System Requirements

Rockhopper is implemented in Java, so you must have Java installed on your computer to use Rockhopper. To check if Java is installed on your computer, type "java -version" at any shell or terminal window or command prompt:

It is recommended that your computer has Java version 1.6 or later and your computer has at least 2 gigabytes of RAM. If you do not have Java or you need to update to a more recent version, you can do so by clicking the Java icon on the right:

Download Latest Release (Rockhopper version 2.0.3)

Rockhopper for Windows
Rockhopper for Mac

Error opening Rockhopper on Mac?
Rockhopper for any platform

To execute the GUI version of Rockhopper, use the following command:
java -Xmx1200m -jar Rockhopper.jar

To execute the command line version of Rockhopper, use the following command:
java -Xmx1200m -cp Rockhopper.jar Rockhopper
Rockhopper source code

To extract the source code from the JAR file, use the following command:
jar xf Rockhopper.jar

To extract the source code from the compressed TAR archive, use the following command:
tar xjf Rockhopper-2.0.3.tar.bz2