The Analysis of Observer Motion

These two videos introduce the observer motion problem and an approach to solving this problem. The first video provides background on how the movement of the observer, characterized by six parameters of translation and rotation around the x, y, and z axes, combined with the depth of surfaces viewed at each location in the image, gives rise to the image velocity field. The second video presents an approach to solving the observer motion problem based on the analysis of velocity changes in the image.


The following links take you to the videos on YouTube:

The video files are also stored in our shared folder on Google Drive, named observer_motion.mp4 (267 MB) and
computing_observer_motion.mp4 (491 MB).

Video Transcripts

The following pdf files provide transcripts of the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.


The following pdf files provide the slides presented in the videos:

The above pdf files are also stored in the shared folder on Google Drive.