determines the level of a node in a contexts graph, which is 0 for
 686    nodes without parents, and one plus the highest parent level for all
 687    other nodes.
 689    Store this value in the "level" slot of the node, and does the same
 690    for any ancestor nodes encountered.
 692    Returns an already-computed level if there is one, or else returns
 693    the level value that it assigns to the node.
 694    """
 695    if "level" in node:
 696        return node["level"]
 697    else:
 698        if len(node["parents"]) == 0:
 699            node["level"] = 0
 700        else:
 701            mp = 0
 702            for pn in node["parents"]:
 703                pl = assign_cgraph_level(pn)
 704                if pl > mp:
 705                    mp = pl
 706            node["level"] = mp + 1
 708        return node["level"]
 711def render_context_graph(cgraph, in_feedback=False):
 712    """
 713    Renders a context graph (see `build_context_graph`) into HTML. Uses a
 714    simple algorithm which includes duplicate entries for nodes with
 715    multiple dependencies.
 717    The in_feedback argument controls whether context items should show
 718    their full or redacted versions.
 719    """
 720    result = '<ol class="context_list">'
 721    for cnode in cgraph:
 722        result += '\n<li>{}</li>'.format(
 723            html_tools.build_html_details(
 724                cnode["context"].html_topic(in_feedback),
 725                render_context_graph(cnode["children"], in_feedback)
 726            )
 727            if cnode.get("children")
 728            else cnode["context"].html_topic(in_feedback)
 729        )
 731    result += '\n</ol>' # close .context_list ol
 732    return result
 735def list_and_render_contexts(cgraph, base_context=None):
 736    """
 737    Transforms a context graph (see `build_context_graph`) into a list of
 738    context summaries, which are dictionaries with the following keys:
 740    - description: An HTML code string that describes the context item,
 741        including a detailed description behind a help button.
 742    - depends: A list containing integer indices into the entire context
 743        list of the other contexts on which this context depends. Will be
 744        empty for contexts without dependencies.
 745    - level: An integer specifying how far this context should be
 746        indented, which will be one greater than the maximum level of
 747        contexts that this one depends on, starting with 0 for contexts
 748        that have no dependencies.
 749    - value: An HTML code string that displays or summarizes the value
 750        produced by this context. This will be the result of the
 751        context's display_product function run on the most recent result
 752        of that context (or on a fresh result if caching is disabled for
 753        the context). There may be a description of a context creation
 754        error here if there is an error building the context value.
 755    - warnings: A list of strings indicating context-based rather than
 756        test-based warnings. In general contexts should only create
 757        warnings in very specific circumstances, since tests are
 758        responsible for most warnings, and might want to ignore issues
 759        that a context could warn about.
 761    The base_context argument is used to generate context results (will
 762    only happen if cached results are not available or caching is
 763    disabled for one or more contexts). If omitted or specified
 764    explicitly as None, the result will have empty strings in each
 765    "value" slot, and the descriptions will use redacted topic and
 766    detail values; use this when generating a list for a rubric rather
 767    than for a feedback document.
 769    The contexts in the list will be ordered such that every context
 770    comes later in the list than all contexts it depends on.
 771    """
 772    result = []
 774    # Produce a flat list of nodes in an order that respects
 775    # dependencies.
 776    nodeslist = []
 778    # Processing queue and processed set
 779    queue = cgraph[:] # place all top-level nodes in queue to start
 780    processed = set()
 782    while len(queue) > 0:
 783        this = queue.pop(0)
 785        depends = this["parents"]
 786        if any(id(dep) not in processed for dep in depends):
 787            continue
 788            # we'll come back to this node later when its next
 789            # unprocessed dependency queues it up
 790        else: # no unprocessed dependencies
 791            processed.add(id(this))
 792            nodeslist.append(this)
 793            for child in reversed(this["children"]):
 794                # Insert children at the front of the queue, doing so in
 795                # reverse order so they end up in their natural order at
 796                # the front
 797                if id(child) not in processed: # should always be true?
 798                    queue.insert(0, child)
 799                else:
 800                    raise NotImplementedError(
 801                        f"Unexpectedly encountered pre-processed child."
 802                        f"\n  Parent is '{this['context'].html_topic()}'"
 803                        f"\n  Child is '{child['context'].html_topic()}'"
 804                    )
 806    # A mapping from node IDs to their indices in the nodeslist
 807    indexmap = {
 808        id(cnode): idx
 809        for idx, cnode in enumerate(nodeslist)
 810    }
 812    # Iterate over all nodes in order
 813    for cnode in nodeslist:
 814        ctx = cnode["context"]
 815        result.append(
 816            {
 817                "description": ctx.html_topic(
 818                    base_context is not None
 819                ),
 820                "depends": [
 821                    indexmap[id(child)]
 822                    for child in cnode["children"]
 823                ],
 824                "level": cnode["level"],
 825                "value": (
 826                    ctx.html_representation(base_context)
 827                    if base_context is not None
 828                    else ""
 829                ),
 830                "warnings": (
 831                    ctx.warnings(base_context)
 832                    if base_context is not None and ctx.generate_warnings
 833                    else []
 834                )
 835            }
 836        )
 838    return result
 842# Automatic Context Mechanism #
 845class AutoContext(Context):
 846    """
 847    A `AutoContext` provides a way to automatically create dependencies
 848    on common contexts without saving them in variables that have to get
 849    passed around everywhere. When a `AutoContext` is created, it
 850    registers itself as the current provider for certain context slots,
 851    overwriting any previously-registered provider for those slots.
 852    Then, another context may use the `auto` function to create a list
 853    of `Context` objects to use as dependencies based on the slots it
 854    needs; this list will be populated with the set of
 855    most-recently-registered `AutoContext` objects for each slot
 856    requested.
 858    In addition to inheriting from `AutoContext`, `Context`s which
 859    should be automatic must call their own `register` method and
 860    provide it with one or more slot name strings as arguments.
 861    """
 862    _registry = {}
 863    _on_demand = {}
 865    def reset(relevant_filename=None, relevant_tests_filename=None):
 866        """
 867        This is a class method which resets the automatic contexts
 868        registry, erasing all registered `Context` objects. Used prior
 869        to loading a new task spec.
 871        Note that this does not reset the on-demand factory functions
 872        registry.
 874        A `relevant_filename` may be provided to set the global
 875        RELEVANT_FILENAME variable; setting this to the default filename
 876        for the task we're about to load is helpful since it prevents the
 877        spec from treating things created after an explicit-default file
 878        context as different from things created before any file contexts
 879        have been declared. If no `relevant_filename` is provided, the
 880        global will be set back to its default of None.
 882        A `relevant_tests_filename` may be provided and follows the same
 883        logic as `relevant_filename`.
 884        """
 886        RELEVANT_FILENAME = relevant_filename
 887        RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = relevant_tests_filename
 888        AutoContext._registry = {}
 890    def on_demand(factory, *slots):
 891        """
 892        This class method registers a given factory function as the
 893        on-demand provider of one or more slots.
 895        The factory function must be able to run with no arguments and
 896        must produce a `Context` object which can create the requested
 897        slot(s).
 899        Essentially, if `auto` is used to request an automatic context
 900        for a slot, but no such context has been registered, an
 901        on-demand factory function may be called to construct such a
 902        context automatically in some simple cases. Calling this
 903        function a second time re-using an old slot value will overwrite
 904        the factory function for that slot.
 905        """
 906        for slot in slots:
 907            AutoContext._on_demand[slot] = factory
 909    def register(self, *slots):
 910        """
 911        Registers this auto context as the current provider for one or
 912        more slots (named using strings). Subsequent calls to `auto`
 913        that include one or more of those slots will include this object
 914        in the resulting list.
 916        The slots for which a context registers itself are stored in the
 917        context's `_provides` attribute.
 918        """
 919        for slot in slots:
 920            AutoContext._registry[slot] = self
 922        self._provides = slots
 924    def refresh(self):
 925        """
 926        Any `AutoContext` may call this method to re-register itself as
 927        the current provider of all of its relevant slots. The slots to
 928        register under are remembered from the initial call to
 929        `register`.
 930        """
 931        self.register(*self._provides)
 934def auto(*slots):
 935    """
 936    This function returns a list of `Context` objects, suitable for use
 937    as all or part of a `depends` value for the creation of a new
 938    `Context`, and/or as all or part of a `test_in` value for the
 939    creation of a new `potluck.rubrics.Goal`. It does this by looking for
 940    the most recent `AutoContext` objects that have registered themselves
 941    as providers of the given slot or slots (these are just strings).
 943    If no `AutoContext` has registered itself for a given slot, but
 944    there is an on-demand factory registered for that slot, the factory
 945    function will be called to generate a `Context` to use as a
 946    dependency (which should also end up registering the resulting
 947    `Context` under the appropriate slot(s)).
 949    If multiple slots are given and one `Context` is registered under
 950    several of them, that `Context` will only appear in the resulting
 951    list once. Likewise, if an on-demand factory function creates a
 952    `Context` which registers itself for several slots, and one or more
 953    other slots in that list are also being requested, the factory
 954    function will not be re-run for the subsequent slots, and the
 955    resulting `Context` will only appear in the result list once.
 957    If no slots are given, this function returns an empty list.
 959    If a slot is requested for which there is no currently-registered
 960    `AutoContext` and for which there is no registered on-demand
 961    `Context` factory, an `ContextError` will be raised.
 962    """
 963    result = []
 964    for slot in slots:
 965        if slot in AutoContext._registry:
 966            match = AutoContext._registry[slot]
 967            if match not in result:
 968                result.append(match)
 969        elif slot in AutoContext._on_demand:
 970            created = AutoContext._on_demand[slot]()
 971            if created not in result:
 972                result.append(created)
 973        else:
 974            raise context_utils.ContextError(
 975                f"Automatic context request for slot '{slot}' could not"
 976                f" be fulfilled because no AutoContext was registered"
 977                f" for that slot, and no on-demand Context factory"
 978                f" function was available for that slot either."
 979            )
 981    return result
 985# Derived Context classes #
 989class FileContext(AutoContext):
 990    """
 991    Establishes a 'filename' context slot that holds the name of a
 992    specific file being evaluated. By default, the created `Context` has
 993    no dependencies and is hidden.
 995    The filename provided should be relative to the submission root,
 996    which is either the directory where the target file exists, or the
 997    target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is
 998    identified, the default_file context slot value is used to target
 999    the submission's default file.
1001    Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.
1002    """
1003    def __init__(self, target_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1004        """
1005        A target_file string specifies the path to the target file that
1006        this context will focus evaluation on, relative to the
1007        submission root. If not provided, the "default_file" context
1008        slot value will be used.
1010        Both 'filename' and 'file_path' context slots will be
1011        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1012        directory) name of the target file, while the latter holds a
1013        full path to the file.
1015        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1016        by this one.
1017        """
1018        global RELEVANT_FILENAME
1019        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1020        if target_file is not None:
1021            RELEVANT_FILENAME = target_file
1022        elif RELEVANT_FILENAME is not None:
1023            target_file = RELEVANT_FILENAME
1025        self.target_file = target_file
1027        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1028        def establish_context(prev_context):
1029            """
1030            Establishes 'filename' and 'file_path' slots based on the
1031            target_file value given to the `FileContext` that this is
1032            the context builder function for. Also establishes
1033            'ref_filename' and 'ref_file_path' slots pointing to the
1034            equivalent file in the solution code.
1035            """
1036            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1037            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1038            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1039                prev_context,
1040                "submission_root"
1041            )
1042            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1043            # forced to fetch the default file:
1044            file_target = self.target_file
1045            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1046                prev_context,
1047                "default_file"
1048            )
1049            if file_target is None:
1050                file_target = default_filename
1051                self.description = (
1052                    f"File '{file_target}'",
1053                    f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{file_target}'.",
1054                )
1055            if file_target == default_filename:
1056                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1057                    prev_context,
1058                    "actual_file"
1059                )
1060                full_target = os.path.join(
1061                    submission_root,
1062                    actual_filename
1063                )
1064                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1065                # won't have a custom name...
1066                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1067                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1068                )
1069                target_filename = default_filename
1070            else:
1071                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1072                # custom-named files here?
1073                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1074                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1075                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1076                )
1077                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1079            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1080                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1081                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1082                    self,
1083                    (
1084                        f"Submission root directory"
1085                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1086                    )
1087                )
1088            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1089                # If the target file is missing
1090                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1091                    self,
1092                    (
1093                        f"Target submission file"
1094                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1095                    )
1096                )
1097            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1098                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1099                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1100                    self,
1101                    f"No solution file '{ref_target}' is available."
1102                )
1103            # else both submission root and full target exist
1105            return {
1106                "filename": target_filename,
1107                "file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1108                "ref_filename": target_filename,
1109                "ref_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1110            }
1112        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1113        # function we just created.
1114        super().__init__(
1115            description=(
1116                f"File '{target_file}'",
1117                f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{target_file}'."
1118            ),
1119            builder=establish_context,
1120            display_product=lambda context: (
1121                f"Evaluating '{context['filename']}'"
1122            ),
1123            depends=depends,
1124            hidden=hidden
1125        )
1127        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1128        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1129        self.register(
1130            "filename",
1131            "file_path",
1132            "ref_filename",
1133            "ref_file_path"
1134        )
1137# Register a factory for a default FileContext as an on-demand option
1138# for "filename", "file_path", and the associated ref_ slots:
1140    (lambda: FileContext()),
1141    "filename", "file_path", "ref_filename", "ref_file_path"
1145class TestsFileContext(AutoContext):
1146    """
1147    Establishes a 'tests_filename' context slot that holds the name of a
1148    specific tests file being validated. By default, the created
1149    `Context` has no dependencies and is hidden.
1151    The filename provided should be relative to the submission root,
1152    which is either the directory where the target tests file exists, or
1153    the target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is
1154    identified, the "default_tests_file" context slot value is used to
1155    target the submission's default tests file.
1157    Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.
1158    """
1159    def __init__(self, target_tests_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1160        """
1161        A target_tests_file string specifies the path to the target tests
1162        file that this context will focus validation on, relative to the
1163        submission root. If not provided, the "default_tests_file"
1164        context slot value will be used.
1166        Both 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' context slots will be
1167        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1168        directory) name of the target tests file, while the latter holds
1169        a full path to the file.
1171        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1172        by this one.
1173        """
1174        global RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1175        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1176        if target_tests_file is not None:
1177            RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = target_tests_file
1178        elif RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME is not None:
1179            target_tests_file = RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1181        self.target_tests_file = target_tests_file
1183        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1184        def establish_context(prev_context):
1185            """
1186            Establishes 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' slots
1187            based on the target_tests_file value given to the
1188            `FileContext` that this is the context builder function for.
1189            Also establishes 'ref_tests_filename' and
1190            'ref_tests_file_path' slots pointing to the equivalent file
1191            in the solution code.
1192            """
1193            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1194            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1195            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1196                prev_context,
1197                "tests_submission_root"
1198            )
1199            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1200            # forced to fetch the default file:
1201            file_target = self.target_tests_file
1202            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1203                prev_context,
1204                "default_tests_file"
1205            )
1206            if file_target is None:
1207                file_target = default_filename
1208                self.description = (
1209                    f"Tests file '{file_target}'",
1210                    (
1211                        f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1212                        f"'{file_target}'."
1213                    )
1214                )
1215            if file_target == default_filename:
1216                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1217                    prev_context,
1218                    "actual_tests_file"
1219                )
1220                full_target = os.path.join(
1221                    submission_root,
1222                    actual_filename
1223                )
1224                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1225                # won't have a custom name...
1226                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1227                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1228                )
1229                target_filename = default_filename
1230            else:
1231                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1232                # custom-named files here?
1233                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1234                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1235                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1236                )
1237                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1239            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1240                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1241                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1242                    self,
1243                    (
1244                        f"Tests submission root directory"
1245                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1246                    )
1247                )
1248            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1249                # If the target file is missing
1250                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1251                    self,
1252                    (
1253                        f"Target tests submission file"
1254                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1255                    )
1256                )
1257            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1258                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1259                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1260                    self,
1261                    (
1262                        f"No solution tests file '{ref_target}' is"
1263                        f" available."
1264                    )
1265                )
1266            # else both submission root and full target exist
1268            return {
1269                "tests_filename": target_filename,
1270                "tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1271                "ref_tests_filename": target_filename,
1272                "ref_tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1273            }
1275        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1276        # function we just created.
1277        super().__init__(
1278            description=(
1279                f"Tests file '{target_tests_file}'",
1280                (
1281                    f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1282                    f" '{target_tests_file}'."
1283                )
1284            ),
1285            builder=establish_context,
1286            display_product=lambda context: (
1287                f"Validating '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1288            ),
1289            depends=depends,
1290            hidden=hidden
1291        )
1293        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1294        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1295        self.register(
1296            "tests_filename",
1297            "tests_file_path",
1298            "ref_tests_filename",
1299            "ref_tests_file_path"
1300        )
1303# Register a factory for a default TestsFileContext as an on-demand
1304# option for "tests_filename", "tests_file_path", and the associated ref_
1305# slots:
1307    (lambda: TestsFileContext()),
1308    "tests_filename", "tests_file_path", "ref_tests_filename",
1309    "ref_tests_file_path"
1313class SandboxContext(AutoContext):
1314    """
1315    Establishes two sandbox directories to be used for running all code
1316    being tested, including the initial loading of the module itself. One
1317    directory is for the submitted code and a second is for the solution
1318    code.
1319    """
1320    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1321        """
1322        Creates a context which establishes two new unique sandbox
1323        directories. The context creation function places the full paths
1324        to those directories in the "sandbox" and "ref_sandbox" context
1325        slots. A list of dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be
1326        set to False if desired.
1327        """
1328        self.dir = None
1329        self.ref_dir = None
1330        # TODO: Clean up these temporary directories rather than letting
1331        # Python do that on shutdown...
1333        def establish_context(prev_context):
1334            """
1335            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1336            in the "sandbox" context slot. Creates a second temporary
1337            directory and puts its path in the "ref_sandbox" slot.
1338            Copies helper files into both directories, and copies the
1339            actual solution file(s) into the reference sandbox.
1340            """
1341            sub_root = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "submission_root")
1342            sub_file = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "actual_file")
1343            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1344            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1346            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1347                suffix="__tmp",
1348                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1349            )
1350            self.ref_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1351                suffix="__ref_tmp",
1352                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1353            )
1355            # Set up the sandboxes
1356            for sb in [self.dir, self.ref_dir]:
1357                # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1358                # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1359                # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1360                # the sandbox...
1361                # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1362                # especially for large starter files!!!
1363                helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1364                if helpers is not None:
1365                    for filepath in helpers:
1366                        to = os.path.join(sb.name, helpers[filepath])
1367                        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1368                            shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1369                        else:
1370                            shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1372            # Copy the submitted target file/directory into the sandbox
1373            subm_target = os.path.join(sub_root, sub_file)
1374            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1375            if os.path.isdir(subm_target):
1376                shutil.copytree(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1377            else:
1378                shutil.copy(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1380            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir into
1381            # the ref sandbox
1382            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1383            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.ref_dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1384            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1385                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1386            else:
1387                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1389            return {
1390                "sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name),
1391                "ref_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.ref_dir.name)
1392            }
1394        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1395        # function we just created.
1396        super().__init__(
1397            description=(
1398                "Sandbox directories",
1399                (
1400                    "We will create sandbox directories for running"
1401                    " your submitted code and the solution code."
1402                )
1403            ),
1404            builder=establish_context,
1405            display_product=lambda context: (
1406                "Running in a sandbox"
1407            ),
1408            depends=depends,
1409            hidden=hidden
1410        )
1412        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1413        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1414        self.register(
1415            "sandbox",
1416            "ref_sandbox"
1417        )
1420# Register a factory for a default SandboxContext as an on-demand option
1421# for the "sandbox" and "ref_sandbox" slots.
1423    (lambda: SandboxContext()),
1424    "sandbox", "ref_sandbox"
1428class TestsSandboxContext(AutoContext):
1429    """
1430    Establishes a sandbox directory for validating tests. The process is
1431    largely the same as that used by SandboxContext, but a separate
1432    directory is used to prevent any possible interference between test
1433    validation and submission evaluation.
1434    """
1435    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1436        """
1437        Creates a context which establishes a new sandbox directory. The
1438        context creation function places the full path to this
1439        directory in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. A list of
1440        dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be set to False if
1441        desired.
1442        """
1443        self.dir = None
1444        # TODO: Clean up this temporary directory rather than letting
1445        # Python do that on shutdown...
1447        def establish_context(prev_context):
1448            """
1449            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1450            in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. Copies helper files and
1451            the solution default target into this sandbox.
1452            """
1453            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1454            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1456            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1457                suffix="__validation_tmp",
1458                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1459            )
1461            # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1462            # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1463            # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1464            # the sandbox...
1465            # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1466            # especially for large starter files!!!
1467            helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1468            if helpers is not None:
1469                for filepath in helpers:
1470                    to = os.path.join(self.dir.name, helpers[filepath])
1471                    if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1472                        shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1473                    else:
1474                        shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1476            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir
1477            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1478            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1479            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1480                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1481            else:
1482                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1484            return { "tests_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name) }
1486        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1487        # function we just created.
1488        super().__init__(
1489            description=(
1490                "Test validation sandbox",
1491                (
1492                    "We will create a sandbox directory for validating"
1493                    " your submitted tests."
1494                )
1495            ),
1496            builder=establish_context,
1497            display_product=lambda context: (
1498                "Validating tests in a sandbox"
1499            ),
1500            depends=depends,
1501            hidden=hidden
1502        )
1504        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1505        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1506        self.register("tests_sandbox")
1509# Register a factory for a default TestsSandboxContext as an on-demand
1510# option for the "tests_sandbox" slot:
1511AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: TestsSandboxContext()), "tests_sandbox")
1514class CodeContext(AutoContext):
1515    """
1516    Requires "filename" and "file_path" slots (see `FileContext`), and
1517    establishes a "source" slot which contains the raw text of the
1518    target file, along with a "scope" slot which contains the parsed AST
1519    from the code.
1521    If the code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the like, a
1522    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the parsing error as
1523    its cause, although note that `potluck.load.fix_parse` is used which
1524    will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while
1525    generating associated warnings.
1526    """
1527    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1528        """
1529        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1530        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1531        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1532        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1533        instead of the original source.
1534        """
1535        # First, create our context builder
1536        def establish_context(prev_context):
1537            """
1538            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1539            "file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1541            - original_source: The raw file contents.
1542            - source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors or by a
1543                prep function) file contents.
1544            - scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1545                modified file contents.
1546            - top_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be modified).
1547            - parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1548                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1549            """
1550            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "filename")
1551            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "file_path")
1552            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1553                original_source = fin.read()
1555            if prep:
1556                source = prep(original_source)
1557            else:
1558                source = original_source
1560            try:
1561                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(source, filename)
1562            except Exception as e:
1563                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1564                    self,
1565                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1566                    cause=e
1567                )
1569            if node is None:
1570                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1571                    self,
1572                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1573                    cause=errors[0]
1574                )
1576            result = {
1577                "original_source": original_source,
1578                "source": fixed,
1579                "scope": node,
1580                "top_scope": node,
1581                "parse_errors": errors
1582            }
1584            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1585            if errors:
1586                result["warnings"] = [
1587                    (
1588                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1589                      + " your code:<br>"
1590                      + html_tools.build_list(
1591                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1592                            for e in errors
1593                        )
1594                    )
1595                ]
1597            return result
1599        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1600        if depends is None:
1601            depends = auto("filename", "file_path")
1603        # Now we can call the super constructor
1604        super().__init__(
1605            description=(
1606                "Code in the target file",
1607                (
1608                    "We will parse the code in the target file and pay"
1609                    "attention to how it was written."
1610                ),
1611                "Code in the target file",
1612                (
1613                    "We parsed the code in the target file and paid"
1614                    "attention to how it was written."
1615                ),
1616            ),
1617            builder=establish_context,
1618            display_product=lambda context: (
1619                f"The code for '{context['filename']}' (shown elsewhere)."
1620            ),
1621            depends=depends,
1622            hidden=hidden,
1623            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1624            generate_warnings=True
1625        )
1627        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1628        # that we generate:
1629        self.register(
1630            "original_source",
1631            "source",
1632            "scope",
1633            "top_scope",
1634            "parse_errors"
1635        )
1638# Register a factory for a default CodeContext as an on-demand option
1639# for the slots it can generate.
1641    (lambda: CodeContext()),
1642    "original_source",
1643    "source",
1644    "scope",
1645    "top_scope",
1646    "parse_errors"
1650class SolnCodeContext(AutoContext):
1651    """
1652    Requires "ref_filename" and "ref_file_path" slots (see
1653    `FileContext`), and establishes a "ref_source" slot which contains
1654    the raw text of the equivalent file from the solution code, along
1655    with a "ref_scope" slot which contains the parsed AST from the
1656    solution code. Also establishes "ref_original_source" which may be
1657    different from "ref_source" when a prep function is used.
1659    "task_info" and "submission_root" slots are also required, but those
1660    should always be present.
1662    If the solution code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the
1663    like or because no equivalent solution file exists, a
1664    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the relevant error as
1665    its cause.
1666    """
1667    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1668        """
1669        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1670        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1671        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be supplied, which
1672        will be given the source code and its return value will be used
1673        in place of the original source code.
1674        """
1675        # First, create our context builder
1676        def establish_context(prev_context):
1677            """
1678            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1679            "ref_file_path" slot, by reading the solution version of the
1680            indicated file:
1682                ref_source: The source of the solution file.
1683                ref_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1684                    solution file.
1685                ref_top_scope: As above, but won't be modified.
1686            """
1687            soln_equivalent = context_utils.extract(
1688                prev_context,
1689                "ref_file_path"
1690            )
1691            ref_filename = context_utils.extract(
1692                prev_context,
1693                "ref_filename"
1694            )
1696            if not os.path.isfile(soln_equivalent):
1697                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1698                    self,
1699                    f"Target file {soln_equivalent} does not exist in the"
1700                    f" solution directory."
1701                )
1703            with open(soln_equivalent, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1704                contents = fin.read()
1706            if prep:
1707                source = prep(contents)
1708            else:
1709                source = contents
1711            try:
1712                node = mast.parse(source, filename=ref_filename)
1713            except Exception as e:
1714                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1715                    self,
1716                    f"Unable to parse solution file '{soln_equivalent}'.",
1717                    cause=e
1718                )
1720            return {
1721                "ref_original_source": contents,
1722                "ref_source": source,
1723                "ref_scope": node,
1724                "ref_top_scope": node
1725            }
1727        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1728        if depends is None:
1729            depends = auto("ref_filename", "ref_file_path")
1731        # Now we can call the super constructor
1732        super().__init__(
1733            description=(
1734                "Code in the solution file",
1735                "We will parse the code in the solution file.",
1736            ),
1737            builder=establish_context,
1738            display_product=lambda context: (
1739                f"The solution code for '{context['filename']}'"
1740                f" (available after the revision period is over)."
1741            ),
1742            depends=depends,
1743            hidden=hidden
1744        )
1746        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1747        # that we generate:
1748        self.register(
1749            "ref_original_source",
1750            "ref_source",
1751            "ref_scope",
1752            "ref_top_scope"
1753        )
1756# Register a factory for a default CodeContext as an on-demand option
1757# for the slots it can generate.
1759    (lambda: SolnCodeContext()),
1760    "ref_source", "ref_scope", "ref_top_scope"
1764class TestsCodeContext(AutoContext):
1765    """
1766    Requires "tests_filename" and "tests_file_path" slots (see
1767    `TestsFileContext`), and establishes a "tests_source" slot which
1768    contains the raw text of the target file, along with a "tests_scope"
1769    slot which contains the parsed AST from the code.
1771    If the code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the like, a
1772    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the parsing error as
1773    its cause, although note that `potluck.load.fix_parse` is used which
1774    will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while
1775    generating associated warnings.
1776    """
1777    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1778        """
1779        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1780        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1781        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1782        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1783        instead of the original source.
1784        """
1785        # First, create our context builder
1786        def establish_context(prev_context):
1787            """
1788            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1789            "tests_file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1791            - original_tests_source: The raw file contents.
1792            - tests_source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors
1793                or by a prep function) file contents.
1794            - tests_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1795                modified file contents.
1796            - top_tests_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be
1797                modified).
1798            - tests_parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1799                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1800            """
1801            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_filename")
1802            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_file_path")
1803            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1804                original_tests_source = fin.read()
1806            if prep:
1807                tests_source = prep(original_tests_source)
1808            else:
1809                tests_source = original_tests_source
1811            try:
1812                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(tests_source, filename)
1813            except Exception as e:
1814                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1815                    self,
1816                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1817                    cause=e
1818                )
1820            if node is None:
1821                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1822                    self,
1823                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1824                    cause=errors[0]
1825                )
1827            result = {
1828                "original_tests_source": original_tests_source,
1829                "tests_source": fixed,
1830                "tests_scope": node,
1831                "top_tests_scope": node,
1832                "tests_parse_errors": errors
1833            }
1835            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1836            if errors:
1837                result["warnings"] = [
1838                    (
1839                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1840                      + " your tests:<br>"
1841                      + html_tools.build_list(
1842                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1843                            for e in errors
1844                        )
1845                    )
1846                ]
1848            return result
1850        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1851        if depends is None:
1852            depends = auto("tests_filename", "tests_file_path")
1854        # Now we can call the super constructor
1855        super().__init__(
1856            description=(
1857                "Code in the tests file",
1858                (
1859                    "We will parse the code in the tests file and pay"
1860                    " attention to how it was written."
1861                ),
1862                "Code in the tests file",
1863                (
1864                    "We parsed the code in the tests file and paid"
1865                    "attention to how it was written."
1866                ),
1867            ),
1868            builder=establish_context,
1869            display_product=lambda context: (
1870                f"The tests code in '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1871                f" (shown elsewhere)."
1872            ),
1873            depends=depends,
1874            hidden=hidden,
1875            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1876            generate_warnings=True
1877        )
1879        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1880        # that we generate:
1881        self.register(
1882            "original_tests_source",
1883            "tests_source",
1884            "tests_scope",
1885            "top_tests_scope",
1886            "tests_parse_errors"
1887        )
1890# Register a factory for a default CodeContext as an on-demand option
1891# for the slots it can generate.
1893    (lambda: TestsCodeContext()),
1894    "original_tests_source",
1895    "tests_source",
1896    "tests_scope",
1897    "top_tests_scope",
1898    "tests_parse_errors"
1902class ModuleContext(AutoContext):
1903    """
1904    Requires a "top_scope" slot (see `CodeContext` which must hold an
1905    entire module's AST, and creates a "module" slot which holds the
1906    module object that results from running that code.
1908    If `optimism` is available, any test cases established will be
1909    cleared when the module is loaded, and then any cases established by
1910    loading the module will be saved in a "test_cases" context slot.
1911    """
1912    _filename = "filename"
1913    _src = "file_path"
1914    _from = "top_scope"
1915    _sandbox = "sandbox"
1916    _to = "module"
1917    _to_cases = "test_cases"
1918    _description = (
1919        "The values defined by the code",
1920        (
1921            "We will run your code so that we can run tests on the"
1922            " values it defines."
1923        )
1924    )
1926    def display_result(self, context):
1927        """
1928        Context result display function which lists names defined in the
1929        loaded module.
1930        """
1931        loaded = context[self._to]
1932        defined = [
1933            name
1934            for name in dir(loaded)
1935            if not name.startswith("__") or not name.endswith("__")
1936        ]
1937        if len(defined) == 0:
1938            result = "No values were defined in the file."
1939        else:
1940            result = (
1941                "The following values were defined in the file:\n"
1942              + html_tools.build_list(
1943                    "<code>{}</code>".format(name)
1944                    for name in defined
1945                )
1946            )
1948        if OPTIMISTIC:
1949            ndef = len(context[self._to_cases])
1950            if ndef > 0:
1951                result += (
1952                    "<br>\nYour file defined {} test cases.".format(ndef)
1953                )
1955        return result
1957    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None, wrap=None):
1958        """
1959        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1960        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1961        context is not hidden.
1963        `prep` may be supplied; it is a function which receives the
1964        current context dictionary and will be run before the module is
1965        loaded.
1967        `wrap` may be supplied; it is a function which will be given the
1968        module once it's loaded and its return value will be used instead
1969        of the original module.
1970        """
1971        # First, create our context builder
1972        def establish_context(prev_context):
1973            """
1974            Establishes the "module" context slot by executing the code
1975            in the "top_scope" slot. Actually, uses self._from and
1976            self._to to determine the slots to read/write, since it can
1977            also be used to create "ref_module" from "ref_top_scope".
1978            Also uses self._src if available to find the source file.
1979            """
1980            # Fetch the AST node that we'd like to turn into a module
1981            node = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
1983            # Prefix the file name so that submitted and solution
1984            # modules with the same name don't collide
1985            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._filename)
1986            if self._from == "top_scope":
1987                prefix = "subm_"
1988            elif self._from == "ref_top_scope":
1989                prefix = "soln_"
1990            elif self._from == "top_tests_scope":
1991                prefix = "tests_"
1992            else:
1993                prefix = "loaded_"
1994            full_name = prefix + filename
1996            # Figure out our file source if we can
1997            src_path = prev_context.get(self._src)
1998            if src_path:
1999                src_path = os.path.abspath(src_path)
2001            # Run the prep function if one was supplied
2002            if prep is not None:
2003                prep(prev_context)
2005            # Set up phony stdin, so that stray inputs won't immediately
2006            # crash the program (if their results are used in a delicate
2007            # manner, they still will of course, but we supply '1' for
2008            # each input, which will survive conversion to an int or
2009            # float).
2010            old_stdin = sys.stdin
2011            sys.stdin = context_utils.AllOnes()
2012            # Note: we don't care about echoing inputs to stdout here...
2014            # Set up phony stdout and stderr
2015            old_stdout = sys.stdout
2016            sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
2017            old_stderr = sys.stderr
2018            sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
2020            # Prepare for capturing test cases
2021            test_cases = None
2023            if OPTIMISTIC:
2024                # Ask for the default level of failure messages
2025                optimism.detailLevel(0)
2026                # Reset failure flag and ensure we don't skip checks
2027                optimism.clearFailure()
2028                optimism.skipChecksAfterFail(None)
2029                # Get rid of any previously-recorded cases
2030                optimism.deleteAllTestSuites()
2032            # Actually load the module
2033            try:
2034                module = load.create_module_in_sandbox(
2035                    node,
2036                    full_name,
2037                    sandbox_dir=context_utils.extract(
2038                        prev_context,
2039                        self._sandbox
2040                    ),
2041                    on_disk=src_path
2042                )
2043            except Exception as e:
2044                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2045                    self,
2046                    "Unable to run code.",
2047                    e
2048                )
2049            finally: # clean up input/output streams
2050                sys.stdin = old_stdin
2051                sys.stdout = old_stdout
2052                sys.stderr = old_stderr
2054            if OPTIMISTIC:
2055                try:
2056                    # Capture defined test cases
2057                    test_cases = optimism.listAllTrials()
2058                except Exception as e:
2059                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2060                        self,
2061                        "Error managing optimism tests.",
2062                        e
2063                    )
2065            # Wrap our module result if necessary
2066            if wrap is not None:
2067                module = wrap(module)
2069            # Return our new slot
2070            result = { self._to: module }
2071            if test_cases is not None:
2072                result[self._to_cases] = test_cases
2074            return result
2076        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2077        if depends is None:
2078            depends = auto(self._filename, self._from, self._sandbox)
2080        # Now we can call the super constructor
2081        super().__init__(
2082            description=self._description,
2083            builder=establish_context,
2084            display_product=self.display_result,
2085            depends=depends,
2086            hidden=hidden
2087        )
2089        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
2090        # that we generate:
2091        if OPTIMISTIC:
2092            self.register(self._to, self._to_cases)
2093        else:
2094            self.register(self._to)
2097# Register a factory for a default ModuleContext as an on-demand option
2098# for the "module" slot, or for that slot plus the "test_cases" slot if
2099# optimism is available.
2101    AutoContext.on_demand(
2102        (lambda: ModuleContext()),
2103        "module", "test_cases"
2104    )
2106    AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: ModuleContext()), "module")
2109class SolnModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2110    """
2111    Works like `ModuleContext`, but for the solution module: Requires a
2112    "ref_top_scope" slot (see `SolnCodeContext`) which must hold the
2113    solution module's AST, and creates a "ref_module" slot which holds
2114    the module object that results from running that code.
2116    If the optimism module is available, also creates a
2117    "ref_expectations" slot.
2118    """
2119    _filename = "ref_filename"
2120    _src = "ref_file_path"
2121    _from = "ref_top_scope"
2122    _sandbox = "ref_sandbox"
2123    _to = "ref_module"
2124    _to_cases = "ref_test_cases"
2125    _description = (
2126        "The values defined by the solution code",
2127        (
2128            "We will run the solution code so that we can compare"
2129            " its results to the results of your code."
2130        )
2131    )
2133    # Note: just by overriding these fields we've done all that we need
2134    # to to change where we're reading from and where we're putting our
2135    # results.
2138# Register a factory for a default SolnModuleContext as an on-demand
2139# option for the "ref_module" slot, or for that slot plus the
2140# "ref_test_cases" slot if optimism is available.
2142    AutoContext.on_demand(
2143        (lambda: SolnModuleContext()),
2144        "ref_module", "ref_test_cases"
2145    )
2147    AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: SolnModuleContext()), "ref_module")
2150class TestsModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2151    """
2152    Requires a "top_tests_scope" slot (see `TestsCodeContext` which must
2153    hold an entire module's AST, and creates a "tests_module" slot which
2154    holds the module object that results from running that code.
2155    """
2156    _filename = "tests_filename"
2157    _src = "tests_file_path"
2158    _from = "top_tests_scope"
2159    _sandbox = "tests_sandbox"
2160    _to = "tests_module"
2161    _to_cases = "validation_test_cases"
2162    _description = (
2163        "The values defined by the solution code",
2164        (
2165            "We will run the solution code so that we can compare"
2166            " its results to the results of your code."
2167        )
2168    )
2170    # Note: just by overriding these fields we've done all that we need
2171    # to to change where we're reading from and where we're putting our
2172    # results.
2175# Register a factory for a default TestsModuleContext as an on-demand
2176# option for the "tests_module" slot, or for "tests_module" and
2177# "validation_test_cases" if optimism is available.
2179    AutoContext.on_demand(
2180        (lambda: TestsModuleContext()),
2181        "tests_module", "validation_test_cases"
2182    )
2184    AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: TestsModuleContext()), "tests_module")
2187class DefinitionsContext(AutoContext):
2188    """
2189    Creates a "defs" slot based on a "top_scope" slot which holds a
2190    mapping from function names to AST nodes covering every `def` which
2191    occurs in the provided scope, including nested and method
2192    definitions.
2194    Note that nested definitions may shadow exterior definitions in the
2195    map if they have the same name. (TODO: Not that?)
2196    """
2197    _from = "top_scope"
2198    _to = "defs"
2200    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2201        """
2202        Dependencies may be supplied and the context may be hidden. If no
2203        dependencies are given, an auto-dependency for the "top_scope"
2204        slot will be generated.
2205        """
2206        def establish_context(prev_context):
2207            """
2208            This context_builder function depends on a "scope" context
2209            holding an AST node, and adds a "defs" context item which
2210            contains a dicitonary of all AST nodes in that scope which
2211            are function definitions (includes interior defs). The keys
2212            of the dictionary are the names of the functions. Lambdas
2213            are not included in the list.
2214            """
2215            within = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
2217            # Find definition AST nodes
2218            alldefs = set()
2219            for pat in patterns.ALL_DEF_PATTERNS:
2220                alldefs |= set(
2221                    node
2222                    for node, bindings in mast.findall(within, pat)
2223                )
2225            # Create the mapping
2226            defmap = {}
2227            for defn in alldefs:
2228                defmap[defn.name] = defn
2230            # Return our resulting slot
2231            return { self._to: defmap }
2233        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2234        if depends is None:
2235            depends = auto(self._from)
2237        # Now we can call the super constructor
2238        super().__init__(
2239            description=(
2240                "The function definitions in the code",
2241                (
2242                    "We will inspect the code and extract all of the"
2243                    " function definitions."
2244                )
2245            ),
2246            builder=establish_context,
2247            display_product=lambda context: (
2248                "The following functions were defined:\n"
2249              + html_tools.build_list(
2250                    f"<code>{name}</code>"
2251                    for name in context[self._to]
2252                )
2253            ),
2254            depends=depends,
2255            hidden=hidden
2256        )
2258        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2259        # that we generate:
2260        self.register(self._to)
2263# Register a factory for a default DefinitionsContext as an on-demand
2264# option for the "defs" slot.
2265AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: DefinitionsContext()), "defs")
2268class SolnDefinitionsContext(DefinitionsContext):
2269    """
2270    Works like `DefinitionsContext` but extracts a "ref_defs" slot from
2271    the "ref_top_scope" slot.
2272    """
2273    _from = "ref_top_scope"
2274    _to = "ref_defs"
2277# Register a factory for a default SolnDefinitionsContext as an on-demand
2278# option for the "ref_defs" slot.
2279AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: DefinitionsContext()), "ref_defs")
2282class DocstringsContext(AutoContext):
2283    """
2284    Establishes a "docstrings" slot based on "defs" and "module" slots,
2285    which contains a mapping from function names to their docstrings.
2286    This mapping will only include functions defined at the top level of
2287    the module.
2288    """
2290    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2291        """
2292        May have non-automatic dependencies and/or be hidden. If manual
2293        dependencies are provided, make sure they establish the "defs"
2294        and "module" slots.
2295        """
2296        def establish_context(prev_context):
2297            """
2298            This context_builder requires *both* a "defs" node (see
2299            `DefinitionsContext`) *and* a "module" node (see
2300            `ModuleContext`), because it makes use of both the AST and
2301            the actual imported module.
2303            It uses the defs map to figure out what functions to look
2304            for, and then for every function defined *at the top level*
2305            of the submitted code, it looks up the docstring from the
2306            module object, returning a mapping from function names to
2307            docstrings. If there are functions defined inside of other
2308            functions, they will not show up in the resulting
2309            "docstrings" context item.
2310            """
2311            defs = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "defs")
2312            submitted = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "module")
2314            docsmap = {}
2316            for fname in defs:
2317                fcn = getattr(submitted, fname, None)
2318                if fcn:
2319                    # this function is defined at the module level
2320                    doc = getattr(fcn, "__doc__", None) or ""
2321                    doc = doc.strip()
2322                    docsmap[fname] = doc
2324            return { "docstrings": docsmap }
2326        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2327        if depends is None:
2328            depends = auto("defs", "module")
2330        super().__init__(
2331            description=(
2332                "The function docstrings",
2333                (
2334                    "We will extract the docstrings from each function"
2335                    " defined by your code."
2336                )
2337            ),
2338            builder=establish_context,
2339            display_product=lambda context: (
2340                "The following docstrings were found:\n"
2341              + html_tools.build_list(
2342                    (
2343                        f"Function <code>{name}</code>:<br>"
2344                        f"<pre>{doc}</pre>"
2345                    )
2346                    for name, doc in context["docstrings"].items()
2347                )
2348            ),
2349            depends=depends,
2350            hidden=hidden
2351        )
2353        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2354        # that we generate:
2355        self.register("docstrings")
2358# Register a factory for a default DocstringsContext as an on-demand
2359# option for the "docstrings" slot.
2360AutoContext.on_demand((lambda: DocstringsContext()), "docstrings")
2364# Functions for displaying context builder results #
2367def build_context_value_displayer(
2368    key,
2369    compare_ref=True,
2370    include_diff=True,
2371    labels=["Your value", "Solution value", "Comparison"]
2373    """
2374    Creates a display_product function which will show the contents of a
2375    single specific context key, and by default, will include multiple
2376    tabs that show the value, the reference value, and a diff of the two
2377    values. String values are shown as-is; non-string values are
2378    converted to strings using html_tools.big_repr.
2380    If the number of characters in a value's representation would exceed
2381    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT, we will truncate it.
2383    Set compare_ref to False to simply show the value for the specified
2384    key, and set include_diff to False when compare_ref is True to omit
2385    the difference tab in the comparison.
2387    Custom labels for the two values and their difference (second and/or
2388    third labels may be ignored depending on other flags) may be given
2389    using the labels argument.
2391    Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument
2392    to a Context.
2393    """
2394    def display_context_value(context):
2395        """
2396        A function that returns HTML code which displays the value of a
2397        single specific context key, possibly with tabs to view the value
2398        produced by submitted code, the reference value, and the
2399        difference between the two (as a diff).
2401        See build_context_value_displayer, which created this function.
2402        """
2403        if not compare_ref:
2404            if key in context:
2405                # simply return a single <pre> containing a representation of
2406                # the value
2407                if isinstance(context[key], str):
2408                    rep = context[key]
2409                else:
2410                    try:
2411                        rep = html_tools.big_repr(context[key])
2412                    except TypeError:
2413                        rep = repr(context[key])
2414                rep = html_tools.escape(
2415                    html_tools.truncate(rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2416                )
2417                return f"<pre class='context-value'>{rep}</pre>"
2418            else:
2419                # failed to create the context key we're looking for!
2420                return (
2421                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2422                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2423                )
2424        else:
2425            if key in context:
2426                if isinstance(context[key], str):
2427                    rep = context[key]
2428                else:
2429                    try:
2430                        rep = html_tools.big_repr(context[key])
2431                    except TypeError:
2432                        rep = repr(context[key])
2433                rep = html_tools.truncate(rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2434                erep = html_tools.escape(rep)
2435                rep_html = f"<pre class='context-value'>{erep}</pre>"
2436            else:
2437                rep = ""
2438                rep_html = (
2439                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2440                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2441                )
2443            if "ref_" + key in context:
2444                if isinstance(context["ref_" + key], str):
2445                    ref_rep = context["ref_" + key]
2446                else:
2447                    try:
2448                        ref_rep = html_tools.big_repr(context["ref_" + key])
2449                    except TypeError:
2450                        ref_rep = repr(context["ref_" + key])
2451                ref_rep = html_tools.truncate(ref_rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2452                ref_erep = html_tools.escape(ref_rep)
2453                ref_rep_html = f"<pre class='context-value'>{ref_erep}</pre>"
2454            else:
2455                ref_rep = ""
2456                ref_rep_html = (
2457                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2458                    f" context 'ref_{key}'!</div>"
2459                )
2461            if include_diff:
2462                # Include a tab for the differences
2463                diff = html_tools.html_diff_table(
2464                    rep,
2465                    ref_rep,
2466                    out_title=labels[0],
2467                    ref_title=labels[1]
2468                )
2469                return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2470                    [
2471                        (labels[0], rep_html),
2472                        (labels[1], ref_rep_html),
2473                        (labels[2], diff),
2474                    ]
2475                )
2476            else:
2477                # No tab for the differences
2478                return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2479                    [
2480                        (labels[0], rep_html),
2481                        (labels[1], ref_rep_html),
2482                    ]
2483                )
2485    return display_context_value
2488def build_simple_context_value_displayer(
2489    key,
2490    compare_ref=True,
2491    labels=["Your value", "Solution value"]
2493    """
2494    Creates a display_product function similar to the
2495    `build_context_value_displayer` result, but for simple values which
2496    don't need a pre wrapper and which can be displayed side-by-side
2497    (e.g., numbers). No diff is included, as it's presumed that any
2498    differences will be obvious, and values are converted to strings
2499    using str() instead of html_tools.big_repr. Representations that end
2500    up longer than VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT are still truncated.
2502    Set compare_ref to False to include only the main value.
2504    Custom labels for the two values may be given using the labels
2505    argument. These are not used if compare_ref is False.
2507    Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument
2508    to a Context.
2509    """
2510    def display_context_value(context):
2511        """
2512        A function that returns HTML code which displays the value of a
2513        single specific context key, possibly side-by-side with the
2514        corresponding reference value.
2516        See build_simple_context_value_displayer, which created this function.
2517        """
2518        if not compare_ref:
2519            if key in context:
2520                return str(context[key])
2521            else:
2522                return (
2523                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2524                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2525                )
2526        else:
2527            if key in context:
2528                rep = html_tools.truncate(
2529                    repr(context[key]),
2530                    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2531                )
2532                erep = html_tools.escape(rep)
2533                rep_html = "<code>{}</code>".format(erep)
2534            else:
2535                rep_html = (
2536                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2537                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2538                )
2540            if "ref_" + key in context:
2541                ref_rep = html_tools.truncate(
2542                    repr(context["ref_" + key]),
2543                    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2544                )
2545                ref_erep = html_tools.escape(ref_rep)
2546                ref_rep_html = "<code>{}</code>".format(ref_erep)
2547            else:
2548                ref_rep_html = (
2549                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2550                    f" context 'ref_{key}'!</div>"
2551                )
2553            return f"""
2554<table class='context-values'>
2555  <tbody>
2556    <tr> <th>{labels[0]}</th> <td>{rep_html}</td>  </tr>
2557    <tr> <th>{labels[1]}</th> <td>{ref_rep_html}</td>  </tr>
2558  </tbody>
2562    return display_context_value
2565def create_distribution_result_displayer(context_key="distribution"):
2566    """
2567    Creates a distribution results display function, which will read
2568    values from the given context key ("distribution" by default). Also
2569    reads a value from the matching "ref_" key.
2570    """
2571    def display_distribution_results(context):
2572        """
2573        Displays the 'distribution' and 'ref_distribution' context keys
2574        side-by-side.
2575        """
2576        sub_dist = context[context_key]["results"]
2577        ref_dist = context["ref_" + context_key]["results"]
2579        all_results = set(sub_dist) | set(ref_dist)
2581        n_samples = context[context_key]["trials"]
2583        rows = []
2584        for result in sorted(all_results):
2585            rows.append(
2586                (
2587                    "<tr> <td>{result}</td> <td>{n}</td>"
2588                  + " <td>{ref_n}</td> </tr>"
2589                ).format(
2590                    result=html_tools.dynamic_html_repr(
2591                        result,
2592                        limit=VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2593                    ),
2594                    n=repr(sub_dist.get(result, 0)),
2595                    ref_n=repr(ref_dist.get(result, 0))
2596                )
2597            )
2599        return """
2600The distribution of results from your function and the solution function
2601after {n_samples} trials (note: distributions may differ somewhat due to
2602random chance.):
2603<table class='result_distribution'>
2604  <thead>
2605    <tr>
2606      <th>Result value</th>
2607      <th>Observed count</th>
2608      <th>Solution count</th>
2609    </tr>
2610  </thead>
2611  <tbody>
2612    {rows}
2613  </tbody>
2615""".format(n_samples=n_samples, rows='\n    '.join(rows))
2617    return display_distribution_results
2620def create_image_result_displayer(context_key="image", alt_key="output"):
2621    """
2622    Creates a context value display function which shows the "image" slot
2623    (or an image from another slot) with alt text from the "output" slot
2624    (assuming turtleBeads descriptions are used).
2626    If a ref_ slot and an alt ref_ slot are available, a comparison will
2627    be included.
2628    """
2629    def image_displayer(context):
2630        """
2631        Returns HTML code for displaying an image from the given context,
2632        with alt text from a different slot.
2633        """
2634        img = context[context_key]
2635        alt = context[alt_key]
2636        if "ref_" + context_key in context and "ref_" + alt_key in context:
2637            ref_img = context["ref_" + context_key]
2638            ref_alt = context["ref_" + alt_key]
2639            return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2640                [
2641                    (
2642                        "Your image:",
2643                        html_tools.html_image(img, alt)
2644                    ),
2645                    (
2646                        "Solution image:",
2647                        html_tools.html_image(ref_img, ref_alt)
2648                    ),
2649                    (
2650                        "Animation:",
2651                        html_tools.html_animation(
2652                            compare.diff_anim_frames(img, ref_img, 10),
2653                            (
2654                                # TODO: Diff of alt texts here?
2655                                "An animation between your image and the"
2656                                " solution image."
2657                            ),
2658                            delays=[500] + [100] * 10 + [500]
2659                        )
2660                    )
2661                ]
2662            )
2663        else:
2664            # No ref values available for a comparison
2665            return html_tools.html_image(img, alt)
2667    return image_displayer
2671# SiftedContext #
2674class SiftedContext(Context):
2675    """
2676    Working from the "output" and "ref_output" slots (or some other
2677    custom list of slots), this `Context` creates "sifted" and
2678    "ref_sifted" slots which hold the results of matching a regular
2679    expression against the input value.
2680    """
2681    def __init__(
2682        self,
2683        pattern,
2684        depends,
2685        description=None,
2686        slot_map={"output": "sifted", "ref_output": "ref_sifted"},
2687        first_match=False,
2688        require_match=True,
2689        use_matchobjs=False
2690    ):
2691        """
2692        Dependencies must be supplied. A custom description may be
2693        supplied (and is often useful). A custom slot map may be supplied
2694        to specify which incoming slots to process, and for each incoming
2695        slot, which new slot to create to store the result from that
2696        slot.
2697        """
2698        if isinstance(pattern, str):
2699            pattern = re.compile(pattern)
2701        def establish_context(prev_context):
2702            """
2703            This context_builder function processes a custom list of
2704            slots by applying a regular expression to them.
2705            """
2706            result = {}
2707            # Process each requested slot
2708            for from_slot in slot_map:
2709                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2711                # Grab our input value
2712                value = context_utils.extract(prev_context, from_slot)
2713                if not isinstance(value, str):
2714                    raise TypeError(
2715                        f"SiftedContext can only refine string values,"
2716                        f" but was asked to refine value of slot"
2717                        f" {from_slot} which was a {type(value)}."
2718                    )
2720                # Apply our regular expression
2721                matches = pattern.finditer(value)
2723                # Grab the first match if that's what we need
2724                if first_match:
2725                    try:
2726                        first = next(matches)
2727                    except StopIteration:
2728                        raise ValueError(
2729                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2730                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2731                        )
2732                    # Add either the match object or matching string
2733                    if use_matchobjs:
2734                        result[to_slot] = first
2735                    else:
2736                        result[to_slot] = first.group()
2737                else: # Grab all matches
2738                    if use_matchobjs:
2739                        objs = [m for m in matches]
2740                    else:
2741                        objs = [m.group() for m in matches]
2743                    # list might be empty...
2744                    if require_match and len(objs) == 0:
2745                        raise ValueError(
2746                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2747                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2748                        )
2750                    result[to_slot] = objs
2752            # Return our results
2753            return result
2755        def display_result(context):
2756            """
2757            Displays the results of slot sifting as a tabbed HTML
2758            structure with one tab per input slot.
2759            """
2760            tablist = []
2761            for from_slot in slot_map:
2762                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2763                result = context_utils.extract(context, to_slot)
2765                if isinstance(result, re.Match):
2766                    display = f"<pre>{result.group(0)}</pre>"
2767                elif isinstance(result, list):
2768                    if len(result) == 0:
2769                        display = "&lt;no matches&gt;"
2770                    elif isinstance(result[0], str):
2771                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2772                            [
2773                                f"<pre>{entry}</pre>"
2774                                for entry in result
2775                            ]
2776                        )
2777                    else: # results are Match objects
2778                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2779                            [
2780                                f"<pre>{match.group(0)}</pre>"
2781                                for match in result
2782                            ]
2783                        )
2784                else: # results should be strings
2785                    display = f"<pre>{result}</pre>"
2787                tablist.append((from_slot, display))
2789            return (
2790                "Results for expression <pre><code>{expr}</code></pre>:<br>"
2791              + html_tools.build_html_tabs(tablist)
2792            )
2794        # Create a default description if necessary
2795        if description is None:
2796            stuff = phrasing.comma_list(
2797                slot
2798                for slot in slot_map
2799                if not slot.startswith("ref_")
2800            )
2801            description = (
2802                f"Certain parts of the {stuff}",
2803                (
2804                    f"We will search for the pattern"
2805                    f"<pre><code>{pattern.pattern}</code></pre> within"
2806                    f" the {stuff} and inspect the results."
2807                )
2808            )
2810        # Now we can call the super constructor
2811        super().__init__(
2812            description=description,
2813            builder=establish_context,
2814            display_product=display_result,
2815            depends=depends
2816        )

A string (or None before it gets set) which holds the file name given to the most recent instantiation of a FileContext, which is thus also almost certainly the filename that will be used in any new contexts that are created (unless hijinks have ensued).


Like RELEVANT_FILENAME, but for a tests file to be validated rather than a submission file to be evaluated.


Limit (in terms of string length, not bytes) after which we truncate large values that would be displayed by build_context_value_displayer.

def generic_context_displayer(context):
87def generic_context_displayer(context):
88    """
89    The default display_product function for a Context, this just returns
90    the string "no details available." This may help cut down on report
91    sizes where displaying all context values would include highlighted
92    copies of the source code, etc.
93    """
94    return "no details available"

The default display_product function for a Context, this just returns the string "no details available." This may help cut down on report sizes where displaying all context values would include highlighted copies of the source code, etc.

class Context:
 97class Context:
 98    """
 99    Represents some kind of product of submitted code, like an
100    AST tree, or produced output. Contexts can specialize each other, so
101    for example a regular expression could be used to transform a context
102    containing all output from a program into a context containing just a
103    single line of output. Context objects organize context_builder
104    functions into hierarchies, and manage caching of their results.
106    A `Context` object also needs to know how to render its results into
107    HTML to display to the user as part of the feedback process.
109    A `Context` object, via its context_builder function, knows how to
110    produce, on demand, a dictionary mapping context keys to values.
111    The base context (and therefore all derived contexts) will always
112    include the following `potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS`:
114    - "task_info": A task info dictionary for the current task, which
115        will have the following keys:
116        - "id": The task ID.
117        - "specification": the specification module for this task.
118        - "target": The default file or folder to grade in a submission.
119        - "title": The title of this task.
120        - "desc": The short description of this task.
121        - "reference_cache_file": The filename where reference values
122            may be cached.
123        - "ignore_cache": Whether or not to ignore the cache (might not
124            be present; ignore cache only if present and truthy).
125    - "username": The user who submitted the code we're evaluating.
126    - "submission_root": The root directory within which the
127        submission we're evaluating can be found.
128    - "default_file": The official name of the default file to evaluate.
129    - "actual_file": The actual name of the default file as submitted.
130    - "tests_submission_root": The root directory where the test's we're
131        validating can be found (present during validation).
132    - "default_tests_file": The official name of the default tests file
133        to validate.
134    - "actual_tests_file": The actual name of the tests file as
135        submitted.
137    When a context is associated with a specific goal, the context
138    dictionary will also always contain the following extra slots:
140    - "goal_id": The unique-per-task identifier string for the goal that
141        this context is associated with.
142    - "which_context": The index of this context within the goal's
143        testing contexts. Along with the task ID and goal ID, this can be
144        used to build a unique identifier for the context.
145        TODO: Context IDs?
147    The typical slots of derived context dictionaries include:
149    - "filename": The file name (without path) of the file we're
150        evaluating.
151    - "file_path": The full absolute path to the file we're evaluating.
152    - "source": A string containing the source code of the submitted
153        module.
154    - "parse_errors": A list of Exception objects which were
155        generated but ignored when parsing the submitted code.
156    - "defs": A mapping from function names to AST nodes covering
157        every `def` node in the submitted code (but note that
158        functions with identical names will shadow each other in this
159        map).
160    - "scope": an AST node to check within (e.g., for a function
161        definition check). See ImplementationCheck for an example of
162        how these contexts are created and used.
163    - "docstrings": A mapping from function names to documentation
164        strings for those functions.
165    - "top_scope": The top-level AST node for the submitted code.
166    - "module": a loaded (submitted or solution) module
167        (for a suite of tests that relies on the code).
168    - "value": arbitrary Python value returned from a function call.
169    - "output": a string containing output from tested code. This may be
170        the full output, or may be filtered by additional Context objects
171        to contain just part of the full output.
172    - "trace": a trace list recording certain function calls made
173        during a test, along with arbitrary state snapshots (see
174        `potluck.harness.tracing_function_calls`).
175    - "image": a Pillow Image object holding a captured image.
176    - "audio": a dictionary with "mimetype", "data", and optionally
177        "label" slots, holding captured audio data in binary form. The
178        mimetype should indicate a MIME type for the data, while the
179        "data" slot holds a bytes object containing the raw data in that
180        format. The label slot holds a string used to label the audio in
181        output to users.
182    - "output_filename": the filename for an output file written to by
183        testing code.
184    - "output_file_contents": a string containing the contents of a file
185        that was written to by tested code.
186    - "expectations": a list of dictionaries defining expectations
187        established using the `optimism` module (only present if that
188        module is available) Each has the following keys:
189        - "tag" A string indicating the file name and line number where
190            this expectation was established
191        - "case" The test case info. This is a dictionary with "result",
192            "output", and "context" slots, holding the result value,
193            printed output, and context details for a test case (see
194            `optimism.get_my_context` for details of the "context"
195            value).
196        - "type" The type of expectation: "result", "output", or
197            "custom".
198        - "value" The expected value (or output fragment, or the checker
199            function, depending on the expectation type).
200    - Other keys not defined here may be established and/or used by
201        certain Context or Goal classes.
202    - Versions of the keys above with "ref_" as a prefix hold
203        equivalent values derived from solution instead of submitted
204        code.
206    Note: For various reasons, the context building process creates
207    shallow copies of contexts, not deep copies (the context values, such
208    as modules, are often not deep-copyable). Accordingly, it is possible
209    for changes to some sub-component of a context to be seen by other
210    places where that context is being used, and thus YOU SHOULD NEVER
211    MUTATE A CONTEXT VALUE. Context builder functions may safely
212    synthesize new values based on old ones, and may freely update
213    context keys with new values, but should not mutate the values under
214    those keys.
215    """
216    def __init__(
217        self,
218        description=(
219            "UNSPECIFIED TOPIC",
220            "UNSPECIFIED DETAILS",
221            "UNSPECIFIED FULL TOPIC",
223        ),
224        builder=None,
225        display_product=generic_context_displayer,
226        depends=None,
227        failure_explanation=None,
228        cache_values=True,
229        base=None,
230        hidden=False,
231        generate_warnings=False
232    ):
233        """
234        You must supply a description pair (topic + details), triple
235        (topic + details + feedback topic), or quad (topic + details +
236        feedback topic + feedback details). Each item must be an HTML
237        string to be displayed to the students as part of the rubric; the
238        feedback versions if provided are used instead of the originals
239        when generating a feedback document as opposed to a blank rubric.
241        You must also supply a builder function, to be run when this
242        context is required. If depends is supplied, it should be a list
243        of Context objects, and before this context is established, each
244        of those contexts will be created and merged in turn, to
245        establish the prev_context argument to the builder function. The
246        builder function must accept one argument (a context dictionary)
247        and must return a dictionary of any new or modified keys that it
248        wants to update in that context dictionary.
250        You may supply a failure_explanation, which can be either a
251        string, or a function that will be given the context in which the
252        failure occurred and an Exception object (with an html_tb
253        attached) and expected to return a string. This will be used to
254        set the error message for a ContextCreationError thrown when the
255        context_builder crashes, and that can ultimately become part of
256        an explanation for a failed goal.
258        If cache_values is given as False, the context_builder function
259        will be re-run every time this context is requested, but by
260        default, the result will be run only when one of our dependencies
261        has a newer timestamp than our cached value.
263        To supply seed values to bootstrap context creation, a Context
264        may have a base value, which is used to start the
265        dependency-merging process to provide a context for its builder.
267        If hidden is given as True, this Context will not show up in the
268        Contexts list, and will only be visible as a context associated
269        with a goal when that goal is evaluated (use with care).
271        If generate_warnings is set to True (default is False) then
272        issues with context creation of this context (but not with
273        creation of dependencies) will be logged as warnings in
274        `list_and_render_contexts` output.
275        """
276        self.description = description
277        if builder is None:
278            raise ValueError(
279                "Must specify a context builder when creating a Context."
280            )
281        self.builder = builder
282        self.display_product = display_product
283        self.depends = depends or []
284        self.failure_explanation = failure_explanation
285        self.cache_values = cache_values
286        self.base = base or {}
287        self.hidden = hidden
288        self.generate_warnings = generate_warnings
290        self.cached_value = None
291        self.cache_timestamp = None
293        self.working_from = None
294        # which base context we're currently working from, for better
295        # exception reporting
297    def __str__(self):
298        """
299        Uses the first description entry to hint which context this is.
300        """
301        return 'Context "' + self.feedback_topic() + '"'
303    def __repr__(self):
304        """
305        Weaves in the description.
306        """
307        return f'<{type(self).__name__} "{self.feedback_topic()}">'
309    def __copy__(self):
310        """
311        Contexts may not be copied. They are entangled with each other,
312        and we also don't want to create multiple copies which will
313        duplicate the same work.
314        """
315        raise NotImplementedError("Contexts may not be copied.")
317    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
318        """
319        Contexts may not be copied (see __copy__).
320        """
321        raise NotImplementedError("Contexts may not be copied.")
323    def changed_at(self):
324        """
325        Returns the timestamp of the most recent update to our cached
326        context dictionary, so that contexts that depend on this one can
327        know if they need to update themselves. May return None if no
328        cached value has been created yet.
329        """
330        return self.cache_timestamp
332    def clear_cache(self):
333        """
334        Removes cached info & resets cache timestamp.
335        """
336        self.cached_value = None
337        self.cache_timestamp = None
339    def burn_cache(self):
340        """
341        Clears our cache, and burns caches of our dependencies.
342        """
343        self.clear_cache()
344        for dep in self.depends:
345            dep.burn_cache()
347    def create(self, base_context):
348        """
349        Creates and returns a context dictionary, using our builder
350        function. If caching is enabled, a (shallow copy of a) cached
351        value will be returned if we think that it was created after any
352        changes in our dependencies.
354        A base context is required, and should be a dictionary; normally
355        it should have all the `potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS`
356        already populated.
358        The resulting context will have a special "__builder__" slot
359        which contains a reference to this `Context` object. Of course,
360        this slot will get overwritten by each context in a chain, so it
361        only stores the last builder to touch the context (but see below).
363        The resulting context will have a special "__unmerged__" slot
364        which contains a list of context dictionaries for each dependency
365        of this context, holding the context state created by just that
366        dependency before merging with later dependencies. This can be
367        used to retrieve separate values for the same slot from multiple
368        dependencies, where only the last of those values would normally
369        be retained. Those context dictionaries will of course have
370        "__builder__" and "__unmerged__" slots, so the full chain of
371        `Context` objects responsible for a given context can be
372        recursively retrieved if necessary.
373        """
374        rerun = False
375        if not self.cache_values:
376            rerun = True
377        else:
378            # Check whether we even have a result yet:
379            if self.cache_timestamp is None:
380                rerun = True
381            else:
382                # Check timestamps of our dependencies
383                for dep in self.depends:
384                    when = dep.changed_at()
385                    if when is None or when > self.cache_timestamp:
386                        rerun = True
387                        break
389        if not rerun:
390            # Return a shallow copy of our cached value
391            result = copy.copy(base_context)
392            result.update(self.cached_value)
393            return result
394        else:
395            # Create new cached value and update our timestamp
396            self.working_from = base_context
397            prev_context = copy.copy(base_context)
398            prev_context.update(self.base)
399            unmerged = []
400            for dep in self.depends:
401                try:
402                    dep_context = dep.create(base_context)
403                    prev_context.update(dep_context)
404                    unmerged.append(dep_context)
405                except Exception as e:
406                    e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
407                        linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
408                    )
409                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
410                        self,
411                        "Dependency failed.",
412                        e
413                    )
414            prev_context["__unmerged__"] = unmerged
415            prev_context["__builder__"] = self
417            try:
418                our_results = self.builder(prev_context)
419                prev_context.update(our_results)
420                self.cached_value = prev_context
421            except Exception as e:
422                e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
423                    linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
424                )
425                if isinstance(self.failure_explanation, str):
426                    msg = self.failure_explanation
427                elif self.failure_explanation:
428                    msg = self.failure_explanation(prev_context, e)
429                else:
430                    msg = "Test setup failed."
431                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(self, msg, e)
432            self.cache_timestamp = time.time()
433            # Return shallow copy of cached value
434            result = {}
435            result.update(self.cached_value)
436            return result
438    def deps_are_a_stick(self):
439        """
440        Returns true if the transitive dependencies of this context form
441        a stick, not a real tree (i.e., each context, including this one,
442        has exactly 1 or 0 dependencies).
443        """
444        return (
445            len(self.depends) in (0, 1)
446        and all(dep.deps_are_a_stick for dep in self.depends)
447        )
449    def rubric_topic(self):
450        """
451        Gets the rubric version of this Context's topic.
452        """
453        return self.description[0]
455    def rubric_details(self):
456        """
457        Gets the rubric version of this Context's details.
458        """
459        return self.description[1]
461    def feedback_topic(self):
462        """
463        Gets the feedback version of this Context's topic, or just the
464        normal topic if there is no feedback version.
465        """
466        return self.description[::2][-1]
468    def feedback_details(self):
469        """
470        Gets the feedback version of this Context's details, or just the
471        normal details if there is no feedback version.
472        """
473        return self.description[1::2][-1]
475    def html_topic(self, in_feedback=False):
476        """
477        Returns an HTML string representing just this context object as a
478        div.topic, without including information about dependencies. If
479        in_feedback is given as True, the feedback version of the topic
480        and details is shown instead of the normal (rubric) version.
482        Details are included behind a help button.
483        """
484        if in_feedback:
485            topic = self.feedback_topic()
486            details = self.feedback_details()
487        else:
488            topic = self.rubric_topic()
489            details = self.rubric_details()
490        return '<div class="topic">{}</div>'.format(
491            topic + ' ' + html_tools.create_help_button(details)
492        )
494    def html_context_tree(self, in_feedback=False):
495        """
496        Produces an HTML string which shows this context and those that
497        it depends on in a tree structure, with dependencies nested
498        inside the contexts that depend on them. In the special case of a
499        stick, a different format is used.
501        If in_feedback is given as true, the feedback topic and details
502        values from the description are used if present, instead of the
503        normal (rubric) topic and details.
504        """
505        if self.deps_are_a_stick():
506            if self.depends:
507                dep_chain = (
508                    '(depends on <div class="context_depends">{}</div>)'
509                ).format(
510                    self.depends[0].html_context_tree(in_feedback)
511                    # there is only one
512                )
513                return (
514                    '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
515                  + '{}\n</details>'
516                ).format(
517                    self.html_topic(in_feedback),
518                    dep_chain
519                )
520            else:
521                return '<div class="context">\n{}\n</div>'.format(
522                    self.html_topic(in_feedback)
523                )
524        else:
525            # Dependencies are a tree...
526            dep_entries = '<br>\n'.join(
527                dep.html_context_tree(in_feedback)
528                for dep in self.depends
529            )
530            depends_full = (
531                '<div class="context_depends">\n'
532              + 'Depends on:<br>\n'
533              + '{}\n'
534              + '</div>'
535            ).format(dep_entries) if self.depends else ''
536            return (
537                '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
538              + '{}\n</details>'
539            ).format(
540                self.html_topic(in_feedback),
541                depends_full
542            )
544    def html_representation(self, base_context):
545        """
546        Builds an HTML representation of this context's result using the
547        display_product function. A base context is required because
548        create is used to fetch the current value (or build a new one).
550        If context creation fails, the result will be a string describing
551        the error.
552        """
553        try:
554            return self.display_product(self.create(base_context))
555        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
556            tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
557            return f"""\
558<div class="context_error">
559  <h3>An error was encountered while attempting to run this test.</h3>
564    def warnings(self, base_context):
565        """
566        Returns a list of HTML strings representing warnings generated by
567        this context (excluding warnings generated by contexts this one
568        depends on). A base context is required because we need to
569        generate the context value to see if there are warnings, although
570        a cached value will be used in most cases. Returns an empty list
571        when no warnings have been generated.
572        """
573        try:
574            ctx = self.create(base_context)
575            return ctx.get("warnings", [])
576        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
577            if isinstance(e.cause, context_utils.ContextCreationError):
578                # Error comes from a dependency, not directly from this
579                # context, so report nothing to avoid duplicating
580                # warnings
581                return []
582            else:
583                # Error comes from this context, so report it
584                tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
585                return [ f"Error during context creation:<br>{tb}" ]

Represents some kind of product of submitted code, like an AST tree, or produced output. Contexts can specialize each other, so for example a regular expression could be used to transform a context containing all output from a program into a context containing just a single line of output. Context objects organize context_builder functions into hierarchies, and manage caching of their results.

A Context object also needs to know how to render its results into HTML to display to the user as part of the feedback process.

A Context object, via its context_builder function, knows how to produce, on demand, a dictionary mapping context keys to values. The base context (and therefore all derived contexts) will always include the following potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS:

  • "task_info": A task info dictionary for the current task, which will have the following keys:
    • "id": The task ID.
    • "specification": the specification module for this task.
    • "target": The default file or folder to grade in a submission.
    • "title": The title of this task.
    • "desc": The short description of this task.
    • "reference_cache_file": The filename where reference values may be cached.
    • "ignore_cache": Whether or not to ignore the cache (might not be present; ignore cache only if present and truthy).
  • "username": The user who submitted the code we're evaluating.
  • "submission_root": The root directory within which the submission we're evaluating can be found.
  • "default_file": The official name of the default file to evaluate.
  • "actual_file": The actual name of the default file as submitted.
  • "tests_submission_root": The root directory where the test's we're validating can be found (present during validation).
  • "default_tests_file": The official name of the default tests file to validate.
  • "actual_tests_file": The actual name of the tests file as submitted.

When a context is associated with a specific goal, the context dictionary will also always contain the following extra slots:

  • "goal_id": The unique-per-task identifier string for the goal that this context is associated with.
  • "which_context": The index of this context within the goal's testing contexts. Along with the task ID and goal ID, this can be used to build a unique identifier for the context. TODO: Context IDs?

The typical slots of derived context dictionaries include:

  • "filename": The file name (without path) of the file we're evaluating.
  • "file_path": The full absolute path to the file we're evaluating.
  • "source": A string containing the source code of the submitted module.
  • "parse_errors": A list of Exception objects which were generated but ignored when parsing the submitted code.
  • "defs": A mapping from function names to AST nodes covering every def node in the submitted code (but note that functions with identical names will shadow each other in this map).
  • "scope": an AST node to check within (e.g., for a function definition check). See ImplementationCheck for an example of how these contexts are created and used.
  • "docstrings": A mapping from function names to documentation strings for those functions.
  • "top_scope": The top-level AST node for the submitted code.
  • "module": a loaded (submitted or solution) module (for a suite of tests that relies on the code).
  • "value": arbitrary Python value returned from a function call.
  • "output": a string containing output from tested code. This may be the full output, or may be filtered by additional Context objects to contain just part of the full output.
  • "trace": a trace list recording certain function calls made during a test, along with arbitrary state snapshots (see potluck.harness.tracing_function_calls).
  • "image": a Pillow Image object holding a captured image.
  • "audio": a dictionary with "mimetype", "data", and optionally "label" slots, holding captured audio data in binary form. The mimetype should indicate a MIME type for the data, while the "data" slot holds a bytes object containing the raw data in that format. The label slot holds a string used to label the audio in output to users.
  • "output_filename": the filename for an output file written to by testing code.
  • "output_file_contents": a string containing the contents of a file that was written to by tested code.
  • "expectations": a list of dictionaries defining expectations established using the optimism module (only present if that module is available) Each has the following keys:
    • "tag" A string indicating the file name and line number where this expectation was established
    • "case" The test case info. This is a dictionary with "result", "output", and "context" slots, holding the result value, printed output, and context details for a test case (see optimism.get_my_context for details of the "context" value).
    • "type" The type of expectation: "result", "output", or "custom".
    • "value" The expected value (or output fragment, or the checker function, depending on the expectation type).
  • Other keys not defined here may be established and/or used by certain Context or Goal classes.
  • Versions of the keys above with "ref_" as a prefix hold equivalent values derived from solution instead of submitted code.

Note: For various reasons, the context building process creates shallow copies of contexts, not deep copies (the context values, such as modules, are often not deep-copyable). Accordingly, it is possible for changes to some sub-component of a context to be seen by other places where that context is being used, and thus YOU SHOULD NEVER MUTATE A CONTEXT VALUE. Context builder functions may safely synthesize new values based on old ones, and may freely update context keys with new values, but should not mutate the values under those keys.

Context( description=('UNSPECIFIED TOPIC', 'UNSPECIFIED DETAILS', 'UNSPECIFIED FULL TOPIC', 'UNSPECIFIED FULL DETAILS'), builder=None, display_product=<function generic_context_displayer>, depends=None, failure_explanation=None, cache_values=True, base=None, hidden=False, generate_warnings=False)
216    def __init__(
217        self,
218        description=(
219            "UNSPECIFIED TOPIC",
220            "UNSPECIFIED DETAILS",
221            "UNSPECIFIED FULL TOPIC",
223        ),
224        builder=None,
225        display_product=generic_context_displayer,
226        depends=None,
227        failure_explanation=None,
228        cache_values=True,
229        base=None,
230        hidden=False,
231        generate_warnings=False
232    ):
233        """
234        You must supply a description pair (topic + details), triple
235        (topic + details + feedback topic), or quad (topic + details +
236        feedback topic + feedback details). Each item must be an HTML
237        string to be displayed to the students as part of the rubric; the
238        feedback versions if provided are used instead of the originals
239        when generating a feedback document as opposed to a blank rubric.
241        You must also supply a builder function, to be run when this
242        context is required. If depends is supplied, it should be a list
243        of Context objects, and before this context is established, each
244        of those contexts will be created and merged in turn, to
245        establish the prev_context argument to the builder function. The
246        builder function must accept one argument (a context dictionary)
247        and must return a dictionary of any new or modified keys that it
248        wants to update in that context dictionary.
250        You may supply a failure_explanation, which can be either a
251        string, or a function that will be given the context in which the
252        failure occurred and an Exception object (with an html_tb
253        attached) and expected to return a string. This will be used to
254        set the error message for a ContextCreationError thrown when the
255        context_builder crashes, and that can ultimately become part of
256        an explanation for a failed goal.
258        If cache_values is given as False, the context_builder function
259        will be re-run every time this context is requested, but by
260        default, the result will be run only when one of our dependencies
261        has a newer timestamp than our cached value.
263        To supply seed values to bootstrap context creation, a Context
264        may have a base value, which is used to start the
265        dependency-merging process to provide a context for its builder.
267        If hidden is given as True, this Context will not show up in the
268        Contexts list, and will only be visible as a context associated
269        with a goal when that goal is evaluated (use with care).
271        If generate_warnings is set to True (default is False) then
272        issues with context creation of this context (but not with
273        creation of dependencies) will be logged as warnings in
274        `list_and_render_contexts` output.
275        """
276        self.description = description
277        if builder is None:
278            raise ValueError(
279                "Must specify a context builder when creating a Context."
280            )
281        self.builder = builder
282        self.display_product = display_product
283        self.depends = depends or []
284        self.failure_explanation = failure_explanation
285        self.cache_values = cache_values
286        self.base = base or {}
287        self.hidden = hidden
288        self.generate_warnings = generate_warnings
290        self.cached_value = None
291        self.cache_timestamp = None
293        self.working_from = None
294        # which base context we're currently working from, for better
295        # exception reporting

You must supply a description pair (topic + details), triple (topic + details + feedback topic), or quad (topic + details + feedback topic + feedback details). Each item must be an HTML string to be displayed to the students as part of the rubric; the feedback versions if provided are used instead of the originals when generating a feedback document as opposed to a blank rubric.

You must also supply a builder function, to be run when this context is required. If depends is supplied, it should be a list of Context objects, and before this context is established, each of those contexts will be created and merged in turn, to establish the prev_context argument to the builder function. The builder function must accept one argument (a context dictionary) and must return a dictionary of any new or modified keys that it wants to update in that context dictionary.

You may supply a failure_explanation, which can be either a string, or a function that will be given the context in which the failure occurred and an Exception object (with an html_tb attached) and expected to return a string. This will be used to set the error message for a ContextCreationError thrown when the context_builder crashes, and that can ultimately become part of an explanation for a failed goal.

If cache_values is given as False, the context_builder function will be re-run every time this context is requested, but by default, the result will be run only when one of our dependencies has a newer timestamp than our cached value.

To supply seed values to bootstrap context creation, a Context may have a base value, which is used to start the dependency-merging process to provide a context for its builder.

If hidden is given as True, this Context will not show up in the Contexts list, and will only be visible as a context associated with a goal when that goal is evaluated (use with care).

If generate_warnings is set to True (default is False) then issues with context creation of this context (but not with creation of dependencies) will be logged as warnings in list_and_render_contexts output.

def changed_at(self):
323    def changed_at(self):
324        """
325        Returns the timestamp of the most recent update to our cached
326        context dictionary, so that contexts that depend on this one can
327        know if they need to update themselves. May return None if no
328        cached value has been created yet.
329        """
330        return self.cache_timestamp

Returns the timestamp of the most recent update to our cached context dictionary, so that contexts that depend on this one can know if they need to update themselves. May return None if no cached value has been created yet.

def clear_cache(self):
332    def clear_cache(self):
333        """
334        Removes cached info & resets cache timestamp.
335        """
336        self.cached_value = None
337        self.cache_timestamp = None

Removes cached info & resets cache timestamp.

def burn_cache(self):
339    def burn_cache(self):
340        """
341        Clears our cache, and burns caches of our dependencies.
342        """
343        self.clear_cache()
344        for dep in self.depends:
345            dep.burn_cache()

Clears our cache, and burns caches of our dependencies.

def create(self, base_context):
347    def create(self, base_context):
348        """
349        Creates and returns a context dictionary, using our builder
350        function. If caching is enabled, a (shallow copy of a) cached
351        value will be returned if we think that it was created after any
352        changes in our dependencies.
354        A base context is required, and should be a dictionary; normally
355        it should have all the `potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS`
356        already populated.
358        The resulting context will have a special "__builder__" slot
359        which contains a reference to this `Context` object. Of course,
360        this slot will get overwritten by each context in a chain, so it
361        only stores the last builder to touch the context (but see below).
363        The resulting context will have a special "__unmerged__" slot
364        which contains a list of context dictionaries for each dependency
365        of this context, holding the context state created by just that
366        dependency before merging with later dependencies. This can be
367        used to retrieve separate values for the same slot from multiple
368        dependencies, where only the last of those values would normally
369        be retained. Those context dictionaries will of course have
370        "__builder__" and "__unmerged__" slots, so the full chain of
371        `Context` objects responsible for a given context can be
372        recursively retrieved if necessary.
373        """
374        rerun = False
375        if not self.cache_values:
376            rerun = True
377        else:
378            # Check whether we even have a result yet:
379            if self.cache_timestamp is None:
380                rerun = True
381            else:
382                # Check timestamps of our dependencies
383                for dep in self.depends:
384                    when = dep.changed_at()
385                    if when is None or when > self.cache_timestamp:
386                        rerun = True
387                        break
389        if not rerun:
390            # Return a shallow copy of our cached value
391            result = copy.copy(base_context)
392            result.update(self.cached_value)
393            return result
394        else:
395            # Create new cached value and update our timestamp
396            self.working_from = base_context
397            prev_context = copy.copy(base_context)
398            prev_context.update(self.base)
399            unmerged = []
400            for dep in self.depends:
401                try:
402                    dep_context = dep.create(base_context)
403                    prev_context.update(dep_context)
404                    unmerged.append(dep_context)
405                except Exception as e:
406                    e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
407                        linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
408                    )
409                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
410                        self,
411                        "Dependency failed.",
412                        e
413                    )
414            prev_context["__unmerged__"] = unmerged
415            prev_context["__builder__"] = self
417            try:
418                our_results = self.builder(prev_context)
419                prev_context.update(our_results)
420                self.cached_value = prev_context
421            except Exception as e:
422                e.html_tb = html_tools.html_traceback(
423                    linkable=context_utils.linkmap(prev_context)
424                )
425                if isinstance(self.failure_explanation, str):
426                    msg = self.failure_explanation
427                elif self.failure_explanation:
428                    msg = self.failure_explanation(prev_context, e)
429                else:
430                    msg = "Test setup failed."
431                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(self, msg, e)
432            self.cache_timestamp = time.time()
433            # Return shallow copy of cached value
434            result = {}
435            result.update(self.cached_value)
436            return result

Creates and returns a context dictionary, using our builder function. If caching is enabled, a (shallow copy of a) cached value will be returned if we think that it was created after any changes in our dependencies.

A base context is required, and should be a dictionary; normally it should have all the potluck.context_utils.BASE_CONTEXT_SLOTS already populated.

The resulting context will have a special "__builder__" slot which contains a reference to this Context object. Of course, this slot will get overwritten by each context in a chain, so it only stores the last builder to touch the context (but see below).

The resulting context will have a special "__unmerged__" slot which contains a list of context dictionaries for each dependency of this context, holding the context state created by just that dependency before merging with later dependencies. This can be used to retrieve separate values for the same slot from multiple dependencies, where only the last of those values would normally be retained. Those context dictionaries will of course have "__builder__" and "__unmerged__" slots, so the full chain of Context objects responsible for a given context can be recursively retrieved if necessary.

def deps_are_a_stick(self):
438    def deps_are_a_stick(self):
439        """
440        Returns true if the transitive dependencies of this context form
441        a stick, not a real tree (i.e., each context, including this one,
442        has exactly 1 or 0 dependencies).
443        """
444        return (
445            len(self.depends) in (0, 1)
446        and all(dep.deps_are_a_stick for dep in self.depends)
447        )

Returns true if the transitive dependencies of this context form a stick, not a real tree (i.e., each context, including this one, has exactly 1 or 0 dependencies).

def rubric_topic(self):
449    def rubric_topic(self):
450        """
451        Gets the rubric version of this Context's topic.
452        """
453        return self.description[0]

Gets the rubric version of this Context's topic.

def rubric_details(self):
455    def rubric_details(self):
456        """
457        Gets the rubric version of this Context's details.
458        """
459        return self.description[1]

Gets the rubric version of this Context's details.

def feedback_topic(self):
461    def feedback_topic(self):
462        """
463        Gets the feedback version of this Context's topic, or just the
464        normal topic if there is no feedback version.
465        """
466        return self.description[::2][-1]

Gets the feedback version of this Context's topic, or just the normal topic if there is no feedback version.

def feedback_details(self):
468    def feedback_details(self):
469        """
470        Gets the feedback version of this Context's details, or just the
471        normal details if there is no feedback version.
472        """
473        return self.description[1::2][-1]

Gets the feedback version of this Context's details, or just the normal details if there is no feedback version.

def html_topic(self, in_feedback=False):
475    def html_topic(self, in_feedback=False):
476        """
477        Returns an HTML string representing just this context object as a
478        div.topic, without including information about dependencies. If
479        in_feedback is given as True, the feedback version of the topic
480        and details is shown instead of the normal (rubric) version.
482        Details are included behind a help button.
483        """
484        if in_feedback:
485            topic = self.feedback_topic()
486            details = self.feedback_details()
487        else:
488            topic = self.rubric_topic()
489            details = self.rubric_details()
490        return '<div class="topic">{}</div>'.format(
491            topic + ' ' + html_tools.create_help_button(details)
492        )

Returns an HTML string representing just this context object as a div.topic, without including information about dependencies. If in_feedback is given as True, the feedback version of the topic and details is shown instead of the normal (rubric) version.

Details are included behind a help button.

def html_context_tree(self, in_feedback=False):
494    def html_context_tree(self, in_feedback=False):
495        """
496        Produces an HTML string which shows this context and those that
497        it depends on in a tree structure, with dependencies nested
498        inside the contexts that depend on them. In the special case of a
499        stick, a different format is used.
501        If in_feedback is given as true, the feedback topic and details
502        values from the description are used if present, instead of the
503        normal (rubric) topic and details.
504        """
505        if self.deps_are_a_stick():
506            if self.depends:
507                dep_chain = (
508                    '(depends on <div class="context_depends">{}</div>)'
509                ).format(
510                    self.depends[0].html_context_tree(in_feedback)
511                    # there is only one
512                )
513                return (
514                    '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
515                  + '{}\n</details>'
516                ).format(
517                    self.html_topic(in_feedback),
518                    dep_chain
519                )
520            else:
521                return '<div class="context">\n{}\n</div>'.format(
522                    self.html_topic(in_feedback)
523                )
524        else:
525            # Dependencies are a tree...
526            dep_entries = '<br>\n'.join(
527                dep.html_context_tree(in_feedback)
528                for dep in self.depends
529            )
530            depends_full = (
531                '<div class="context_depends">\n'
532              + 'Depends on:<br>\n'
533              + '{}\n'
534              + '</div>'
535            ).format(dep_entries) if self.depends else ''
536            return (
537                '<details class="context">\n<summary>{}</summary>\n'
538              + '{}\n</details>'
539            ).format(
540                self.html_topic(in_feedback),
541                depends_full
542            )

Produces an HTML string which shows this context and those that it depends on in a tree structure, with dependencies nested inside the contexts that depend on them. In the special case of a stick, a different format is used.

If in_feedback is given as true, the feedback topic and details values from the description are used if present, instead of the normal (rubric) topic and details.

def html_representation(self, base_context):
544    def html_representation(self, base_context):
545        """
546        Builds an HTML representation of this context's result using the
547        display_product function. A base context is required because
548        create is used to fetch the current value (or build a new one).
550        If context creation fails, the result will be a string describing
551        the error.
552        """
553        try:
554            return self.display_product(self.create(base_context))
555        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
556            tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
557            return f"""\
558<div class="context_error">
559  <h3>An error was encountered while attempting to run this test.</h3>

Builds an HTML representation of this context's result using the display_product function. A base context is required because create is used to fetch the current value (or build a new one).

If context creation fails, the result will be a string describing the error.

def warnings(self, base_context):
564    def warnings(self, base_context):
565        """
566        Returns a list of HTML strings representing warnings generated by
567        this context (excluding warnings generated by contexts this one
568        depends on). A base context is required because we need to
569        generate the context value to see if there are warnings, although
570        a cached value will be used in most cases. Returns an empty list
571        when no warnings have been generated.
572        """
573        try:
574            ctx = self.create(base_context)
575            return ctx.get("warnings", [])
576        except context_utils.ContextCreationError as e:
577            if isinstance(e.cause, context_utils.ContextCreationError):
578                # Error comes from a dependency, not directly from this
579                # context, so report nothing to avoid duplicating
580                # warnings
581                return []
582            else:
583                # Error comes from this context, so report it
584                tb = html_tools.html_traceback(e)
585                return [ f"Error during context creation:<br>{tb}" ]

Returns a list of HTML strings representing warnings generated by this context (excluding warnings generated by contexts this one depends on). A base context is required because we need to generate the context value to see if there are warnings, although a cached value will be used in most cases. Returns an empty list when no warnings have been generated.

def add_context_numbering(all_context_objs):
588def add_context_numbering(all_context_objs):
589    """
590    Takes a list of Context objects and looks for objects with duplicated
591    short descriptions, adding numerical suffixes to these.
592    """
593    # Map topics to lists of contexts
594    by_topic = {}
595    by_feedback_topic = {}
596    for ctx in all_context_objs:
597        topic = ctx.description[0]
598        by_topic.setdefault(topic, []).append(ctx)
600        if len(ctx.description) > 2:
601            by_feedback_topic.setdefault(ctx.description[2], []).append(ctx)
603    # Assign numbers to topics that are duplicated
604    for topic in by_topic:
605        contexts = by_topic[topic]
606        if len(contexts) > 1:
607            # these duplicates need numbering
608            for i, ctx in enumerate(contexts):
609                ctx.description = (
610                    ctx.description[0] + f" #{i+1}",
611                ) + ctx.description[1:]
613    # Repeat for feedback topics (numbering will hopefully be consistent
614    # because of consistent iteration order over all context objects, but
615    # if it's not, too bad.
616    for topic in by_feedback_topic:
617        contexts = by_feedback_topic[topic]
618        if len(contexts) > 1:
619            # these duplicates need numbering
620            for i, ctx in enumerate(contexts):
621                ctx.description = ctx.description[:2] + (
622                    ctx.description[2] + f" #{i+1}",
623                ) + ctx.description[3:]

Takes a list of Context objects and looks for objects with duplicated short descriptions, adding numerical suffixes to these.

def build_context_graph(all_context_objs):
626def build_context_graph(all_context_objs):
627    """
628    Takes a list of Context objects and traces dependencies to build a
629    top-down rather than bottom-up graph. The graph consists of a list of
630    top-level node dictionaries with the following keys:
632    - context: The Context object for this node.
633    - children: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of
634        each Context that depends on this one.
635    - parents: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of
636        each Context that this one depends on.
637    - level: An integer indicating the longest chain of ancestors that
638        this node has (0 for nodes without dependencies).
640    The exact same node dictionary may appear as a child and/or parent of
641    multiple other nodes.
643    The ordering of children will be the same as the ordering of context
644    dependencies, while the ordering of the top-level nodes will match
645    the order that they occur within the given all_context_objs list.
646    """
648    dict_cache = {}
650    def dict_for(cobj):
651        """
652        Returns the dictionary for the given Context object, either by
653        creating it or remembering one already constructed during the
654        current construction process. For new encounters, the children
655        value will be an empty list.
656        """
657        nonlocal dict_cache
658        if id(cobj) in dict_cache:
659            return dict_cache[id(cobj)]
660        else:
661            result = { "context": cobj, "children": [], "parents": [] }
662            dict_cache[id(cobj)] = result
663            return result
665    nodeps = []
666    for ctx in all_context_objs:
667        d = dict_for(ctx)
668        if ctx.depends:
669            for dep in ctx.depends:
670                pd = dict_for(dep)
671                pd["children"].append(d)
672                d["parents"].append(pd)
673        else:
674            nodeps.append(d)
676    # Loop again and assign "level" values now that the graph is complete
677    for ctx in all_context_objs:
678        d = dict_for(ctx)
679        assign_cgraph_level(d)
681    return nodeps

Takes a list of Context objects and traces dependencies to build a top-down rather than bottom-up graph. The graph consists of a list of top-level node dictionaries with the following keys:

  • context: The Context object for this node.
  • children: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of each Context that depends on this one.
  • parents: A list containing pointers to the node dictionaries of each Context that this one depends on.
  • level: An integer indicating the longest chain of ancestors that this node has (0 for nodes without dependencies).

The exact same node dictionary may appear as a child and/or parent of multiple other nodes.

The ordering of children will be the same as the ordering of context dependencies, while the ordering of the top-level nodes will match the order that they occur within the given all_context_objs list.

def assign_cgraph_level(node):
684def assign_cgraph_level(node):
685    """
686    Determines the level of a node in a contexts graph, which is 0 for
687    nodes without parents, and one plus the highest parent level for all
688    other nodes.
690    Store this value in the "level" slot of the node, and does the same
691    for any ancestor nodes encountered.
693    Returns an already-computed level if there is one, or else returns
694    the level value that it assigns to the node.
695    """
696    if "level" in node:
697        return node["level"]
698    else:
699        if len(node["parents"]) == 0:
700            node["level"] = 0
701        else:
702            mp = 0
703            for pn in node["parents"]:
704                pl = assign_cgraph_level(pn)
705                if pl > mp:
706                    mp = pl
707            node["level"] = mp + 1
709        return node["level"]

Determines the level of a node in a contexts graph, which is 0 for nodes without parents, and one plus the highest parent level for all other nodes.

Store this value in the "level" slot of the node, and does the same for any ancestor nodes encountered.

Returns an already-computed level if there is one, or else returns the level value that it assigns to the node.

def render_context_graph(cgraph, in_feedback=False):
712def render_context_graph(cgraph, in_feedback=False):
713    """
714    Renders a context graph (see `build_context_graph`) into HTML. Uses a
715    simple algorithm which includes duplicate entries for nodes with
716    multiple dependencies.
718    The in_feedback argument controls whether context items should show
719    their full or redacted versions.
720    """
721    result = '<ol class="context_list">'
722    for cnode in cgraph:
723        result += '\n<li>{}</li>'.format(
724            html_tools.build_html_details(
725                cnode["context"].html_topic(in_feedback),
726                render_context_graph(cnode["children"], in_feedback)
727            )
728            if cnode.get("children")
729            else cnode["context"].html_topic(in_feedback)
730        )
732    result += '\n</ol>' # close .context_list ol
733    return result

Renders a context graph (see build_context_graph) into HTML. Uses a simple algorithm which includes duplicate entries for nodes with multiple dependencies.

The in_feedback argument controls whether context items should show their full or redacted versions.

def list_and_render_contexts(cgraph, base_context=None):
736def list_and_render_contexts(cgraph, base_context=None):
737    """
738    Transforms a context graph (see `build_context_graph`) into a list of
739    context summaries, which are dictionaries with the following keys:
741    - description: An HTML code string that describes the context item,
742        including a detailed description behind a help button.
743    - depends: A list containing integer indices into the entire context
744        list of the other contexts on which this context depends. Will be
745        empty for contexts without dependencies.
746    - level: An integer specifying how far this context should be
747        indented, which will be one greater than the maximum level of
748        contexts that this one depends on, starting with 0 for contexts
749        that have no dependencies.
750    - value: An HTML code string that displays or summarizes the value
751        produced by this context. This will be the result of the
752        context's display_product function run on the most recent result
753        of that context (or on a fresh result if caching is disabled for
754        the context). There may be a description of a context creation
755        error here if there is an error building the context value.
756    - warnings: A list of strings indicating context-based rather than
757        test-based warnings. In general contexts should only create
758        warnings in very specific circumstances, since tests are
759        responsible for most warnings, and might want to ignore issues
760        that a context could warn about.
762    The base_context argument is used to generate context results (will
763    only happen if cached results are not available or caching is
764    disabled for one or more contexts). If omitted or specified
765    explicitly as None, the result will have empty strings in each
766    "value" slot, and the descriptions will use redacted topic and
767    detail values; use this when generating a list for a rubric rather
768    than for a feedback document.
770    The contexts in the list will be ordered such that every context
771    comes later in the list than all contexts it depends on.
772    """
773    result = []
775    # Produce a flat list of nodes in an order that respects
776    # dependencies.
777    nodeslist = []
779    # Processing queue and processed set
780    queue = cgraph[:] # place all top-level nodes in queue to start
781    processed = set()
783    while len(queue) > 0:
784        this = queue.pop(0)
786        depends = this["parents"]
787        if any(id(dep) not in processed for dep in depends):
788            continue
789            # we'll come back to this node later when its next
790            # unprocessed dependency queues it up
791        else: # no unprocessed dependencies
792            processed.add(id(this))
793            nodeslist.append(this)
794            for child in reversed(this["children"]):
795                # Insert children at the front of the queue, doing so in
796                # reverse order so they end up in their natural order at
797                # the front
798                if id(child) not in processed: # should always be true?
799                    queue.insert(0, child)
800                else:
801                    raise NotImplementedError(
802                        f"Unexpectedly encountered pre-processed child."
803                        f"\n  Parent is '{this['context'].html_topic()}'"
804                        f"\n  Child is '{child['context'].html_topic()}'"
805                    )
807    # A mapping from node IDs to their indices in the nodeslist
808    indexmap = {
809        id(cnode): idx
810        for idx, cnode in enumerate(nodeslist)
811    }
813    # Iterate over all nodes in order
814    for cnode in nodeslist:
815        ctx = cnode["context"]
816        result.append(
817            {
818                "description": ctx.html_topic(
819                    base_context is not None
820                ),
821                "depends": [
822                    indexmap[id(child)]
823                    for child in cnode["children"]
824                ],
825                "level": cnode["level"],
826                "value": (
827                    ctx.html_representation(base_context)
828                    if base_context is not None
829                    else ""
830                ),
831                "warnings": (
832                    ctx.warnings(base_context)
833                    if base_context is not None and ctx.generate_warnings
834                    else []
835                )
836            }
837        )
839    return result

Transforms a context graph (see build_context_graph) into a list of context summaries, which are dictionaries with the following keys:

  • description: An HTML code string that describes the context item, including a detailed description behind a help button.
  • depends: A list containing integer indices into the entire context list of the other contexts on which this context depends. Will be empty for contexts without dependencies.
  • level: An integer specifying how far this context should be indented, which will be one greater than the maximum level of contexts that this one depends on, starting with 0 for contexts that have no dependencies.
  • value: An HTML code string that displays or summarizes the value produced by this context. This will be the result of the context's display_product function run on the most recent result of that context (or on a fresh result if caching is disabled for the context). There may be a description of a context creation error here if there is an error building the context value.
  • warnings: A list of strings indicating context-based rather than test-based warnings. In general contexts should only create warnings in very specific circumstances, since tests are responsible for most warnings, and might want to ignore issues that a context could warn about.

The base_context argument is used to generate context results (will only happen if cached results are not available or caching is disabled for one or more contexts). If omitted or specified explicitly as None, the result will have empty strings in each "value" slot, and the descriptions will use redacted topic and detail values; use this when generating a list for a rubric rather than for a feedback document.

The contexts in the list will be ordered such that every context comes later in the list than all contexts it depends on.

class AutoContext(Context):
846class AutoContext(Context):
847    """
848    A `AutoContext` provides a way to automatically create dependencies
849    on common contexts without saving them in variables that have to get
850    passed around everywhere. When a `AutoContext` is created, it
851    registers itself as the current provider for certain context slots,
852    overwriting any previously-registered provider for those slots.
853    Then, another context may use the `auto` function to create a list
854    of `Context` objects to use as dependencies based on the slots it
855    needs; this list will be populated with the set of
856    most-recently-registered `AutoContext` objects for each slot
857    requested.
859    In addition to inheriting from `AutoContext`, `Context`s which
860    should be automatic must call their own `register` method and
861    provide it with one or more slot name strings as arguments.
862    """
863    _registry = {}
864    _on_demand = {}
866    def reset(relevant_filename=None, relevant_tests_filename=None):
867        """
868        This is a class method which resets the automatic contexts
869        registry, erasing all registered `Context` objects. Used prior
870        to loading a new task spec.
872        Note that this does not reset the on-demand factory functions
873        registry.
875        A `relevant_filename` may be provided to set the global
876        RELEVANT_FILENAME variable; setting this to the default filename
877        for the task we're about to load is helpful since it prevents the
878        spec from treating things created after an explicit-default file
879        context as different from things created before any file contexts
880        have been declared. If no `relevant_filename` is provided, the
881        global will be set back to its default of None.
883        A `relevant_tests_filename` may be provided and follows the same
884        logic as `relevant_filename`.
885        """
887        RELEVANT_FILENAME = relevant_filename
888        RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = relevant_tests_filename
889        AutoContext._registry = {}
891    def on_demand(factory, *slots):
892        """
893        This class method registers a given factory function as the
894        on-demand provider of one or more slots.
896        The factory function must be able to run with no arguments and
897        must produce a `Context` object which can create the requested
898        slot(s).
900        Essentially, if `auto` is used to request an automatic context
901        for a slot, but no such context has been registered, an
902        on-demand factory function may be called to construct such a
903        context automatically in some simple cases. Calling this
904        function a second time re-using an old slot value will overwrite
905        the factory function for that slot.
906        """
907        for slot in slots:
908            AutoContext._on_demand[slot] = factory
910    def register(self, *slots):
911        """
912        Registers this auto context as the current provider for one or
913        more slots (named using strings). Subsequent calls to `auto`
914        that include one or more of those slots will include this object
915        in the resulting list.
917        The slots for which a context registers itself are stored in the
918        context's `_provides` attribute.
919        """
920        for slot in slots:
921            AutoContext._registry[slot] = self
923        self._provides = slots
925    def refresh(self):
926        """
927        Any `AutoContext` may call this method to re-register itself as
928        the current provider of all of its relevant slots. The slots to
929        register under are remembered from the initial call to
930        `register`.
931        """
932        self.register(*self._provides)

A AutoContext provides a way to automatically create dependencies on common contexts without saving them in variables that have to get passed around everywhere. When a AutoContext is created, it registers itself as the current provider for certain context slots, overwriting any previously-registered provider for those slots. Then, another context may use the auto function to create a list of Context objects to use as dependencies based on the slots it needs; this list will be populated with the set of most-recently-registered AutoContext objects for each slot requested.

In addition to inheriting from AutoContext, Contexts which should be automatic must call their own register method and provide it with one or more slot name strings as arguments.

def reset(relevant_filename=None, relevant_tests_filename=None):
866    def reset(relevant_filename=None, relevant_tests_filename=None):
867        """
868        This is a class method which resets the automatic contexts
869        registry, erasing all registered `Context` objects. Used prior
870        to loading a new task spec.
872        Note that this does not reset the on-demand factory functions
873        registry.
875        A `relevant_filename` may be provided to set the global
876        RELEVANT_FILENAME variable; setting this to the default filename
877        for the task we're about to load is helpful since it prevents the
878        spec from treating things created after an explicit-default file
879        context as different from things created before any file contexts
880        have been declared. If no `relevant_filename` is provided, the
881        global will be set back to its default of None.
883        A `relevant_tests_filename` may be provided and follows the same
884        logic as `relevant_filename`.
885        """
887        RELEVANT_FILENAME = relevant_filename
888        RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = relevant_tests_filename
889        AutoContext._registry = {}

This is a class method which resets the automatic contexts registry, erasing all registered Context objects. Used prior to loading a new task spec.

Note that this does not reset the on-demand factory functions registry.

A relevant_filename may be provided to set the global RELEVANT_FILENAME variable; setting this to the default filename for the task we're about to load is helpful since it prevents the spec from treating things created after an explicit-default file context as different from things created before any file contexts have been declared. If no relevant_filename is provided, the global will be set back to its default of None.

A relevant_tests_filename may be provided and follows the same logic as relevant_filename.

def on_demand(factory, *slots):
891    def on_demand(factory, *slots):
892        """
893        This class method registers a given factory function as the
894        on-demand provider of one or more slots.
896        The factory function must be able to run with no arguments and
897        must produce a `Context` object which can create the requested
898        slot(s).
900        Essentially, if `auto` is used to request an automatic context
901        for a slot, but no such context has been registered, an
902        on-demand factory function may be called to construct such a
903        context automatically in some simple cases. Calling this
904        function a second time re-using an old slot value will overwrite
905        the factory function for that slot.
906        """
907        for slot in slots:
908            AutoContext._on_demand[slot] = factory

This class method registers a given factory function as the on-demand provider of one or more slots.

The factory function must be able to run with no arguments and must produce a Context object which can create the requested slot(s).

Essentially, if auto is used to request an automatic context for a slot, but no such context has been registered, an on-demand factory function may be called to construct such a context automatically in some simple cases. Calling this function a second time re-using an old slot value will overwrite the factory function for that slot.

def register(self, *slots):
910    def register(self, *slots):
911        """
912        Registers this auto context as the current provider for one or
913        more slots (named using strings). Subsequent calls to `auto`
914        that include one or more of those slots will include this object
915        in the resulting list.
917        The slots for which a context registers itself are stored in the
918        context's `_provides` attribute.
919        """
920        for slot in slots:
921            AutoContext._registry[slot] = self
923        self._provides = slots

Registers this auto context as the current provider for one or more slots (named using strings). Subsequent calls to auto that include one or more of those slots will include this object in the resulting list.

The slots for which a context registers itself are stored in the context's _provides attribute.

def refresh(self):
925    def refresh(self):
926        """
927        Any `AutoContext` may call this method to re-register itself as
928        the current provider of all of its relevant slots. The slots to
929        register under are remembered from the initial call to
930        `register`.
931        """
932        self.register(*self._provides)

Any AutoContext may call this method to re-register itself as the current provider of all of its relevant slots. The slots to register under are remembered from the initial call to register.

def auto(*slots):
935def auto(*slots):
936    """
937    This function returns a list of `Context` objects, suitable for use
938    as all or part of a `depends` value for the creation of a new
939    `Context`, and/or as all or part of a `test_in` value for the
940    creation of a new `potluck.rubrics.Goal`. It does this by looking for
941    the most recent `AutoContext` objects that have registered themselves
942    as providers of the given slot or slots (these are just strings).
944    If no `AutoContext` has registered itself for a given slot, but
945    there is an on-demand factory registered for that slot, the factory
946    function will be called to generate a `Context` to use as a
947    dependency (which should also end up registering the resulting
948    `Context` under the appropriate slot(s)).
950    If multiple slots are given and one `Context` is registered under
951    several of them, that `Context` will only appear in the resulting
952    list once. Likewise, if an on-demand factory function creates a
953    `Context` which registers itself for several slots, and one or more
954    other slots in that list are also being requested, the factory
955    function will not be re-run for the subsequent slots, and the
956    resulting `Context` will only appear in the result list once.
958    If no slots are given, this function returns an empty list.
960    If a slot is requested for which there is no currently-registered
961    `AutoContext` and for which there is no registered on-demand
962    `Context` factory, an `ContextError` will be raised.
963    """
964    result = []
965    for slot in slots:
966        if slot in AutoContext._registry:
967            match = AutoContext._registry[slot]
968            if match not in result:
969                result.append(match)
970        elif slot in AutoContext._on_demand:
971            created = AutoContext._on_demand[slot]()
972            if created not in result:
973                result.append(created)
974        else:
975            raise context_utils.ContextError(
976                f"Automatic context request for slot '{slot}' could not"
977                f" be fulfilled because no AutoContext was registered"
978                f" for that slot, and no on-demand Context factory"
979                f" function was available for that slot either."
980            )
982    return result

This function returns a list of Context objects, suitable for use as all or part of a depends value for the creation of a new Context, and/or as all or part of a test_in value for the creation of a new potluck.rubrics.Goal. It does this by looking for the most recent AutoContext objects that have registered themselves as providers of the given slot or slots (these are just strings).

If no AutoContext has registered itself for a given slot, but there is an on-demand factory registered for that slot, the factory function will be called to generate a Context to use as a dependency (which should also end up registering the resulting Context under the appropriate slot(s)).

If multiple slots are given and one Context is registered under several of them, that Context will only appear in the resulting list once. Likewise, if an on-demand factory function creates a Context which registers itself for several slots, and one or more other slots in that list are also being requested, the factory function will not be re-run for the subsequent slots, and the resulting Context will only appear in the result list once.

If no slots are given, this function returns an empty list.

If a slot is requested for which there is no currently-registered AutoContext and for which there is no registered on-demand Context factory, an ContextError will be raised.

class FileContext(AutoContext):
 990class FileContext(AutoContext):
 991    """
 992    Establishes a 'filename' context slot that holds the name of a
 993    specific file being evaluated. By default, the created `Context` has
 994    no dependencies and is hidden.
 996    The filename provided should be relative to the submission root,
 997    which is either the directory where the target file exists, or the
 998    target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is
 999    identified, the default_file context slot value is used to target
1000    the submission's default file.
1002    Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.
1003    """
1004    def __init__(self, target_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1005        """
1006        A target_file string specifies the path to the target file that
1007        this context will focus evaluation on, relative to the
1008        submission root. If not provided, the "default_file" context
1009        slot value will be used.
1011        Both 'filename' and 'file_path' context slots will be
1012        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1013        directory) name of the target file, while the latter holds a
1014        full path to the file.
1016        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1017        by this one.
1018        """
1019        global RELEVANT_FILENAME
1020        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1021        if target_file is not None:
1022            RELEVANT_FILENAME = target_file
1023        elif RELEVANT_FILENAME is not None:
1024            target_file = RELEVANT_FILENAME
1026        self.target_file = target_file
1028        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1029        def establish_context(prev_context):
1030            """
1031            Establishes 'filename' and 'file_path' slots based on the
1032            target_file value given to the `FileContext` that this is
1033            the context builder function for. Also establishes
1034            'ref_filename' and 'ref_file_path' slots pointing to the
1035            equivalent file in the solution code.
1036            """
1037            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1038            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1039            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1040                prev_context,
1041                "submission_root"
1042            )
1043            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1044            # forced to fetch the default file:
1045            file_target = self.target_file
1046            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1047                prev_context,
1048                "default_file"
1049            )
1050            if file_target is None:
1051                file_target = default_filename
1052                self.description = (
1053                    f"File '{file_target}'",
1054                    f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{file_target}'.",
1055                )
1056            if file_target == default_filename:
1057                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1058                    prev_context,
1059                    "actual_file"
1060                )
1061                full_target = os.path.join(
1062                    submission_root,
1063                    actual_filename
1064                )
1065                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1066                # won't have a custom name...
1067                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1068                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1069                )
1070                target_filename = default_filename
1071            else:
1072                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1073                # custom-named files here?
1074                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1075                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1076                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1077                )
1078                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1080            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1081                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1082                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1083                    self,
1084                    (
1085                        f"Submission root directory"
1086                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1087                    )
1088                )
1089            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1090                # If the target file is missing
1091                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1092                    self,
1093                    (
1094                        f"Target submission file"
1095                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1096                    )
1097                )
1098            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1099                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1100                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1101                    self,
1102                    f"No solution file '{ref_target}' is available."
1103                )
1104            # else both submission root and full target exist
1106            return {
1107                "filename": target_filename,
1108                "file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1109                "ref_filename": target_filename,
1110                "ref_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1111            }
1113        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1114        # function we just created.
1115        super().__init__(
1116            description=(
1117                f"File '{target_file}'",
1118                f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{target_file}'."
1119            ),
1120            builder=establish_context,
1121            display_product=lambda context: (
1122                f"Evaluating '{context['filename']}'"
1123            ),
1124            depends=depends,
1125            hidden=hidden
1126        )
1128        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1129        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1130        self.register(
1131            "filename",
1132            "file_path",
1133            "ref_filename",
1134            "ref_file_path"
1135        )

Establishes a 'filename' context slot that holds the name of a specific file being evaluated. By default, the created Context has no dependencies and is hidden.

The filename provided should be relative to the submission root, which is either the directory where the target file exists, or the target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is identified, the default_file context slot value is used to target the submission's default file.

Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.

FileContext(target_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True)
1004    def __init__(self, target_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1005        """
1006        A target_file string specifies the path to the target file that
1007        this context will focus evaluation on, relative to the
1008        submission root. If not provided, the "default_file" context
1009        slot value will be used.
1011        Both 'filename' and 'file_path' context slots will be
1012        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1013        directory) name of the target file, while the latter holds a
1014        full path to the file.
1016        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1017        by this one.
1018        """
1019        global RELEVANT_FILENAME
1020        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1021        if target_file is not None:
1022            RELEVANT_FILENAME = target_file
1023        elif RELEVANT_FILENAME is not None:
1024            target_file = RELEVANT_FILENAME
1026        self.target_file = target_file
1028        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1029        def establish_context(prev_context):
1030            """
1031            Establishes 'filename' and 'file_path' slots based on the
1032            target_file value given to the `FileContext` that this is
1033            the context builder function for. Also establishes
1034            'ref_filename' and 'ref_file_path' slots pointing to the
1035            equivalent file in the solution code.
1036            """
1037            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1038            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1039            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1040                prev_context,
1041                "submission_root"
1042            )
1043            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1044            # forced to fetch the default file:
1045            file_target = self.target_file
1046            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1047                prev_context,
1048                "default_file"
1049            )
1050            if file_target is None:
1051                file_target = default_filename
1052                self.description = (
1053                    f"File '{file_target}'",
1054                    f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{file_target}'.",
1055                )
1056            if file_target == default_filename:
1057                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1058                    prev_context,
1059                    "actual_file"
1060                )
1061                full_target = os.path.join(
1062                    submission_root,
1063                    actual_filename
1064                )
1065                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1066                # won't have a custom name...
1067                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1068                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1069                )
1070                target_filename = default_filename
1071            else:
1072                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1073                # custom-named files here?
1074                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1075                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1076                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1077                )
1078                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1080            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1081                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1082                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1083                    self,
1084                    (
1085                        f"Submission root directory"
1086                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1087                    )
1088                )
1089            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1090                # If the target file is missing
1091                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1092                    self,
1093                    (
1094                        f"Target submission file"
1095                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1096                    )
1097                )
1098            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1099                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1100                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1101                    self,
1102                    f"No solution file '{ref_target}' is available."
1103                )
1104            # else both submission root and full target exist
1106            return {
1107                "filename": target_filename,
1108                "file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1109                "ref_filename": target_filename,
1110                "ref_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1111            }
1113        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1114        # function we just created.
1115        super().__init__(
1116            description=(
1117                f"File '{target_file}'",
1118                f"We will evaluate your submitted file '{target_file}'."
1119            ),
1120            builder=establish_context,
1121            display_product=lambda context: (
1122                f"Evaluating '{context['filename']}'"
1123            ),
1124            depends=depends,
1125            hidden=hidden
1126        )
1128        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1129        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1130        self.register(
1131            "filename",
1132            "file_path",
1133            "ref_filename",
1134            "ref_file_path"
1135        )

A target_file string specifies the path to the target file that this context will focus evaluation on, relative to the submission root. If not provided, the "default_file" context slot value will be used.

Both 'filename' and 'file_path' context slots will be established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or directory) name of the target file, while the latter holds a full path to the file.

It's up to other Contexts to make use of the slots established by this one.

class TestsFileContext(AutoContext):
1146class TestsFileContext(AutoContext):
1147    """
1148    Establishes a 'tests_filename' context slot that holds the name of a
1149    specific tests file being validated. By default, the created
1150    `Context` has no dependencies and is hidden.
1152    The filename provided should be relative to the submission root,
1153    which is either the directory where the target tests file exists, or
1154    the target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is
1155    identified, the "default_tests_file" context slot value is used to
1156    target the submission's default tests file.
1158    Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.
1159    """
1160    def __init__(self, target_tests_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1161        """
1162        A target_tests_file string specifies the path to the target tests
1163        file that this context will focus validation on, relative to the
1164        submission root. If not provided, the "default_tests_file"
1165        context slot value will be used.
1167        Both 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' context slots will be
1168        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1169        directory) name of the target tests file, while the latter holds
1170        a full path to the file.
1172        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1173        by this one.
1174        """
1175        global RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1176        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1177        if target_tests_file is not None:
1178            RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = target_tests_file
1179        elif RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME is not None:
1180            target_tests_file = RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1182        self.target_tests_file = target_tests_file
1184        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1185        def establish_context(prev_context):
1186            """
1187            Establishes 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' slots
1188            based on the target_tests_file value given to the
1189            `FileContext` that this is the context builder function for.
1190            Also establishes 'ref_tests_filename' and
1191            'ref_tests_file_path' slots pointing to the equivalent file
1192            in the solution code.
1193            """
1194            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1195            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1196            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1197                prev_context,
1198                "tests_submission_root"
1199            )
1200            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1201            # forced to fetch the default file:
1202            file_target = self.target_tests_file
1203            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1204                prev_context,
1205                "default_tests_file"
1206            )
1207            if file_target is None:
1208                file_target = default_filename
1209                self.description = (
1210                    f"Tests file '{file_target}'",
1211                    (
1212                        f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1213                        f"'{file_target}'."
1214                    )
1215                )
1216            if file_target == default_filename:
1217                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1218                    prev_context,
1219                    "actual_tests_file"
1220                )
1221                full_target = os.path.join(
1222                    submission_root,
1223                    actual_filename
1224                )
1225                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1226                # won't have a custom name...
1227                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1228                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1229                )
1230                target_filename = default_filename
1231            else:
1232                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1233                # custom-named files here?
1234                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1235                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1236                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1237                )
1238                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1240            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1241                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1242                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1243                    self,
1244                    (
1245                        f"Tests submission root directory"
1246                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1247                    )
1248                )
1249            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1250                # If the target file is missing
1251                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1252                    self,
1253                    (
1254                        f"Target tests submission file"
1255                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1256                    )
1257                )
1258            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1259                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1260                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1261                    self,
1262                    (
1263                        f"No solution tests file '{ref_target}' is"
1264                        f" available."
1265                    )
1266                )
1267            # else both submission root and full target exist
1269            return {
1270                "tests_filename": target_filename,
1271                "tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1272                "ref_tests_filename": target_filename,
1273                "ref_tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1274            }
1276        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1277        # function we just created.
1278        super().__init__(
1279            description=(
1280                f"Tests file '{target_tests_file}'",
1281                (
1282                    f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1283                    f" '{target_tests_file}'."
1284                )
1285            ),
1286            builder=establish_context,
1287            display_product=lambda context: (
1288                f"Validating '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1289            ),
1290            depends=depends,
1291            hidden=hidden
1292        )
1294        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1295        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1296        self.register(
1297            "tests_filename",
1298            "tests_file_path",
1299            "ref_tests_filename",
1300            "ref_tests_file_path"
1301        )

Establishes a 'tests_filename' context slot that holds the name of a specific tests file being validated. By default, the created Context has no dependencies and is hidden.

The filename provided should be relative to the submission root, which is either the directory where the target tests file exists, or the target directory for multi-file submissions. If no target file is identified, the "default_tests_file" context slot value is used to target the submission's default tests file.

Establishes 'ref_*' slots for each normal slot it establishes.

TestsFileContext(target_tests_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True)
1160    def __init__(self, target_tests_file=None, depends=None, hidden=True):
1161        """
1162        A target_tests_file string specifies the path to the target tests
1163        file that this context will focus validation on, relative to the
1164        submission root. If not provided, the "default_tests_file"
1165        context slot value will be used.
1167        Both 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' context slots will be
1168        established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or
1169        directory) name of the target tests file, while the latter holds
1170        a full path to the file.
1172        It's up to other `Context`s to make use of the slots established
1173        by this one.
1174        """
1175        global RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1176        # Set the relevant filename global, or fetch it
1177        if target_tests_file is not None:
1178            RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME = target_tests_file
1179        elif RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME is not None:
1180            target_tests_file = RELEVANT_TESTS_FILENAME
1182        self.target_tests_file = target_tests_file
1184        # First, create our context-builder function for this instance
1185        def establish_context(prev_context):
1186            """
1187            Establishes 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' slots
1188            based on the target_tests_file value given to the
1189            `FileContext` that this is the context builder function for.
1190            Also establishes 'ref_tests_filename' and
1191            'ref_tests_file_path' slots pointing to the equivalent file
1192            in the solution code.
1193            """
1194            task_info = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1195            soln_root = task_info["specification"].soln_path
1196            submission_root = context_utils.extract(
1197                prev_context,
1198                "tests_submission_root"
1199            )
1200            # Revise our description when we build our context if we're
1201            # forced to fetch the default file:
1202            file_target = self.target_tests_file
1203            default_filename = context_utils.extract(
1204                prev_context,
1205                "default_tests_file"
1206            )
1207            if file_target is None:
1208                file_target = default_filename
1209                self.description = (
1210                    f"Tests file '{file_target}'",
1211                    (
1212                        f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1213                        f"'{file_target}'."
1214                    )
1215                )
1216            if file_target == default_filename:
1217                actual_filename = context_utils.extract(
1218                    prev_context,
1219                    "actual_tests_file"
1220                )
1221                full_target = os.path.join(
1222                    submission_root,
1223                    actual_filename
1224                )
1225                # Even if we're grading a custom-named file, the solution
1226                # won't have a custom name...
1227                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1228                    os.path.join(soln_root, default_filename)
1229                )
1230                target_filename = default_filename
1231            else:
1232                # TODO: How can we properly handle ref targets for
1233                # custom-named files here?
1234                full_target = os.path.join(submission_root, file_target)
1235                ref_target = os.path.abspath(
1236                    os.path.join(soln_root, file_target)
1237                )
1238                _, target_filename = os.path.split(full_target)
1240            if not os.path.exists(submission_root):
1241                # If the submission root directory is missing...
1242                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1243                    self,
1244                    (
1245                        f"Tests submission root directory"
1246                        f" '{submission_root}' does not exist."
1247                    )
1248                )
1249            elif not os.path.exists(full_target):
1250                # If the target file is missing
1251                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1252                    self,
1253                    (
1254                        f"Target tests submission file"
1255                        f" '{full_target}' does not exist."
1256                    )
1257                )
1258            elif not os.path.exists(ref_target):
1259                # If there is no equivalent solution file
1260                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1261                    self,
1262                    (
1263                        f"No solution tests file '{ref_target}' is"
1264                        f" available."
1265                    )
1266                )
1267            # else both submission root and full target exist
1269            return {
1270                "tests_filename": target_filename,
1271                "tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(full_target),
1272                "ref_tests_filename": target_filename,
1273                "ref_tests_file_path": os.path.abspath(ref_target)
1274            }
1276        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1277        # function we just created.
1278        super().__init__(
1279            description=(
1280                f"Tests file '{target_tests_file}'",
1281                (
1282                    f"We will validate your submitted tests file"
1283                    f" '{target_tests_file}'."
1284                )
1285            ),
1286            builder=establish_context,
1287            display_product=lambda context: (
1288                f"Validating '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1289            ),
1290            depends=depends,
1291            hidden=hidden
1292        )
1294        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1295        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1296        self.register(
1297            "tests_filename",
1298            "tests_file_path",
1299            "ref_tests_filename",
1300            "ref_tests_file_path"
1301        )

A target_tests_file string specifies the path to the target tests file that this context will focus validation on, relative to the submission root. If not provided, the "default_tests_file" context slot value will be used.

Both 'tests_filename' and 'tests_file_path' context slots will be established by this builder; the former holds just the file (or directory) name of the target tests file, while the latter holds a full path to the file.

It's up to other Contexts to make use of the slots established by this one.

class SandboxContext(AutoContext):
1314class SandboxContext(AutoContext):
1315    """
1316    Establishes two sandbox directories to be used for running all code
1317    being tested, including the initial loading of the module itself. One
1318    directory is for the submitted code and a second is for the solution
1319    code.
1320    """
1321    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1322        """
1323        Creates a context which establishes two new unique sandbox
1324        directories. The context creation function places the full paths
1325        to those directories in the "sandbox" and "ref_sandbox" context
1326        slots. A list of dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be
1327        set to False if desired.
1328        """
1329        self.dir = None
1330        self.ref_dir = None
1331        # TODO: Clean up these temporary directories rather than letting
1332        # Python do that on shutdown...
1334        def establish_context(prev_context):
1335            """
1336            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1337            in the "sandbox" context slot. Creates a second temporary
1338            directory and puts its path in the "ref_sandbox" slot.
1339            Copies helper files into both directories, and copies the
1340            actual solution file(s) into the reference sandbox.
1341            """
1342            sub_root = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "submission_root")
1343            sub_file = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "actual_file")
1344            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1345            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1347            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1348                suffix="__tmp",
1349                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1350            )
1351            self.ref_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1352                suffix="__ref_tmp",
1353                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1354            )
1356            # Set up the sandboxes
1357            for sb in [self.dir, self.ref_dir]:
1358                # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1359                # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1360                # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1361                # the sandbox...
1362                # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1363                # especially for large starter files!!!
1364                helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1365                if helpers is not None:
1366                    for filepath in helpers:
1367                        to = os.path.join(sb.name, helpers[filepath])
1368                        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1369                            shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1370                        else:
1371                            shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1373            # Copy the submitted target file/directory into the sandbox
1374            subm_target = os.path.join(sub_root, sub_file)
1375            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1376            if os.path.isdir(subm_target):
1377                shutil.copytree(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1378            else:
1379                shutil.copy(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1381            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir into
1382            # the ref sandbox
1383            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1384            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.ref_dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1385            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1386                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1387            else:
1388                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1390            return {
1391                "sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name),
1392                "ref_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.ref_dir.name)
1393            }
1395        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1396        # function we just created.
1397        super().__init__(
1398            description=(
1399                "Sandbox directories",
1400                (
1401                    "We will create sandbox directories for running"
1402                    " your submitted code and the solution code."
1403                )
1404            ),
1405            builder=establish_context,
1406            display_product=lambda context: (
1407                "Running in a sandbox"
1408            ),
1409            depends=depends,
1410            hidden=hidden
1411        )
1413        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1414        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1415        self.register(
1416            "sandbox",
1417            "ref_sandbox"
1418        )

Establishes two sandbox directories to be used for running all code being tested, including the initial loading of the module itself. One directory is for the submitted code and a second is for the solution code.

SandboxContext(depends=None, hidden=True)
1321    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1322        """
1323        Creates a context which establishes two new unique sandbox
1324        directories. The context creation function places the full paths
1325        to those directories in the "sandbox" and "ref_sandbox" context
1326        slots. A list of dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be
1327        set to False if desired.
1328        """
1329        self.dir = None
1330        self.ref_dir = None
1331        # TODO: Clean up these temporary directories rather than letting
1332        # Python do that on shutdown...
1334        def establish_context(prev_context):
1335            """
1336            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1337            in the "sandbox" context slot. Creates a second temporary
1338            directory and puts its path in the "ref_sandbox" slot.
1339            Copies helper files into both directories, and copies the
1340            actual solution file(s) into the reference sandbox.
1341            """
1342            sub_root = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "submission_root")
1343            sub_file = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "actual_file")
1344            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1345            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1347            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1348                suffix="__tmp",
1349                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1350            )
1351            self.ref_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1352                suffix="__ref_tmp",
1353                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1354            )
1356            # Set up the sandboxes
1357            for sb in [self.dir, self.ref_dir]:
1358                # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1359                # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1360                # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1361                # the sandbox...
1362                # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1363                # especially for large starter files!!!
1364                helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1365                if helpers is not None:
1366                    for filepath in helpers:
1367                        to = os.path.join(sb.name, helpers[filepath])
1368                        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1369                            shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1370                        else:
1371                            shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1373            # Copy the submitted target file/directory into the sandbox
1374            subm_target = os.path.join(sub_root, sub_file)
1375            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1376            if os.path.isdir(subm_target):
1377                shutil.copytree(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1378            else:
1379                shutil.copy(subm_target, sandbox_target)
1381            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir into
1382            # the ref sandbox
1383            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1384            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.ref_dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1385            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1386                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1387            else:
1388                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1390            return {
1391                "sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name),
1392                "ref_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.ref_dir.name)
1393            }
1395        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1396        # function we just created.
1397        super().__init__(
1398            description=(
1399                "Sandbox directories",
1400                (
1401                    "We will create sandbox directories for running"
1402                    " your submitted code and the solution code."
1403                )
1404            ),
1405            builder=establish_context,
1406            display_product=lambda context: (
1407                "Running in a sandbox"
1408            ),
1409            depends=depends,
1410            hidden=hidden
1411        )
1413        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1414        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1415        self.register(
1416            "sandbox",
1417            "ref_sandbox"
1418        )

Creates a context which establishes two new unique sandbox directories. The context creation function places the full paths to those directories in the "sandbox" and "ref_sandbox" context slots. A list of dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be set to False if desired.

class TestsSandboxContext(AutoContext):
1429class TestsSandboxContext(AutoContext):
1430    """
1431    Establishes a sandbox directory for validating tests. The process is
1432    largely the same as that used by SandboxContext, but a separate
1433    directory is used to prevent any possible interference between test
1434    validation and submission evaluation.
1435    """
1436    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1437        """
1438        Creates a context which establishes a new sandbox directory. The
1439        context creation function places the full path to this
1440        directory in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. A list of
1441        dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be set to False if
1442        desired.
1443        """
1444        self.dir = None
1445        # TODO: Clean up this temporary directory rather than letting
1446        # Python do that on shutdown...
1448        def establish_context(prev_context):
1449            """
1450            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1451            in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. Copies helper files and
1452            the solution default target into this sandbox.
1453            """
1454            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1455            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1457            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1458                suffix="__validation_tmp",
1459                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1460            )
1462            # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1463            # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1464            # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1465            # the sandbox...
1466            # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1467            # especially for large starter files!!!
1468            helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1469            if helpers is not None:
1470                for filepath in helpers:
1471                    to = os.path.join(self.dir.name, helpers[filepath])
1472                    if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1473                        shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1474                    else:
1475                        shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1477            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir
1478            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1479            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1480            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1481                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1482            else:
1483                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1485            return { "tests_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name) }
1487        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1488        # function we just created.
1489        super().__init__(
1490            description=(
1491                "Test validation sandbox",
1492                (
1493                    "We will create a sandbox directory for validating"
1494                    " your submitted tests."
1495                )
1496            ),
1497            builder=establish_context,
1498            display_product=lambda context: (
1499                "Validating tests in a sandbox"
1500            ),
1501            depends=depends,
1502            hidden=hidden
1503        )
1505        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1506        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1507        self.register("tests_sandbox")

Establishes a sandbox directory for validating tests. The process is largely the same as that used by SandboxContext, but a separate directory is used to prevent any possible interference between test validation and submission evaluation.

TestsSandboxContext(depends=None, hidden=True)
1436    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=True):
1437        """
1438        Creates a context which establishes a new sandbox directory. The
1439        context creation function places the full path to this
1440        directory in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. A list of
1441        dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be set to False if
1442        desired.
1443        """
1444        self.dir = None
1445        # TODO: Clean up this temporary directory rather than letting
1446        # Python do that on shutdown...
1448        def establish_context(prev_context):
1449            """
1450            Creates a new temporary directory and puts its absolute path
1451            in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. Copies helper files and
1452            the solution default target into this sandbox.
1453            """
1454            tinfo = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "task_info")
1455            spec = tinfo["specification"]
1457            self.dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
1458                suffix="__validation_tmp",
1459                dir=load.SANDBOX_DIR
1460            )
1462            # Copy helper files into the sandbox if there are any
1463            # Note that we don't use symlinks here, because we don't
1464            # want destructive student code to modify files outside
1465            # the sandbox...
1466            # TODO: Use symlinks in places where we feel safe,
1467            # especially for large starter files!!!
1468            helpers = context_utils.sandbox_filemap(spec)
1469            if helpers is not None:
1470                for filepath in helpers:
1471                    to = os.path.join(self.dir.name, helpers[filepath])
1472                    if os.path.isdir(filepath):
1473                        shutil.copytree(filepath, to)
1474                    else:
1475                        shutil.copy(filepath, to)
1477            # Copy the target file/directory from the solution dir
1478            soln_target = os.path.join(spec.soln_path, tinfo["target"])
1479            sandbox_target = os.path.join(self.dir.name, tinfo["target"])
1480            if os.path.isdir(soln_target):
1481                shutil.copytree(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1482            else:
1483                shutil.copy(soln_target, sandbox_target)
1485            return { "tests_sandbox": os.path.abspath(self.dir.name) }
1487        # Now we can call the super-class init with the context builder
1488        # function we just created.
1489        super().__init__(
1490            description=(
1491                "Test validation sandbox",
1492                (
1493                    "We will create a sandbox directory for validating"
1494                    " your submitted tests."
1495                )
1496            ),
1497            builder=establish_context,
1498            display_product=lambda context: (
1499                "Validating tests in a sandbox"
1500            ),
1501            depends=depends,
1502            hidden=hidden
1503        )
1505        # Finally, we can register ourselves as an auto-context for the
1506        # "filename" and "file_path" slots.
1507        self.register("tests_sandbox")

Creates a context which establishes a new sandbox directory. The context creation function places the full path to this directory in the "tests_sandbox" context slot. A list of dependencies may be provided, and hidden can be set to False if desired.

class CodeContext(AutoContext):
1515class CodeContext(AutoContext):
1516    """
1517    Requires "filename" and "file_path" slots (see `FileContext`), and
1518    establishes a "source" slot which contains the raw text of the
1519    target file, along with a "scope" slot which contains the parsed AST
1520    from the code.
1522    If the code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the like, a
1523    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the parsing error as
1524    its cause, although note that `potluck.load.fix_parse` is used which
1525    will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while
1526    generating associated warnings.
1527    """
1528    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1529        """
1530        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1531        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1532        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1533        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1534        instead of the original source.
1535        """
1536        # First, create our context builder
1537        def establish_context(prev_context):
1538            """
1539            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1540            "file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1542            - original_source: The raw file contents.
1543            - source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors or by a
1544                prep function) file contents.
1545            - scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1546                modified file contents.
1547            - top_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be modified).
1548            - parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1549                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1550            """
1551            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "filename")
1552            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "file_path")
1553            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1554                original_source = fin.read()
1556            if prep:
1557                source = prep(original_source)
1558            else:
1559                source = original_source
1561            try:
1562                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(source, filename)
1563            except Exception as e:
1564                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1565                    self,
1566                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1567                    cause=e
1568                )
1570            if node is None:
1571                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1572                    self,
1573                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1574                    cause=errors[0]
1575                )
1577            result = {
1578                "original_source": original_source,
1579                "source": fixed,
1580                "scope": node,
1581                "top_scope": node,
1582                "parse_errors": errors
1583            }
1585            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1586            if errors:
1587                result["warnings"] = [
1588                    (
1589                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1590                      + " your code:<br>"
1591                      + html_tools.build_list(
1592                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1593                            for e in errors
1594                        )
1595                    )
1596                ]
1598            return result
1600        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1601        if depends is None:
1602            depends = auto("filename", "file_path")
1604        # Now we can call the super constructor
1605        super().__init__(
1606            description=(
1607                "Code in the target file",
1608                (
1609                    "We will parse the code in the target file and pay"
1610                    "attention to how it was written."
1611                ),
1612                "Code in the target file",
1613                (
1614                    "We parsed the code in the target file and paid"
1615                    "attention to how it was written."
1616                ),
1617            ),
1618            builder=establish_context,
1619            display_product=lambda context: (
1620                f"The code for '{context['filename']}' (shown elsewhere)."
1621            ),
1622            depends=depends,
1623            hidden=hidden,
1624            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1625            generate_warnings=True
1626        )
1628        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1629        # that we generate:
1630        self.register(
1631            "original_source",
1632            "source",
1633            "scope",
1634            "top_scope",
1635            "parse_errors"
1636        )

Requires "filename" and "file_path" slots (see FileContext), and establishes a "source" slot which contains the raw text of the target file, along with a "scope" slot which contains the parsed AST from the code.

If the code cannot be parsed due to a SyntaxError or the like, a ContextCreationError will be generated naming the parsing error as its cause, although note that potluck.load.fix_parse is used which will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while generating associated warnings.

CodeContext(depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None)
1528    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1529        """
1530        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1531        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1532        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1533        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1534        instead of the original source.
1535        """
1536        # First, create our context builder
1537        def establish_context(prev_context):
1538            """
1539            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1540            "file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1542            - original_source: The raw file contents.
1543            - source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors or by a
1544                prep function) file contents.
1545            - scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1546                modified file contents.
1547            - top_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be modified).
1548            - parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1549                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1550            """
1551            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "filename")
1552            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "file_path")
1553            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1554                original_source = fin.read()
1556            if prep:
1557                source = prep(original_source)
1558            else:
1559                source = original_source
1561            try:
1562                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(source, filename)
1563            except Exception as e:
1564                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1565                    self,
1566                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1567                    cause=e
1568                )
1570            if node is None:
1571                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1572                    self,
1573                    f"Unable to parse submitted file '{filename}'.",
1574                    cause=errors[0]
1575                )
1577            result = {
1578                "original_source": original_source,
1579                "source": fixed,
1580                "scope": node,
1581                "top_scope": node,
1582                "parse_errors": errors
1583            }
1585            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1586            if errors:
1587                result["warnings"] = [
1588                    (
1589                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1590                      + " your code:<br>"
1591                      + html_tools.build_list(
1592                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1593                            for e in errors
1594                        )
1595                    )
1596                ]
1598            return result
1600        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1601        if depends is None:
1602            depends = auto("filename", "file_path")
1604        # Now we can call the super constructor
1605        super().__init__(
1606            description=(
1607                "Code in the target file",
1608                (
1609                    "We will parse the code in the target file and pay"
1610                    "attention to how it was written."
1611                ),
1612                "Code in the target file",
1613                (
1614                    "We parsed the code in the target file and paid"
1615                    "attention to how it was written."
1616                ),
1617            ),
1618            builder=establish_context,
1619            display_product=lambda context: (
1620                f"The code for '{context['filename']}' (shown elsewhere)."
1621            ),
1622            depends=depends,
1623            hidden=hidden,
1624            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1625            generate_warnings=True
1626        )
1628        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1629        # that we generate:
1630        self.register(
1631            "original_source",
1632            "source",
1633            "scope",
1634            "top_scope",
1635            "parse_errors"
1636        )

Dependencies are optional; if not specified auto will be used to fill them in. hidden may be provided; by default this context is not hidden. A prep function may be provided; it will be applied to the source code string and its result will be used instead of the original source.

class SolnCodeContext(AutoContext):
1651class SolnCodeContext(AutoContext):
1652    """
1653    Requires "ref_filename" and "ref_file_path" slots (see
1654    `FileContext`), and establishes a "ref_source" slot which contains
1655    the raw text of the equivalent file from the solution code, along
1656    with a "ref_scope" slot which contains the parsed AST from the
1657    solution code. Also establishes "ref_original_source" which may be
1658    different from "ref_source" when a prep function is used.
1660    "task_info" and "submission_root" slots are also required, but those
1661    should always be present.
1663    If the solution code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the
1664    like or because no equivalent solution file exists, a
1665    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the relevant error as
1666    its cause.
1667    """
1668    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1669        """
1670        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1671        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1672        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be supplied, which
1673        will be given the source code and its return value will be used
1674        in place of the original source code.
1675        """
1676        # First, create our context builder
1677        def establish_context(prev_context):
1678            """
1679            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1680            "ref_file_path" slot, by reading the solution version of the
1681            indicated file:
1683                ref_source: The source of the solution file.
1684                ref_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1685                    solution file.
1686                ref_top_scope: As above, but won't be modified.
1687            """
1688            soln_equivalent = context_utils.extract(
1689                prev_context,
1690                "ref_file_path"
1691            )
1692            ref_filename = context_utils.extract(
1693                prev_context,
1694                "ref_filename"
1695            )
1697            if not os.path.isfile(soln_equivalent):
1698                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1699                    self,
1700                    f"Target file {soln_equivalent} does not exist in the"
1701                    f" solution directory."
1702                )
1704            with open(soln_equivalent, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1705                contents = fin.read()
1707            if prep:
1708                source = prep(contents)
1709            else:
1710                source = contents
1712            try:
1713                node = mast.parse(source, filename=ref_filename)
1714            except Exception as e:
1715                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1716                    self,
1717                    f"Unable to parse solution file '{soln_equivalent}'.",
1718                    cause=e
1719                )
1721            return {
1722                "ref_original_source": contents,
1723                "ref_source": source,
1724                "ref_scope": node,
1725                "ref_top_scope": node
1726            }
1728        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1729        if depends is None:
1730            depends = auto("ref_filename", "ref_file_path")
1732        # Now we can call the super constructor
1733        super().__init__(
1734            description=(
1735                "Code in the solution file",
1736                "We will parse the code in the solution file.",
1737            ),
1738            builder=establish_context,
1739            display_product=lambda context: (
1740                f"The solution code for '{context['filename']}'"
1741                f" (available after the revision period is over)."
1742            ),
1743            depends=depends,
1744            hidden=hidden
1745        )
1747        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1748        # that we generate:
1749        self.register(
1750            "ref_original_source",
1751            "ref_source",
1752            "ref_scope",
1753            "ref_top_scope"
1754        )

Requires "ref_filename" and "ref_file_path" slots (see FileContext), and establishes a "ref_source" slot which contains the raw text of the equivalent file from the solution code, along with a "ref_scope" slot which contains the parsed AST from the solution code. Also establishes "ref_original_source" which may be different from "ref_source" when a prep function is used.

"task_info" and "submission_root" slots are also required, but those should always be present.

If the solution code cannot be parsed due to a SyntaxError or the like or because no equivalent solution file exists, a ContextCreationError will be generated naming the relevant error as its cause.

SolnCodeContext(depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None)
1668    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1669        """
1670        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1671        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1672        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be supplied, which
1673        will be given the source code and its return value will be used
1674        in place of the original source code.
1675        """
1676        # First, create our context builder
1677        def establish_context(prev_context):
1678            """
1679            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1680            "ref_file_path" slot, by reading the solution version of the
1681            indicated file:
1683                ref_source: The source of the solution file.
1684                ref_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1685                    solution file.
1686                ref_top_scope: As above, but won't be modified.
1687            """
1688            soln_equivalent = context_utils.extract(
1689                prev_context,
1690                "ref_file_path"
1691            )
1692            ref_filename = context_utils.extract(
1693                prev_context,
1694                "ref_filename"
1695            )
1697            if not os.path.isfile(soln_equivalent):
1698                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1699                    self,
1700                    f"Target file {soln_equivalent} does not exist in the"
1701                    f" solution directory."
1702                )
1704            with open(soln_equivalent, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1705                contents = fin.read()
1707            if prep:
1708                source = prep(contents)
1709            else:
1710                source = contents
1712            try:
1713                node = mast.parse(source, filename=ref_filename)
1714            except Exception as e:
1715                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1716                    self,
1717                    f"Unable to parse solution file '{soln_equivalent}'.",
1718                    cause=e
1719                )
1721            return {
1722                "ref_original_source": contents,
1723                "ref_source": source,
1724                "ref_scope": node,
1725                "ref_top_scope": node
1726            }
1728        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1729        if depends is None:
1730            depends = auto("ref_filename", "ref_file_path")
1732        # Now we can call the super constructor
1733        super().__init__(
1734            description=(
1735                "Code in the solution file",
1736                "We will parse the code in the solution file.",
1737            ),
1738            builder=establish_context,
1739            display_product=lambda context: (
1740                f"The solution code for '{context['filename']}'"
1741                f" (available after the revision period is over)."
1742            ),
1743            depends=depends,
1744            hidden=hidden
1745        )
1747        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1748        # that we generate:
1749        self.register(
1750            "ref_original_source",
1751            "ref_source",
1752            "ref_scope",
1753            "ref_top_scope"
1754        )

Dependencies are optional; if not specified auto will be used to fill them in. hidden may be provided; by default this context is not hidden. A prep function may be supplied, which will be given the source code and its return value will be used in place of the original source code.

class TestsCodeContext(AutoContext):
1765class TestsCodeContext(AutoContext):
1766    """
1767    Requires "tests_filename" and "tests_file_path" slots (see
1768    `TestsFileContext`), and establishes a "tests_source" slot which
1769    contains the raw text of the target file, along with a "tests_scope"
1770    slot which contains the parsed AST from the code.
1772    If the code cannot be parsed due to a `SyntaxError` or the like, a
1773    `ContextCreationError` will be generated naming the parsing error as
1774    its cause, although note that `potluck.load.fix_parse` is used which
1775    will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while
1776    generating associated warnings.
1777    """
1778    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1779        """
1780        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1781        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1782        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1783        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1784        instead of the original source.
1785        """
1786        # First, create our context builder
1787        def establish_context(prev_context):
1788            """
1789            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1790            "tests_file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1792            - original_tests_source: The raw file contents.
1793            - tests_source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors
1794                or by a prep function) file contents.
1795            - tests_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1796                modified file contents.
1797            - top_tests_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be
1798                modified).
1799            - tests_parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1800                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1801            """
1802            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_filename")
1803            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_file_path")
1804            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1805                original_tests_source = fin.read()
1807            if prep:
1808                tests_source = prep(original_tests_source)
1809            else:
1810                tests_source = original_tests_source
1812            try:
1813                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(tests_source, filename)
1814            except Exception as e:
1815                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1816                    self,
1817                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1818                    cause=e
1819                )
1821            if node is None:
1822                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1823                    self,
1824                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1825                    cause=errors[0]
1826                )
1828            result = {
1829                "original_tests_source": original_tests_source,
1830                "tests_source": fixed,
1831                "tests_scope": node,
1832                "top_tests_scope": node,
1833                "tests_parse_errors": errors
1834            }
1836            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1837            if errors:
1838                result["warnings"] = [
1839                    (
1840                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1841                      + " your tests:<br>"
1842                      + html_tools.build_list(
1843                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1844                            for e in errors
1845                        )
1846                    )
1847                ]
1849            return result
1851        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1852        if depends is None:
1853            depends = auto("tests_filename", "tests_file_path")
1855        # Now we can call the super constructor
1856        super().__init__(
1857            description=(
1858                "Code in the tests file",
1859                (
1860                    "We will parse the code in the tests file and pay"
1861                    " attention to how it was written."
1862                ),
1863                "Code in the tests file",
1864                (
1865                    "We parsed the code in the tests file and paid"
1866                    "attention to how it was written."
1867                ),
1868            ),
1869            builder=establish_context,
1870            display_product=lambda context: (
1871                f"The tests code in '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1872                f" (shown elsewhere)."
1873            ),
1874            depends=depends,
1875            hidden=hidden,
1876            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1877            generate_warnings=True
1878        )
1880        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1881        # that we generate:
1882        self.register(
1883            "original_tests_source",
1884            "tests_source",
1885            "tests_scope",
1886            "top_tests_scope",
1887            "tests_parse_errors"
1888        )

Requires "tests_filename" and "tests_file_path" slots (see TestsFileContext), and establishes a "tests_source" slot which contains the raw text of the target file, along with a "tests_scope" slot which contains the parsed AST from the code.

If the code cannot be parsed due to a SyntaxError or the like, a ContextCreationError will be generated naming the parsing error as its cause, although note that potluck.load.fix_parse is used which will attempt to steamroll some kinds of parsing errors while generating associated warnings.

TestsCodeContext(depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None)
1778    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None):
1779        """
1780        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1781        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1782        context is not hidden. A `prep` function may be provided; it will
1783        be applied to the source code string and its result will be used
1784        instead of the original source.
1785        """
1786        # First, create our context builder
1787        def establish_context(prev_context):
1788            """
1789            Establishes the following context slots based on the
1790            "tests_file_path" slot, by reading the indicated file:
1792            - original_tests_source: The raw file contents.
1793            - tests_source: Possibly-edited (to steamroll syntax errors
1794                or by a prep function) file contents.
1795            - tests_scope: An AST module node resulting from parsing the
1796                modified file contents.
1797            - top_tests_scope: Same as above (but not designed to be
1798                modified).
1799            - tests_parse_errors: A list of Exception objects that were
1800                'successfully' steamrolled by editing the source code.
1801            """
1802            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_filename")
1803            target = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "tests_file_path")
1804            with open(target, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fin:
1805                original_tests_source = fin.read()
1807            if prep:
1808                tests_source = prep(original_tests_source)
1809            else:
1810                tests_source = original_tests_source
1812            try:
1813                fixed, node, errors = load.fix_parse(tests_source, filename)
1814            except Exception as e:
1815                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1816                    self,
1817                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1818                    cause=e
1819                )
1821            if node is None:
1822                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
1823                    self,
1824                    f"Unable to parse submitted tests file '{filename}'.",
1825                    cause=errors[0]
1826                )
1828            result = {
1829                "original_tests_source": original_tests_source,
1830                "tests_source": fixed,
1831                "tests_scope": node,
1832                "top_tests_scope": node,
1833                "tests_parse_errors": errors
1834            }
1836            # Report parsing issues as warnings
1837            if errors:
1838                result["warnings"] = [
1839                    (
1840                        "The following errors were encountered when parsing"
1841                      + " your tests:<br>"
1842                      + html_tools.build_list(
1843                            html_tools.html_traceback(e)
1844                            for e in errors
1845                        )
1846                    )
1847                ]
1849            return result
1851        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
1852        if depends is None:
1853            depends = auto("tests_filename", "tests_file_path")
1855        # Now we can call the super constructor
1856        super().__init__(
1857            description=(
1858                "Code in the tests file",
1859                (
1860                    "We will parse the code in the tests file and pay"
1861                    " attention to how it was written."
1862                ),
1863                "Code in the tests file",
1864                (
1865                    "We parsed the code in the tests file and paid"
1866                    "attention to how it was written."
1867                ),
1868            ),
1869            builder=establish_context,
1870            display_product=lambda context: (
1871                f"The tests code in '{context['tests_filename']}'"
1872                f" (shown elsewhere)."
1873            ),
1874            depends=depends,
1875            hidden=hidden,
1876            # Errors at this level need to be reported!
1877            generate_warnings=True
1878        )
1880        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
1881        # that we generate:
1882        self.register(
1883            "original_tests_source",
1884            "tests_source",
1885            "tests_scope",
1886            "top_tests_scope",
1887            "tests_parse_errors"
1888        )

Dependencies are optional; if not specified auto will be used to fill them in. hidden may be provided; by default this context is not hidden. A prep function may be provided; it will be applied to the source code string and its result will be used instead of the original source.

class ModuleContext(AutoContext):
1903class ModuleContext(AutoContext):
1904    """
1905    Requires a "top_scope" slot (see `CodeContext` which must hold an
1906    entire module's AST, and creates a "module" slot which holds the
1907    module object that results from running that code.
1909    If `optimism` is available, any test cases established will be
1910    cleared when the module is loaded, and then any cases established by
1911    loading the module will be saved in a "test_cases" context slot.
1912    """
1913    _filename = "filename"
1914    _src = "file_path"
1915    _from = "top_scope"
1916    _sandbox = "sandbox"
1917    _to = "module"
1918    _to_cases = "test_cases"
1919    _description = (
1920        "The values defined by the code",
1921        (
1922            "We will run your code so that we can run tests on the"
1923            " values it defines."
1924        )
1925    )
1927    def display_result(self, context):
1928        """
1929        Context result display function which lists names defined in the
1930        loaded module.
1931        """
1932        loaded = context[self._to]
1933        defined = [
1934            name
1935            for name in dir(loaded)
1936            if not name.startswith("__") or not name.endswith("__")
1937        ]
1938        if len(defined) == 0:
1939            result = "No values were defined in the file."
1940        else:
1941            result = (
1942                "The following values were defined in the file:\n"
1943              + html_tools.build_list(
1944                    "<code>{}</code>".format(name)
1945                    for name in defined
1946                )
1947            )
1949        if OPTIMISTIC:
1950            ndef = len(context[self._to_cases])
1951            if ndef > 0:
1952                result += (
1953                    "<br>\nYour file defined {} test cases.".format(ndef)
1954                )
1956        return result
1958    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None, wrap=None):
1959        """
1960        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1961        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1962        context is not hidden.
1964        `prep` may be supplied; it is a function which receives the
1965        current context dictionary and will be run before the module is
1966        loaded.
1968        `wrap` may be supplied; it is a function which will be given the
1969        module once it's loaded and its return value will be used instead
1970        of the original module.
1971        """
1972        # First, create our context builder
1973        def establish_context(prev_context):
1974            """
1975            Establishes the "module" context slot by executing the code
1976            in the "top_scope" slot. Actually, uses self._from and
1977            self._to to determine the slots to read/write, since it can
1978            also be used to create "ref_module" from "ref_top_scope".
1979            Also uses self._src if available to find the source file.
1980            """
1981            # Fetch the AST node that we'd like to turn into a module
1982            node = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
1984            # Prefix the file name so that submitted and solution
1985            # modules with the same name don't collide
1986            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._filename)
1987            if self._from == "top_scope":
1988                prefix = "subm_"
1989            elif self._from == "ref_top_scope":
1990                prefix = "soln_"
1991            elif self._from == "top_tests_scope":
1992                prefix = "tests_"
1993            else:
1994                prefix = "loaded_"
1995            full_name = prefix + filename
1997            # Figure out our file source if we can
1998            src_path = prev_context.get(self._src)
1999            if src_path:
2000                src_path = os.path.abspath(src_path)
2002            # Run the prep function if one was supplied
2003            if prep is not None:
2004                prep(prev_context)
2006            # Set up phony stdin, so that stray inputs won't immediately
2007            # crash the program (if their results are used in a delicate
2008            # manner, they still will of course, but we supply '1' for
2009            # each input, which will survive conversion to an int or
2010            # float).
2011            old_stdin = sys.stdin
2012            sys.stdin = context_utils.AllOnes()
2013            # Note: we don't care about echoing inputs to stdout here...
2015            # Set up phony stdout and stderr
2016            old_stdout = sys.stdout
2017            sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
2018            old_stderr = sys.stderr
2019            sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
2021            # Prepare for capturing test cases
2022            test_cases = None
2024            if OPTIMISTIC:
2025                # Ask for the default level of failure messages
2026                optimism.detailLevel(0)
2027                # Reset failure flag and ensure we don't skip checks
2028                optimism.clearFailure()
2029                optimism.skipChecksAfterFail(None)
2030                # Get rid of any previously-recorded cases
2031                optimism.deleteAllTestSuites()
2033            # Actually load the module
2034            try:
2035                module = load.create_module_in_sandbox(
2036                    node,
2037                    full_name,
2038                    sandbox_dir=context_utils.extract(
2039                        prev_context,
2040                        self._sandbox
2041                    ),
2042                    on_disk=src_path
2043                )
2044            except Exception as e:
2045                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2046                    self,
2047                    "Unable to run code.",
2048                    e
2049                )
2050            finally: # clean up input/output streams
2051                sys.stdin = old_stdin
2052                sys.stdout = old_stdout
2053                sys.stderr = old_stderr
2055            if OPTIMISTIC:
2056                try:
2057                    # Capture defined test cases
2058                    test_cases = optimism.listAllTrials()
2059                except Exception as e:
2060                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2061                        self,
2062                        "Error managing optimism tests.",
2063                        e
2064                    )
2066            # Wrap our module result if necessary
2067            if wrap is not None:
2068                module = wrap(module)
2070            # Return our new slot
2071            result = { self._to: module }
2072            if test_cases is not None:
2073                result[self._to_cases] = test_cases
2075            return result
2077        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2078        if depends is None:
2079            depends = auto(self._filename, self._from, self._sandbox)
2081        # Now we can call the super constructor
2082        super().__init__(
2083            description=self._description,
2084            builder=establish_context,
2085            display_product=self.display_result,
2086            depends=depends,
2087            hidden=hidden
2088        )
2090        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
2091        # that we generate:
2092        if OPTIMISTIC:
2093            self.register(self._to, self._to_cases)
2094        else:
2095            self.register(self._to)

Requires a "top_scope" slot (see CodeContext which must hold an entire module's AST, and creates a "module" slot which holds the module object that results from running that code.

If optimism is available, any test cases established will be cleared when the module is loaded, and then any cases established by loading the module will be saved in a "test_cases" context slot.

ModuleContext(depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None, wrap=None)
1958    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False, prep=None, wrap=None):
1959        """
1960        Dependencies are optional; if not specified `auto` will be used
1961        to fill them in. `hidden` may be provided; by default this
1962        context is not hidden.
1964        `prep` may be supplied; it is a function which receives the
1965        current context dictionary and will be run before the module is
1966        loaded.
1968        `wrap` may be supplied; it is a function which will be given the
1969        module once it's loaded and its return value will be used instead
1970        of the original module.
1971        """
1972        # First, create our context builder
1973        def establish_context(prev_context):
1974            """
1975            Establishes the "module" context slot by executing the code
1976            in the "top_scope" slot. Actually, uses self._from and
1977            self._to to determine the slots to read/write, since it can
1978            also be used to create "ref_module" from "ref_top_scope".
1979            Also uses self._src if available to find the source file.
1980            """
1981            # Fetch the AST node that we'd like to turn into a module
1982            node = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
1984            # Prefix the file name so that submitted and solution
1985            # modules with the same name don't collide
1986            filename = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._filename)
1987            if self._from == "top_scope":
1988                prefix = "subm_"
1989            elif self._from == "ref_top_scope":
1990                prefix = "soln_"
1991            elif self._from == "top_tests_scope":
1992                prefix = "tests_"
1993            else:
1994                prefix = "loaded_"
1995            full_name = prefix + filename
1997            # Figure out our file source if we can
1998            src_path = prev_context.get(self._src)
1999            if src_path:
2000                src_path = os.path.abspath(src_path)
2002            # Run the prep function if one was supplied
2003            if prep is not None:
2004                prep(prev_context)
2006            # Set up phony stdin, so that stray inputs won't immediately
2007            # crash the program (if their results are used in a delicate
2008            # manner, they still will of course, but we supply '1' for
2009            # each input, which will survive conversion to an int or
2010            # float).
2011            old_stdin = sys.stdin
2012            sys.stdin = context_utils.AllOnes()
2013            # Note: we don't care about echoing inputs to stdout here...
2015            # Set up phony stdout and stderr
2016            old_stdout = sys.stdout
2017            sys.stdout = io.StringIO()
2018            old_stderr = sys.stderr
2019            sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
2021            # Prepare for capturing test cases
2022            test_cases = None
2024            if OPTIMISTIC:
2025                # Ask for the default level of failure messages
2026                optimism.detailLevel(0)
2027                # Reset failure flag and ensure we don't skip checks
2028                optimism.clearFailure()
2029                optimism.skipChecksAfterFail(None)
2030                # Get rid of any previously-recorded cases
2031                optimism.deleteAllTestSuites()
2033            # Actually load the module
2034            try:
2035                module = load.create_module_in_sandbox(
2036                    node,
2037                    full_name,
2038                    sandbox_dir=context_utils.extract(
2039                        prev_context,
2040                        self._sandbox
2041                    ),
2042                    on_disk=src_path
2043                )
2044            except Exception as e:
2045                raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2046                    self,
2047                    "Unable to run code.",
2048                    e
2049                )
2050            finally: # clean up input/output streams
2051                sys.stdin = old_stdin
2052                sys.stdout = old_stdout
2053                sys.stderr = old_stderr
2055            if OPTIMISTIC:
2056                try:
2057                    # Capture defined test cases
2058                    test_cases = optimism.listAllTrials()
2059                except Exception as e:
2060                    raise context_utils.ContextCreationError(
2061                        self,
2062                        "Error managing optimism tests.",
2063                        e
2064                    )
2066            # Wrap our module result if necessary
2067            if wrap is not None:
2068                module = wrap(module)
2070            # Return our new slot
2071            result = { self._to: module }
2072            if test_cases is not None:
2073                result[self._to_cases] = test_cases
2075            return result
2077        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2078        if depends is None:
2079            depends = auto(self._filename, self._from, self._sandbox)
2081        # Now we can call the super constructor
2082        super().__init__(
2083            description=self._description,
2084            builder=establish_context,
2085            display_product=self.display_result,
2086            depends=depends,
2087            hidden=hidden
2088        )
2090        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slots
2091        # that we generate:
2092        if OPTIMISTIC:
2093            self.register(self._to, self._to_cases)
2094        else:
2095            self.register(self._to)

Dependencies are optional; if not specified auto will be used to fill them in. hidden may be provided; by default this context is not hidden.

prep may be supplied; it is a function which receives the current context dictionary and will be run before the module is loaded.

wrap may be supplied; it is a function which will be given the module once it's loaded and its return value will be used instead of the original module.

def display_result(self, context):
1927    def display_result(self, context):
1928        """
1929        Context result display function which lists names defined in the
1930        loaded module.
1931        """
1932        loaded = context[self._to]
1933        defined = [
1934            name
1935            for name in dir(loaded)
1936            if not name.startswith("__") or not name.endswith("__")
1937        ]
1938        if len(defined) == 0:
1939            result = "No values were defined in the file."
1940        else:
1941            result = (
1942                "The following values were defined in the file:\n"
1943              + html_tools.build_list(
1944                    "<code>{}</code>".format(name)
1945                    for name in defined
1946                )
1947            )
1949        if OPTIMISTIC:
1950            ndef = len(context[self._to_cases])
1951            if ndef > 0:
1952                result += (
1953                    "<br>\nYour file defined {} test cases.".format(ndef)
1954                )
1956        return result

Context result display function which lists names defined in the loaded module.

class SolnModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2110class SolnModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2111    """
2112    Works like `ModuleContext`, but for the solution module: Requires a
2113    "ref_top_scope" slot (see `SolnCodeContext`) which must hold the
2114    solution module's AST, and creates a "ref_module" slot which holds
2115    the module object that results from running that code.
2117    If the optimism module is available, also creates a
2118    "ref_expectations" slot.
2119    """
2120    _filename = "ref_filename"
2121    _src = "ref_file_path"
2122    _from = "ref_top_scope"
2123    _sandbox = "ref_sandbox"
2124    _to = "ref_module"
2125    _to_cases = "ref_test_cases"
2126    _description = (
2127        "The values defined by the solution code",
2128        (
2129            "We will run the solution code so that we can compare"
2130            " its results to the results of your code."
2131        )
2132    )
2134    # Note: just by overriding these fields we've done all that we need
2135    # to to change where we're reading from and where we're putting our
2136    # results.

Works like ModuleContext, but for the solution module: Requires a "ref_top_scope" slot (see SolnCodeContext) which must hold the solution module's AST, and creates a "ref_module" slot which holds the module object that results from running that code.

If the optimism module is available, also creates a "ref_expectations" slot.

class TestsModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2151class TestsModuleContext(ModuleContext):
2152    """
2153    Requires a "top_tests_scope" slot (see `TestsCodeContext` which must
2154    hold an entire module's AST, and creates a "tests_module" slot which
2155    holds the module object that results from running that code.
2156    """
2157    _filename = "tests_filename"
2158    _src = "tests_file_path"
2159    _from = "top_tests_scope"
2160    _sandbox = "tests_sandbox"
2161    _to = "tests_module"
2162    _to_cases = "validation_test_cases"
2163    _description = (
2164        "The values defined by the solution code",
2165        (
2166            "We will run the solution code so that we can compare"
2167            " its results to the results of your code."
2168        )
2169    )
2171    # Note: just by overriding these fields we've done all that we need
2172    # to to change where we're reading from and where we're putting our
2173    # results.

Requires a "top_tests_scope" slot (see TestsCodeContext which must hold an entire module's AST, and creates a "tests_module" slot which holds the module object that results from running that code.

class DefinitionsContext(AutoContext):
2188class DefinitionsContext(AutoContext):
2189    """
2190    Creates a "defs" slot based on a "top_scope" slot which holds a
2191    mapping from function names to AST nodes covering every `def` which
2192    occurs in the provided scope, including nested and method
2193    definitions.
2195    Note that nested definitions may shadow exterior definitions in the
2196    map if they have the same name. (TODO: Not that?)
2197    """
2198    _from = "top_scope"
2199    _to = "defs"
2201    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2202        """
2203        Dependencies may be supplied and the context may be hidden. If no
2204        dependencies are given, an auto-dependency for the "top_scope"
2205        slot will be generated.
2206        """
2207        def establish_context(prev_context):
2208            """
2209            This context_builder function depends on a "scope" context
2210            holding an AST node, and adds a "defs" context item which
2211            contains a dicitonary of all AST nodes in that scope which
2212            are function definitions (includes interior defs). The keys
2213            of the dictionary are the names of the functions. Lambdas
2214            are not included in the list.
2215            """
2216            within = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
2218            # Find definition AST nodes
2219            alldefs = set()
2220            for pat in patterns.ALL_DEF_PATTERNS:
2221                alldefs |= set(
2222                    node
2223                    for node, bindings in mast.findall(within, pat)
2224                )
2226            # Create the mapping
2227            defmap = {}
2228            for defn in alldefs:
2229                defmap[defn.name] = defn
2231            # Return our resulting slot
2232            return { self._to: defmap }
2234        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2235        if depends is None:
2236            depends = auto(self._from)
2238        # Now we can call the super constructor
2239        super().__init__(
2240            description=(
2241                "The function definitions in the code",
2242                (
2243                    "We will inspect the code and extract all of the"
2244                    " function definitions."
2245                )
2246            ),
2247            builder=establish_context,
2248            display_product=lambda context: (
2249                "The following functions were defined:\n"
2250              + html_tools.build_list(
2251                    f"<code>{name}</code>"
2252                    for name in context[self._to]
2253                )
2254            ),
2255            depends=depends,
2256            hidden=hidden
2257        )
2259        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2260        # that we generate:
2261        self.register(self._to)

Creates a "defs" slot based on a "top_scope" slot which holds a mapping from function names to AST nodes covering every def which occurs in the provided scope, including nested and method definitions.

Note that nested definitions may shadow exterior definitions in the map if they have the same name. (TODO: Not that?)

DefinitionsContext(depends=None, hidden=False)
2201    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2202        """
2203        Dependencies may be supplied and the context may be hidden. If no
2204        dependencies are given, an auto-dependency for the "top_scope"
2205        slot will be generated.
2206        """
2207        def establish_context(prev_context):
2208            """
2209            This context_builder function depends on a "scope" context
2210            holding an AST node, and adds a "defs" context item which
2211            contains a dicitonary of all AST nodes in that scope which
2212            are function definitions (includes interior defs). The keys
2213            of the dictionary are the names of the functions. Lambdas
2214            are not included in the list.
2215            """
2216            within = context_utils.extract(prev_context, self._from)
2218            # Find definition AST nodes
2219            alldefs = set()
2220            for pat in patterns.ALL_DEF_PATTERNS:
2221                alldefs |= set(
2222                    node
2223                    for node, bindings in mast.findall(within, pat)
2224                )
2226            # Create the mapping
2227            defmap = {}
2228            for defn in alldefs:
2229                defmap[defn.name] = defn
2231            # Return our resulting slot
2232            return { self._to: defmap }
2234        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2235        if depends is None:
2236            depends = auto(self._from)
2238        # Now we can call the super constructor
2239        super().__init__(
2240            description=(
2241                "The function definitions in the code",
2242                (
2243                    "We will inspect the code and extract all of the"
2244                    " function definitions."
2245                )
2246            ),
2247            builder=establish_context,
2248            display_product=lambda context: (
2249                "The following functions were defined:\n"
2250              + html_tools.build_list(
2251                    f"<code>{name}</code>"
2252                    for name in context[self._to]
2253                )
2254            ),
2255            depends=depends,
2256            hidden=hidden
2257        )
2259        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2260        # that we generate:
2261        self.register(self._to)

Dependencies may be supplied and the context may be hidden. If no dependencies are given, an auto-dependency for the "top_scope" slot will be generated.

class SolnDefinitionsContext(DefinitionsContext):
2269class SolnDefinitionsContext(DefinitionsContext):
2270    """
2271    Works like `DefinitionsContext` but extracts a "ref_defs" slot from
2272    the "ref_top_scope" slot.
2273    """
2274    _from = "ref_top_scope"
2275    _to = "ref_defs"

Works like DefinitionsContext but extracts a "ref_defs" slot from the "ref_top_scope" slot.

class DocstringsContext(AutoContext):
2283class DocstringsContext(AutoContext):
2284    """
2285    Establishes a "docstrings" slot based on "defs" and "module" slots,
2286    which contains a mapping from function names to their docstrings.
2287    This mapping will only include functions defined at the top level of
2288    the module.
2289    """
2291    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2292        """
2293        May have non-automatic dependencies and/or be hidden. If manual
2294        dependencies are provided, make sure they establish the "defs"
2295        and "module" slots.
2296        """
2297        def establish_context(prev_context):
2298            """
2299            This context_builder requires *both* a "defs" node (see
2300            `DefinitionsContext`) *and* a "module" node (see
2301            `ModuleContext`), because it makes use of both the AST and
2302            the actual imported module.
2304            It uses the defs map to figure out what functions to look
2305            for, and then for every function defined *at the top level*
2306            of the submitted code, it looks up the docstring from the
2307            module object, returning a mapping from function names to
2308            docstrings. If there are functions defined inside of other
2309            functions, they will not show up in the resulting
2310            "docstrings" context item.
2311            """
2312            defs = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "defs")
2313            submitted = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "module")
2315            docsmap = {}
2317            for fname in defs:
2318                fcn = getattr(submitted, fname, None)
2319                if fcn:
2320                    # this function is defined at the module level
2321                    doc = getattr(fcn, "__doc__", None) or ""
2322                    doc = doc.strip()
2323                    docsmap[fname] = doc
2325            return { "docstrings": docsmap }
2327        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2328        if depends is None:
2329            depends = auto("defs", "module")
2331        super().__init__(
2332            description=(
2333                "The function docstrings",
2334                (
2335                    "We will extract the docstrings from each function"
2336                    " defined by your code."
2337                )
2338            ),
2339            builder=establish_context,
2340            display_product=lambda context: (
2341                "The following docstrings were found:\n"
2342              + html_tools.build_list(
2343                    (
2344                        f"Function <code>{name}</code>:<br>"
2345                        f"<pre>{doc}</pre>"
2346                    )
2347                    for name, doc in context["docstrings"].items()
2348                )
2349            ),
2350            depends=depends,
2351            hidden=hidden
2352        )
2354        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2355        # that we generate:
2356        self.register("docstrings")

Establishes a "docstrings" slot based on "defs" and "module" slots, which contains a mapping from function names to their docstrings. This mapping will only include functions defined at the top level of the module.

DocstringsContext(depends=None, hidden=False)
2291    def __init__(self, depends=None, hidden=False):
2292        """
2293        May have non-automatic dependencies and/or be hidden. If manual
2294        dependencies are provided, make sure they establish the "defs"
2295        and "module" slots.
2296        """
2297        def establish_context(prev_context):
2298            """
2299            This context_builder requires *both* a "defs" node (see
2300            `DefinitionsContext`) *and* a "module" node (see
2301            `ModuleContext`), because it makes use of both the AST and
2302            the actual imported module.
2304            It uses the defs map to figure out what functions to look
2305            for, and then for every function defined *at the top level*
2306            of the submitted code, it looks up the docstring from the
2307            module object, returning a mapping from function names to
2308            docstrings. If there are functions defined inside of other
2309            functions, they will not show up in the resulting
2310            "docstrings" context item.
2311            """
2312            defs = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "defs")
2313            submitted = context_utils.extract(prev_context, "module")
2315            docsmap = {}
2317            for fname in defs:
2318                fcn = getattr(submitted, fname, None)
2319                if fcn:
2320                    # this function is defined at the module level
2321                    doc = getattr(fcn, "__doc__", None) or ""
2322                    doc = doc.strip()
2323                    docsmap[fname] = doc
2325            return { "docstrings": docsmap }
2327        # Figure out if we need to use automatic dependencies:
2328        if depends is None:
2329            depends = auto("defs", "module")
2331        super().__init__(
2332            description=(
2333                "The function docstrings",
2334                (
2335                    "We will extract the docstrings from each function"
2336                    " defined by your code."
2337                )
2338            ),
2339            builder=establish_context,
2340            display_product=lambda context: (
2341                "The following docstrings were found:\n"
2342              + html_tools.build_list(
2343                    (
2344                        f"Function <code>{name}</code>:<br>"
2345                        f"<pre>{doc}</pre>"
2346                    )
2347                    for name, doc in context["docstrings"].items()
2348                )
2349            ),
2350            depends=depends,
2351            hidden=hidden
2352        )
2354        # Finally, register ourselves as an auto provider for the slot
2355        # that we generate:
2356        self.register("docstrings")

May have non-automatic dependencies and/or be hidden. If manual dependencies are provided, make sure they establish the "defs" and "module" slots.

def build_context_value_displayer( key, compare_ref=True, include_diff=True, labels=['Your value', 'Solution value', 'Comparison']):
2368def build_context_value_displayer(
2369    key,
2370    compare_ref=True,
2371    include_diff=True,
2372    labels=["Your value", "Solution value", "Comparison"]
2374    """
2375    Creates a display_product function which will show the contents of a
2376    single specific context key, and by default, will include multiple
2377    tabs that show the value, the reference value, and a diff of the two
2378    values. String values are shown as-is; non-string values are
2379    converted to strings using html_tools.big_repr.
2381    If the number of characters in a value's representation would exceed
2382    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT, we will truncate it.
2384    Set compare_ref to False to simply show the value for the specified
2385    key, and set include_diff to False when compare_ref is True to omit
2386    the difference tab in the comparison.
2388    Custom labels for the two values and their difference (second and/or
2389    third labels may be ignored depending on other flags) may be given
2390    using the labels argument.
2392    Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument
2393    to a Context.
2394    """
2395    def display_context_value(context):
2396        """
2397        A function that returns HTML code which displays the value of a
2398        single specific context key, possibly with tabs to view the value
2399        produced by submitted code, the reference value, and the
2400        difference between the two (as a diff).
2402        See build_context_value_displayer, which created this function.
2403        """
2404        if not compare_ref:
2405            if key in context:
2406                # simply return a single <pre> containing a representation of
2407                # the value
2408                if isinstance(context[key], str):
2409                    rep = context[key]
2410                else:
2411                    try:
2412                        rep = html_tools.big_repr(context[key])
2413                    except TypeError:
2414                        rep = repr(context[key])
2415                rep = html_tools.escape(
2416                    html_tools.truncate(rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2417                )
2418                return f"<pre class='context-value'>{rep}</pre>"
2419            else:
2420                # failed to create the context key we're looking for!
2421                return (
2422                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2423                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2424                )
2425        else:
2426            if key in context:
2427                if isinstance(context[key], str):
2428                    rep = context[key]
2429                else:
2430                    try:
2431                        rep = html_tools.big_repr(context[key])
2432                    except TypeError:
2433                        rep = repr(context[key])
2434                rep = html_tools.truncate(rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2435                erep = html_tools.escape(rep)
2436                rep_html = f"<pre class='context-value'>{erep}</pre>"
2437            else:
2438                rep = ""
2439                rep_html = (
2440                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2441                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2442                )
2444            if "ref_" + key in context:
2445                if isinstance(context["ref_" + key], str):
2446                    ref_rep = context["ref_" + key]
2447                else:
2448                    try:
2449                        ref_rep = html_tools.big_repr(context["ref_" + key])
2450                    except TypeError:
2451                        ref_rep = repr(context["ref_" + key])
2452                ref_rep = html_tools.truncate(ref_rep, VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT)
2453                ref_erep = html_tools.escape(ref_rep)
2454                ref_rep_html = f"<pre class='context-value'>{ref_erep}</pre>"
2455            else:
2456                ref_rep = ""
2457                ref_rep_html = (
2458                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2459                    f" context 'ref_{key}'!</div>"
2460                )
2462            if include_diff:
2463                # Include a tab for the differences
2464                diff = html_tools.html_diff_table(
2465                    rep,
2466                    ref_rep,
2467                    out_title=labels[0],
2468                    ref_title=labels[1]
2469                )
2470                return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2471                    [
2472                        (labels[0], rep_html),
2473                        (labels[1], ref_rep_html),
2474                        (labels[2], diff),
2475                    ]
2476                )
2477            else:
2478                # No tab for the differences
2479                return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2480                    [
2481                        (labels[0], rep_html),
2482                        (labels[1], ref_rep_html),
2483                    ]
2484                )
2486    return display_context_value

Creates a display_product function which will show the contents of a single specific context key, and by default, will include multiple tabs that show the value, the reference value, and a diff of the two values. String values are shown as-is; non-string values are converted to strings using html_tools.big_repr.

If the number of characters in a value's representation would exceed VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT, we will truncate it.

Set compare_ref to False to simply show the value for the specified key, and set include_diff to False when compare_ref is True to omit the difference tab in the comparison.

Custom labels for the two values and their difference (second and/or third labels may be ignored depending on other flags) may be given using the labels argument.

Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument to a Context.

def build_simple_context_value_displayer(key, compare_ref=True, labels=['Your value', 'Solution value']):
2489def build_simple_context_value_displayer(
2490    key,
2491    compare_ref=True,
2492    labels=["Your value", "Solution value"]
2494    """
2495    Creates a display_product function similar to the
2496    `build_context_value_displayer` result, but for simple values which
2497    don't need a pre wrapper and which can be displayed side-by-side
2498    (e.g., numbers). No diff is included, as it's presumed that any
2499    differences will be obvious, and values are converted to strings
2500    using str() instead of html_tools.big_repr. Representations that end
2501    up longer than VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT are still truncated.
2503    Set compare_ref to False to include only the main value.
2505    Custom labels for the two values may be given using the labels
2506    argument. These are not used if compare_ref is False.
2508    Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument
2509    to a Context.
2510    """
2511    def display_context_value(context):
2512        """
2513        A function that returns HTML code which displays the value of a
2514        single specific context key, possibly side-by-side with the
2515        corresponding reference value.
2517        See build_simple_context_value_displayer, which created this function.
2518        """
2519        if not compare_ref:
2520            if key in context:
2521                return str(context[key])
2522            else:
2523                return (
2524                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2525                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2526                )
2527        else:
2528            if key in context:
2529                rep = html_tools.truncate(
2530                    repr(context[key]),
2531                    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2532                )
2533                erep = html_tools.escape(rep)
2534                rep_html = "<code>{}</code>".format(erep)
2535            else:
2536                rep_html = (
2537                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2538                    f" context '{key}'!</div>"
2539                )
2541            if "ref_" + key in context:
2542                ref_rep = html_tools.truncate(
2543                    repr(context["ref_" + key]),
2544                    VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2545                )
2546                ref_erep = html_tools.escape(ref_rep)
2547                ref_rep_html = "<code>{}</code>".format(ref_erep)
2548            else:
2549                ref_rep_html = (
2550                    f"<div class='context-missing'>Failed to establish"
2551                    f" context 'ref_{key}'!</div>"
2552                )
2554            return f"""
2555<table class='context-values'>
2556  <tbody>
2557    <tr> <th>{labels[0]}</th> <td>{rep_html}</td>  </tr>
2558    <tr> <th>{labels[1]}</th> <td>{ref_rep_html}</td>  </tr>
2559  </tbody>
2563    return display_context_value

Creates a display_product function similar to the build_context_value_displayer result, but for simple values which don't need a pre wrapper and which can be displayed side-by-side (e.g., numbers). No diff is included, as it's presumed that any differences will be obvious, and values are converted to strings using str() instead of html_tools.big_repr. Representations that end up longer than VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT are still truncated.

Set compare_ref to False to include only the main value.

Custom labels for the two values may be given using the labels argument. These are not used if compare_ref is False.

Returns a function suitable for use as the display_product argument to a Context.

def create_distribution_result_displayer(context_key='distribution'):
2566def create_distribution_result_displayer(context_key="distribution"):
2567    """
2568    Creates a distribution results display function, which will read
2569    values from the given context key ("distribution" by default). Also
2570    reads a value from the matching "ref_" key.
2571    """
2572    def display_distribution_results(context):
2573        """
2574        Displays the 'distribution' and 'ref_distribution' context keys
2575        side-by-side.
2576        """
2577        sub_dist = context[context_key]["results"]
2578        ref_dist = context["ref_" + context_key]["results"]
2580        all_results = set(sub_dist) | set(ref_dist)
2582        n_samples = context[context_key]["trials"]
2584        rows = []
2585        for result in sorted(all_results):
2586            rows.append(
2587                (
2588                    "<tr> <td>{result}</td> <td>{n}</td>"
2589                  + " <td>{ref_n}</td> </tr>"
2590                ).format(
2591                    result=html_tools.dynamic_html_repr(
2592                        result,
2593                        limit=VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT
2594                    ),
2595                    n=repr(sub_dist.get(result, 0)),
2596                    ref_n=repr(ref_dist.get(result, 0))
2597                )
2598            )
2600        return """
2601The distribution of results from your function and the solution function
2602after {n_samples} trials (note: distributions may differ somewhat due to
2603random chance.):
2604<table class='result_distribution'>
2605  <thead>
2606    <tr>
2607      <th>Result value</th>
2608      <th>Observed count</th>
2609      <th>Solution count</th>
2610    </tr>
2611  </thead>
2612  <tbody>
2613    {rows}
2614  </tbody>
2616""".format(n_samples=n_samples, rows='\n    '.join(rows))
2618    return display_distribution_results

Creates a distribution results display function, which will read values from the given context key ("distribution" by default). Also reads a value from the matching "ref_" key.

def create_image_result_displayer(context_key='image', alt_key='output'):
2621def create_image_result_displayer(context_key="image", alt_key="output"):
2622    """
2623    Creates a context value display function which shows the "image" slot
2624    (or an image from another slot) with alt text from the "output" slot
2625    (assuming turtleBeads descriptions are used).
2627    If a ref_ slot and an alt ref_ slot are available, a comparison will
2628    be included.
2629    """
2630    def image_displayer(context):
2631        """
2632        Returns HTML code for displaying an image from the given context,
2633        with alt text from a different slot.
2634        """
2635        img = context[context_key]
2636        alt = context[alt_key]
2637        if "ref_" + context_key in context and "ref_" + alt_key in context:
2638            ref_img = context["ref_" + context_key]
2639            ref_alt = context["ref_" + alt_key]
2640            return html_tools.build_html_tabs(
2641                [
2642                    (
2643                        "Your image:",
2644                        html_tools.html_image(img, alt)
2645                    ),
2646                    (
2647                        "Solution image:",
2648                        html_tools.html_image(ref_img, ref_alt)
2649                    ),
2650                    (
2651                        "Animation:",
2652                        html_tools.html_animation(
2653                            compare.diff_anim_frames(img, ref_img, 10),
2654                            (
2655                                # TODO: Diff of alt texts here?
2656                                "An animation between your image and the"
2657                                " solution image."
2658                            ),
2659                            delays=[500] + [100] * 10 + [500]
2660                        )
2661                    )
2662                ]
2663            )
2664        else:
2665            # No ref values available for a comparison
2666            return html_tools.html_image(img, alt)
2668    return image_displayer

Creates a context value display function which shows the "image" slot (or an image from another slot) with alt text from the "output" slot (assuming turtleBeads descriptions are used).

If a ref_ slot and an alt ref_ slot are available, a comparison will be included.

class SiftedContext(Context):
2675class SiftedContext(Context):
2676    """
2677    Working from the "output" and "ref_output" slots (or some other
2678    custom list of slots), this `Context` creates "sifted" and
2679    "ref_sifted" slots which hold the results of matching a regular
2680    expression against the input value.
2681    """
2682    def __init__(
2683        self,
2684        pattern,
2685        depends,
2686        description=None,
2687        slot_map={"output": "sifted", "ref_output": "ref_sifted"},
2688        first_match=False,
2689        require_match=True,
2690        use_matchobjs=False
2691    ):
2692        """
2693        Dependencies must be supplied. A custom description may be
2694        supplied (and is often useful). A custom slot map may be supplied
2695        to specify which incoming slots to process, and for each incoming
2696        slot, which new slot to create to store the result from that
2697        slot.
2698        """
2699        if isinstance(pattern, str):
2700            pattern = re.compile(pattern)
2702        def establish_context(prev_context):
2703            """
2704            This context_builder function processes a custom list of
2705            slots by applying a regular expression to them.
2706            """
2707            result = {}
2708            # Process each requested slot
2709            for from_slot in slot_map:
2710                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2712                # Grab our input value
2713                value = context_utils.extract(prev_context, from_slot)
2714                if not isinstance(value, str):
2715                    raise TypeError(
2716                        f"SiftedContext can only refine string values,"
2717                        f" but was asked to refine value of slot"
2718                        f" {from_slot} which was a {type(value)}."
2719                    )
2721                # Apply our regular expression
2722                matches = pattern.finditer(value)
2724                # Grab the first match if that's what we need
2725                if first_match:
2726                    try:
2727                        first = next(matches)
2728                    except StopIteration:
2729                        raise ValueError(
2730                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2731                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2732                        )
2733                    # Add either the match object or matching string
2734                    if use_matchobjs:
2735                        result[to_slot] = first
2736                    else:
2737                        result[to_slot] = first.group()
2738                else: # Grab all matches
2739                    if use_matchobjs:
2740                        objs = [m for m in matches]
2741                    else:
2742                        objs = [m.group() for m in matches]
2744                    # list might be empty...
2745                    if require_match and len(objs) == 0:
2746                        raise ValueError(
2747                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2748                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2749                        )
2751                    result[to_slot] = objs
2753            # Return our results
2754            return result
2756        def display_result(context):
2757            """
2758            Displays the results of slot sifting as a tabbed HTML
2759            structure with one tab per input slot.
2760            """
2761            tablist = []
2762            for from_slot in slot_map:
2763                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2764                result = context_utils.extract(context, to_slot)
2766                if isinstance(result, re.Match):
2767                    display = f"<pre>{result.group(0)}</pre>"
2768                elif isinstance(result, list):
2769                    if len(result) == 0:
2770                        display = "&lt;no matches&gt;"
2771                    elif isinstance(result[0], str):
2772                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2773                            [
2774                                f"<pre>{entry}</pre>"
2775                                for entry in result
2776                            ]
2777                        )
2778                    else: # results are Match objects
2779                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2780                            [
2781                                f"<pre>{match.group(0)}</pre>"
2782                                for match in result
2783                            ]
2784                        )
2785                else: # results should be strings
2786                    display = f"<pre>{result}</pre>"
2788                tablist.append((from_slot, display))
2790            return (
2791                "Results for expression <pre><code>{expr}</code></pre>:<br>"
2792              + html_tools.build_html_tabs(tablist)
2793            )
2795        # Create a default description if necessary
2796        if description is None:
2797            stuff = phrasing.comma_list(
2798                slot
2799                for slot in slot_map
2800                if not slot.startswith("ref_")
2801            )
2802            description = (
2803                f"Certain parts of the {stuff}",
2804                (
2805                    f"We will search for the pattern"
2806                    f"<pre><code>{pattern.pattern}</code></pre> within"
2807                    f" the {stuff} and inspect the results."
2808                )
2809            )
2811        # Now we can call the super constructor
2812        super().__init__(
2813            description=description,
2814            builder=establish_context,
2815            display_product=display_result,
2816            depends=depends
2817        )

Working from the "output" and "ref_output" slots (or some other custom list of slots), this Context creates "sifted" and "ref_sifted" slots which hold the results of matching a regular expression against the input value.

SiftedContext( pattern, depends, description=None, slot_map={'output': 'sifted', 'ref_output': 'ref_sifted'}, first_match=False, require_match=True, use_matchobjs=False)
2682    def __init__(
2683        self,
2684        pattern,
2685        depends,
2686        description=None,
2687        slot_map={"output": "sifted", "ref_output": "ref_sifted"},
2688        first_match=False,
2689        require_match=True,
2690        use_matchobjs=False
2691    ):
2692        """
2693        Dependencies must be supplied. A custom description may be
2694        supplied (and is often useful). A custom slot map may be supplied
2695        to specify which incoming slots to process, and for each incoming
2696        slot, which new slot to create to store the result from that
2697        slot.
2698        """
2699        if isinstance(pattern, str):
2700            pattern = re.compile(pattern)
2702        def establish_context(prev_context):
2703            """
2704            This context_builder function processes a custom list of
2705            slots by applying a regular expression to them.
2706            """
2707            result = {}
2708            # Process each requested slot
2709            for from_slot in slot_map:
2710                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2712                # Grab our input value
2713                value = context_utils.extract(prev_context, from_slot)
2714                if not isinstance(value, str):
2715                    raise TypeError(
2716                        f"SiftedContext can only refine string values,"
2717                        f" but was asked to refine value of slot"
2718                        f" {from_slot} which was a {type(value)}."
2719                    )
2721                # Apply our regular expression
2722                matches = pattern.finditer(value)
2724                # Grab the first match if that's what we need
2725                if first_match:
2726                    try:
2727                        first = next(matches)
2728                    except StopIteration:
2729                        raise ValueError(
2730                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2731                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2732                        )
2733                    # Add either the match object or matching string
2734                    if use_matchobjs:
2735                        result[to_slot] = first
2736                    else:
2737                        result[to_slot] = first.group()
2738                else: # Grab all matches
2739                    if use_matchobjs:
2740                        objs = [m for m in matches]
2741                    else:
2742                        objs = [m.group() for m in matches]
2744                    # list might be empty...
2745                    if require_match and len(objs) == 0:
2746                        raise ValueError(
2747                            f"While refining '{from_slot}' context,"
2748                            f" found no matches for pattern."
2749                        )
2751                    result[to_slot] = objs
2753            # Return our results
2754            return result
2756        def display_result(context):
2757            """
2758            Displays the results of slot sifting as a tabbed HTML
2759            structure with one tab per input slot.
2760            """
2761            tablist = []
2762            for from_slot in slot_map:
2763                to_slot = slot_map[from_slot]
2764                result = context_utils.extract(context, to_slot)
2766                if isinstance(result, re.Match):
2767                    display = f"<pre>{result.group(0)}</pre>"
2768                elif isinstance(result, list):
2769                    if len(result) == 0:
2770                        display = "&lt;no matches&gt;"
2771                    elif isinstance(result[0], str):
2772                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2773                            [
2774                                f"<pre>{entry}</pre>"
2775                                for entry in result
2776                            ]
2777                        )
2778                    else: # results are Match objects
2779                        display = html_tools.build_list(
2780                            [
2781                                f"<pre>{match.group(0)}</pre>"
2782                                for match in result
2783                            ]
2784                        )
2785                else: # results should be strings
2786                    display = f"<pre>{result}</pre>"
2788                tablist.append((from_slot, display))
2790            return (
2791                "Results for expression <pre><code>{expr}</code></pre>:<br>"
2792              + html_tools.build_html_tabs(tablist)
2793            )
2795        # Create a default description if necessary
2796        if description is None:
2797            stuff = phrasing.comma_list(
2798                slot
2799                for slot in slot_map
2800                if not slot.startswith("ref_")
2801            )
2802            description = (
2803                f"Certain parts of the {stuff}",
2804                (
2805                    f"We will search for the pattern"
2806                    f"<pre><code>{pattern.pattern}</code></pre> within"
2807                    f" the {stuff} and inspect the results."
2808                )
2809            )
2811        # Now we can call the super constructor
2812        super().__init__(
2813            description=description,
2814            builder=establish_context,
2815            display_product=display_result,
2816            depends=depends
2817        )

Dependencies must be supplied. A custom description may be supplied (and is often useful). A custom slot map may be supplied to specify which incoming slots to process, and for each incoming slot, which new slot to create to store the result from that slot.