CS 332

Course Information

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Instructor: Ellen Hildreth

Contact info: SCI E112, x3025, ehildreth@wellesley.edu

Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:45-12:00, Wednesday 3:30-7:00. I will post announcements about any changes to my office hours to our course Google Group. Appointments can be made at other times.

Lectures: Monday/Thursday 8:30-9:40 in SCI E111

Lab: There is an additional 70-minute lab class that will meet in the CS Department's Mac lab, SCI S160A. There are two lab sections on Wednesday, at 8:30-9:40 and 2:15-3:25.

The prerequisite for this course is CS112 or CS230 or permission of instructor. No prior experience with MATLAB is needed.

There is no required textbook for this course. Notes, book excerpts and journal articles will be distributed throughout the semester. Some useful background material will be drawn from the book, Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology, by Stephen Palmer. Additional books on computer vision, biological vision, and MATLAB are available in the lab, SCI S160A.

Course Evaluation
There will be 8 or 9 homework assignments, most of which will require computer work. The assignments will use vision software written in MATLAB that can be run on Macs and PCs.

There will be two in-class exams on the following dates:
   Exam 1: Monday, October 21
   Exam 2: Thursday, November 14
These exams will be open book/open notes. There will be no final exam.

Finally, there will be a final project that involves the independent exploration of a vision topic that is of interest to you. Topics can be explored through current literature that may include journal articles, excerpts from books, or online papers, and can include an implementation or computer simulations with a vision model, or a perceptual experiment. Some possible areas of exploration are listed on the final project web page. During the last two classes of the semester, students will give 10 minute presentations of their final project work. A final paper on this work is due by the end of final exam period, on Friday, December 20.

Your final grade will be based on the following components of your work: assignments (45%), the two exams (20% each), the final project (10%), and class participation (5%). All of your submitted work will count toward your grade.

Late Assignment Policy
All assignments are due in class on the advertised due date, which will usually be a Thursday. An assignment due on a particular day will be accepted until 5:00 on that day without penalty. After the due date, the assignment can still be submitted, but will lose 20% credit for each calendar day after the due date. In extenuating circumstances (e.g. sickness, personal crisis, family problems), you may request an extension without penalty. Please try to contact me before the due date.

Collaboration Policy
With regard to collaboration, you are encouraged to discuss assignments with other students and to exchange ideas about how to solve problems. However, I ask that you compose your own final solutions to assignment problems. In particular, for problems that involve computer work, either programming or running simulations, you may discuss strategies for approaching these problems with classmates and receive general debugging advice from them, but you should write your own code, run your own simulations, and write up the conclusions of your work on your own. For problems requiring only a written analysis, you can again discuss strategies for solving the problems with classmates, but should write out the details of the problem solution on your own, and in your own words. In the lab classes, you may sometimes work in pairs, and lab work can be shared between you and your partner. You may occasionally be required to work with a partner on an assignment problem — this will be stated clearly on the assignment handout. If you have questions about this policy, please talk to me.

Course Directory
Materials for this course will be available on the CS file server, in the directory /home/cs332. Software to be downloaded will be placed in the subdirectory /home/cs332/download. Course web pages are stored in /home/cs332/public_html and available from a web browser at the following site: http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs332/

Student Accounts on the CS File Server
Each student will have an individual account on the CS file server. If you have taken other computer science courses at Wellesley, you probably already have an account. In any case, you should submit the Server Account Request form to create a new account or update an existing account to include CS332 drop folders. You can also use this form to change your password.

Course Software
All of the CS332 course software is written in MATLAB. At Wellesley, MATLAB 7, together with some useful toolboxes that include the Image Processing Toolbox, is available on the public Macs and PCs, and can be installed on your personal Mac or PC for use on the campus network (or off campus, through VPN). For more information about this option, see the Technology Support webpage. The MATLAB software is key-served, so there are a limited number of copies that can be used at one time. Please be sure to exit MATLAB when you are done using it! A student version of MATLAB can be purchased for $99.00 at the Mathworks website.

Google Group
A Google Group has been created, named CS-332-01-FA13. I will post important announcements here about assignments, changes to office hours, and CS department events such as seminars and parties. I encourage you to post questions or comments related to the lectures, labs, assignments, or other topics of interest to students in this course. Feel free to respond to questions posted by other students. I will also read messages on a regular basis and post answers to questions. Please do not post MATLAB code related to assignments to the Google Group — homework discussions should be at a high-level English description.

Students with Special Needs
If you have special needs of any kind, please meet with me to discuss accommodations that may be helpful to you.