Getting Started with MATLAB

This video introduces the MATLAB development environment, including elements of the MATLAB Desktop (toolbars, Command Window, Current Folder, and Workspace), the interactive execution environment, different kinds of files (M-Files for scripts and functions, Live Scripts, apps, and image files), and a brief taste of the language itself.


The following link takes you to the video on YouTube:

The video file is also stored in our shared folder on Google Drive, named MATLAB_intro.mp4 (330 MB).

Video Transcript

The following pdf file provides a transcript of the video:

The above pdf file is also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.

Code Files

Code for the examples referenced in this video can be found in the download folder in the cs332 course directory on the CS file server, in a subfolder named MATLAB_intro. A zip file containing this code folder is linked here and on the course schedule page. We will work with the intro.mlx Live Script during the first lab class.