Code loaded into crickets performing Twist and Shout:

; dance2 global [ready2 start2] to dance2 setready2 12 ;same as DJ setstart2 13 ;same as DJ loop [ respond next-ir] end to respond :number if (:number > 0) [ if (:number = ready2) [go-forth-2] if (:number = start2) [twist-and-shout-1 wait 10 go-back-2] ] end to go-forth-1 ; girl twister ab, thisway onfor 20 ;b, rd ab, onfor 4 ; pivots to right end to go-forth-2 ; boy twister ab, thisway onfor 20 ;a, rd ab, onfor 4 ; pivots to right end to go-back-1 ; girl ;a, thatway ab, onfor 3 ; pivots; ab, thatway onfor 20 end to go-back-2 ; boy ;b, thatway ab, onfor 4 ; pivots right ab, thatway onfor 20 end to twist-and-shout-2; repeat 2 [ a, thatway b, thisway a, onfor 2 rd onfor 2 rd ; shake it up baby! b, onfor 2 rd onfor 2 rd a, onfor 4 b, rd onfor 2 rd onfor 2 ; shake it up baby! a, rd onfor 2 rd onfor 2 a, rd onfor 5 wait 4 a, onfor 9 rd wait 1 a, onfor 10 ; (twist and shout)2 wait 4 repeat 5 [a, onfor 1 rd ; come on baby now b, onfor 1 rd] a, onfor 3 ab, thatway onfor 6 b, rd wait 2 repeat 4 [a, onfor 1 rd ; come on baby b, onfor 1 rd] wait 4 ab, onfor 2 rd ; let me know that ab, onfor 4 rd ab, onfor 1 rd ab, rd onfor 3.5 wait 4; your're mine wait 2 repeat 4 [a, onfor 1 rd ;'know you're mine b, onfor 1 rd] ab, onfor 1 wait 7 ] end to twist-and-shout-1 repeat 2[ ab, thisway a, onfor 2 rd onfor 2 rd ; shake it up baby! b, onfor 2 rd onfor 2 rd a, onfor 4 b, rd onfor 2 rd onfor 2 ; shake it up baby! a, rd onfor 2 rd onfor 2 a, rd onfor 5 rd wait 4 a, onfor 10 rd wait 1 a, onfor 10 rd ; (twist and shout)2 wait 4 repeat 5 [a, onfor 1 rd ; come on baby now b, onfor 1 rd] a, onfor 1 ab, thatway onfor 6 wait 4 repeat 4 [a, onfor 1 rd ;come on baby b, onfor 1 rd] a, onfor 1 wait 4 a, rd ; let me know that ab, onfor 2 rd ab, onfor 4 rd ab, onfor 2 rd a, rd ab, onfor 3.5 wait 4 ; you're mine wait 3 repeat 4 [a, onfor 1 rd ;'know you're mine b, onfor 1 rd] ab, onfor 1 wait 7 ] end
