Exhibition Robot


Since our robot is unable to incorporate both movement and precision, we have decided to position the robot directly in front of the candle to increase its chances of extinguishing the flame. To increase the accuracy of the robot, we decided to increase the range which the shaving cream would shoot. We did this by swiveling the vehicle back and forth as the robot sprays. We turned motors b and c on in opposing directions, alternating directions every few seconds. This allowed for a greater margin of error in the placement of the flame.

To make the robot more autonomous and interesting to an audience, we have placed an infrared sensor on the front of the robot that will detect when the candle is lit. At this point, extinguishing procedures will begin.


Our final robot, preparing to extinguish the candle!

Code used by the robot:  
to extinguish launch [waituntil [(sensor 0) < 250] ;;senses the candle is lit b, thisway on loop [wait 30 rd]] ;;turns b on launch [waituntil [(sensor 0) < 250] c, thatway on loop [wait 30 rd]] ;;turns c on in opposite direction launch [waituntil [(sensor 0) < 250] a, thisway on ;;turns trigger pressing motor on wait 140 ;;waits while it extinguishes, swivelling a, thatway ;;reverses trigger motor, to stop spray bc, off ;;stops swivelling wait 80 ;;waits while trigger returns to original position a, off ] ;;turns trigger motor off end

Last updated January 25, 2000