Writing Response #8: Story Understanding
The following paper is required reading for the week of November 9th:
Winston, P. H. (2014) The Genesis Story Understanding and Story Telling System: A 21st Century Step toward Artificial Intelligence, CBMM Memo No. 019.
In advance of Friday's lecture and discussion of this work (note the Veteran's Day holiday on Wednesday the 11th), you should submit a response to the following question:
Suppose Genesis has made an elaboration graph in reading a story. How could Genesis use the elaboration graph to summarize the story. How could Genesis summarize the story from the point of view of one of the characters in the story?
You should write at most one page (500 words) in response to this question. In addition, you should also submit a question of your own, related to the reading. This writing assignment is due on Thursday, November 12 at midnight (note different day!) and should be submitted to the 9.523 course site on stellar using your private account: https://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/9/fa15/9.523/. If you have a problem with submitting to stellar, please send your response to Ellen Hildreth at ehildreth@wellesley.edu.