Introduction to Face Recognition

These two videos provide an introduction to face recognition and briefly describe early approaches to recognizing faces in computer vision systems. The first video addresses why face recognition is important and why it is hard, and summarizes the performance of human observers on face recognition tests such as the Cambridge Face Memory Test, as well as performance of state-of-the-art face recognition systems developed by Facebook and Google, on publically available face image datasets. The second video provides an overview of early approaches to computer face recognition that were influential in the field, starting with the work of Takeo Kanade and considering the Eigenfaces approach proposed by Turk and Pentland, and alignment approaches based on the linear combination of views.


The following links take you to the videos on YouTube:

The video files are also stored in our shared folder on Google Drive, named faces_intro.mp4 (418 MB) and
early_face_recognition.mp4 (290 MB).

Video Transcripts

The following pdf files provide transcripts of the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.


The following pdf files provide the slides presented in the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.