Assignment 6

Due: Friday, April 17

This assignment provides practice with creating interactive programs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs), using MATLAB's App Designer tool. There are two programming problems — for the first problem, you'll build a GUI sketchpad that allows the user to create a picture with simple shapes; for the second (simpler) problem, you'll build an interface for a program that allows the user to play a game of launching projectiles toward a target, building on an exercise that we did in an earlier class.

You can turn in your solutions any time on 4/17/20, and only need to submit an electronic copy of your code files. Your electronic submission is described in the section Uploading your completed work (there is no Google form to submit for this assignment). If you need an extension on this assignment, please contact Ellen or Stella. You do not need to work with a partner on any of this assignment work.


The lecture videos and associated lecture notes posted for the week of March 30th, and the Lab session on Tuesday, March 31st, provide useful background for this assignment. There is also extensive online documentation on the creation of "Apps" with graphical user interfaces, using the App Designer tool.

Getting Started: Download assign6_problems

Use Cyberduck to connect to the CS server and download a copy of the assign6_problems folder onto your Desktop. This folder contains four code files for Problem 2: testProjectiles.m, animateTrajectory.m, addTrajectory.m, and showTarget.m. You do not need to make any changes to these files.

Uploading your completed work

When you have completed the work for this assignment, your assign6_problems folder should contain 7 files: the original four code files given to you (listed above), two .mlapp files (drawApp.mlapp and launchApp.mlapp), and a screen shot of a picture that you created with your drawApp program. Use Cyberduck to connect to the CS file server and navigate to your cs112/drop/assign06 folder. Drag your assign6_problems folder to this drop folder. More details about this process can be found on the webpage on Managing Assignment Work.

Problem 1: Create a sketchpad App

In this problem, you will build a sketchpad App that might look something like this when complete (you have creative freedom to design your layout as you like, as long as all the components are present, and you can create any picture):

Part A: Use the Design View in App Designer to create your GUI layout

To begin, set your Current Folder in MATLAB to the assign6_problems folder, go to the HOME tab in the toolbar at the top, click on the New drop-down menu, and select App at the bottom of the menu, as shown below:

Open a new Blank App that looks like this:

Your first task is to create the visual layout of your GUI components using the Design View in App Designer (see tabs above the central canvas). For the above example, the final Design View of the layout looked like this:

The following is the list of GUI components that you will use in your layout. When you save your App for the first time, name it drawApp.

  • Axes: drawing window
  • Drop Down: menu to select square, circle or triangle
  • Edit Field (Numeric): edit boxes with labels where the user can enter the following numeric information:
    • x coordinate of position of new figure
    • y coordinate of position of new figure
    • size of new figure
  • Edit Field (Text): edit boxes with labels where the user can enter the following text information:
    • line style for new figure, e.g. g:*
    • name of picture
  • Label: text labels for the picture name and the title for the program ("My Sketch Pad" above)
  • Check Box: to set linewidth to 1 (if not checked) or 4 (if checked)
  • State Button: to specify hold on or hold off
  • Button: buttons for each of these actions:
    • plot the new figure
    • undo the last plot
    • terminate the program
For each component, do the following:
  • drag and resize the component to the desired location and size on the layout canvas
  • (optional) in the upper region of the COMPONENT BROWSER on the right, you will see a list of components with default names of the form app.componentName. You can double-click on a name to change it to something more informative, for example, the name of the button used for plotting might be changed to app.plotButton
  • click on the component on the canvas to view and set properties of its appearance in the Inspector tab on the right. At least set these properties:
    • for the Label, Check Box, State Button, and Button components, set the Text property by entering a desired text string in the box labeled Text (or double-click on the component on the canvas to change the text string directly)
    • for the Check Box and State Button components, set the Value property to its desired initial state using the checkbox labeled Value
    • for the Axes component, you can change the Title.String, XLabel.String, and YLabel.String (in the LABELS area on the right) to empty strings
    • for the Edit Field components, set the Label property to a desired text string, and also set the Value property to an initial text or numerical value that will appear when the program starts
    • for the Drop Down component, set the Label property to a desired string, and in the DROP-DOWN area on the right, set the Value property to the list item that will be selected initially, and enter all the items for the list, separated by commas, in the box labeled Items (e.g. square,circle,triangle)
  • (optional) there are lots of other properties of the components that you can set, to "spice up" the appearance of your GUI, such as FontColor, BackgroundColor, FontName, FontSize, and FontWeight. You can also click on the background canvas (named app.UIFigure by default) to set its Color property
A few more tips:

  • Resizing the whole GUI:
    The entire GUI window can be resized by dragging the borders or lower right corner of the canvas
  • Saving your work:
    Click on the Save icon in the toolbar at the top. Type drawApp as the file name
  • Executing the current App:
    Type drawApp in the Command Window or click on the Run triangle in the toolbar
  • Revisiting this App later:
    To return to this App in the App Designer editor at a later time, double-click on drawApp.mlapp in the Current Folder, or click on the Open icon in the toolbar and navigate to this file on your laptop

Part B: Use the Code View in App Designer to add actions to the GUI

Once you have your GUI components laid out, switch to the Code View in the App Designer window to view the starting code that MATLAB generated for your App (see image below). Here, you will add a callback function for each GUI component that requires an immediate action to be performed when the user interacts with the component. For this App, you only need to create callback functions for five of the GUI components:

  1. Edit Field (Text) where the user enters a picture name
  2. State Button where the user selects hold on or hold off
  3. plot button that plots the selected shape with the desired properties
  4. undo button that deletes the last shape that was drawn
  5. quit button

To begin, select one of the above GUI components in the COMPONENT BROWSER on the right, and then select the Callbacks tab below the list of GUI component names, circled in red in the image below:

The following notes provide guidance on implementing each of the five callback functions, starting with the simplest ones:

(1) Edit Field (Text) for picture title

Select the name of this GUI component (app.titleEditField in the above image). In the Drop Down menu labeled ValueChangedFcn, select the <add ValueChangedFcn callback> item. Code will appear in the middle of the Code View with an area with white background where you can enter code:

An assignment statement is given that assigns the variable value to the text string that the user entered into this Edit Field. Add one statement that assigns the Text property of your picture label to this string. For the example above, the picture label is named app.mypictureLabel, so its Text property is app.mypictureLabel.Text. After adding this statement, save and run your App to test this callback (change the text string and hit the Return key, and you should see the text in your picture label).

(2) quit button

In the list of GUI components, select the name of the quit button (app.quitButton in the above example), add a ValueChangedFcn callback function, and add one statement to this function to terminate the program: delete(app). Save and run your App again to test this function.

(3) hold on/off button

Here, you can follow the example of the State Button in the energyApp example from the lecture video and notes, which toggled between "produce" (production data) and "consume" (consumption data). Select the GUI component for this button (app.holdButton in the above example) and add a ValueChangedFcn callback. The code already has a statement that assigns the variable value to the Value property of this toggle button. Follow the earlier energyApp example to construct an if statement to switch between the two strings hold on and hold off.

There is one more addition to make to this if statement. When the text is changed, the actual hold state should also be changed. Previously, we added the statement hold on or hold off to our code to accomplish this. In the case of an App, we need to call the hold function, which has two inputs: (1) the name of the Axes component where the picture is displayed (app.plotAxes in the above example), and (2) a string that is either 'on' or 'off'. For example, to set hold on, we can write hold(app.plotAxes,'on') for the above example. Save and run your App to test whether you can successfully toggle this button between the hold on and hold off strings.

(4) plot button

A Button component has a ButtonPushedFcn callback function that is invoked when the user presses the button. Select the name of the plot button in the COMPONENT BROWSER and add a ButtonPushedFcn callback function. Similar to the energyApp example, we need to gather the user's input from the GUI and then plot the selected shape with the desired properties. This can be done with the following steps:

  • determine which shape is selected (square, circle, or triangle). A Drop Down component has a Value property that is automatically assigned to the particular string that the user selected in the menu. In the above example, this choice would be referred to as app.shapeDropDown.Value.
  • construct x,y coordinates for the selected shape, initially assuming generic shapes: (1) a square of size 1 with its lower left corner at the origin, (2) a circle of radius 1 centered on the origin, and (3) a triangle of size 1 with its lower left corner at the origin:

    square:    xc = [0 0 1 1 0]    yc = [0 1 1 0 0]
    circle:    xc = cos(linspace(0,2*pi,40)/2    yc = sin(linspace(0,2*pi,40)/2
    triangle:    xc = [0 0.5 1 0]    yc = [0 0.866 0 0]

  • get the X position, Y position, size, and line style entered by the user, and store each of these values in a variable, e.g. xpos = app.XpositionEditField.Value (X position in the above example)
  • get the Value property of the Check Box component and assign a variable to different widths (say, 1 or 4) depending on whether or not the box is checked
  • call the plot function with the inputs constructed above (think about how the size and position alter the x,y coordinates of the shape). When calling the plot function in an App, add an input at the beginning that is the name of the Axes where the plot is to be drawn (e.g. plot(app.plotAxes, ...) in the above example)
  • (optional) add a call to the axis function to maintain a fixed canvas size as you draw your picture. This function also has an optional input at the beginning that is the Axes area where the axis ranges are applied, e.g. axis(app.plotAxes, [0 10 0 10])

Thoroughly test your plot button with all three shapes and different values for the other GUI components.

(4) undo button

As you create a picture with your App, it would be nice to be able to remove the last shape you added, if it doesn't quite fit the design you have in mind. The undo button will enable this. As background for this task, we first introduce the idea of assigning a plot to a variable that can later be deleted. In the following code, three plots are added to a figure, with each assigned to a separate variable:

p1 = plot([1 2 3], [2 4 1], 'r');
hold on
p2 = plot([1 2 3], [8 3 5], 'g');
p3 = plot([2 3 4], [3 5 0], 'b');

A single plot can be selectively removed from a figure with the delete function, e.g. delete(p2). Now consider placing all the plots on a vector:

myPlots = [];
myPlots(end+1) = plot([1 2 3], [2 4 1], 'r');
hold on
myPlots(end+1) = plot([1 2 3], [8 3 5], 'g');
myPlots(end+1) = plot([2 3 4], [3 5 0], 'b');

An individual plot on the vector can be removed from the figure with delete, but in this case, if we want the vector to contain only the plots that are actually displayed, we also need to remove the associated plot from the vector, for example:

myPlots(1) = []

We will use this idea to implement the callback function for the undo button. In particular, all the current plots (shapes) in a picture will be stored on a vector.

We will also draw on additional background from the energyApp example. Recall that we added a new property to the app structure that was assigned to the data for the program (this data was stored in a structure that contained matrices of production and consumption data and a vector of years). Adding a property to the app structure means that it can then be accessed by any function that we add to the code file for the App. In the drawApp code, the callback functions for the plot and undo buttons both need to access the vector of plots in the picture.

The undo task can be implemented with the following steps:

  • select the name of the undo button in the COMPONENT BROWSER and add a ButtonPushedFcn callback function
  • in the upper left corner of the Code View window, select the +Property icon (circled in the image below) to add a new property

    New code will appear that can be modified:

    Change Property to a name for the vector of plots (e.g. plotsSoFar) and assign it to an empty vector

  • add an if statement to the callback function for the undo button that embodies the following logic: if there are no plots to undo, print a message to the user (this will appear in the Command Window), otherwise delete the last plot from the display and remove it from the vector
  • modify the callback function for the plot button to do the following: (1) add an if statement that resets the vector of plots to an empty vector if the hold is currently off (as indicated by the state of the hold button), and (2) add the new plot to the end of the plots vector

Part C: Test your program and create a picture

Thoroughly test your App to make sure it really works. Then create a picture and take a "snapshot" of your final creation. The following two pages include information on how to create a snapshot of a Mac or PC screen. You do not need to print a copy, just include the screenshot file in your assign6_problems folder.

Problem 2: Creating a Launchpad App

This problem provides practice with three new GUI components (List Box, Radio Button Group, Slider) and creates a simple game that's fun to play. It builds on an example that we did in class, which involved plotting the trajectory of a projectile launched with an initial speed and angle (see the description in the lecture handout in functions zip). In this problem, you'll just build a GUI interface to use code for drawing and animating trajectories that is given to you. In particular, the assign6_problems folder contains the following three functions and script (you do not need to make any changes to these code files):

  • animateTrajectory(ax, V0, theta, targetDist)
    Given the name of an Axes area where the trajectory is displayed (ax), an initial launch speed (V0 that is specified as an integer (1, 2, or 3) corresponding to slow, medium, or fast speed, initial angle in degrees (theta), and distance to a target in meters (targetDist), this function displays an animation of the trajectory. This picture shows an example of a completed trajectory:

  • addTrajectory(ax, V0, theta, color)
    Given the name of an Axes area (ax), initial launch speed 1, 2, or 3 (V0), initial angle (theta), and color for the trajectory, this function adds the trajectory to an existing display. This function can help you to understand the relationship between the initial launch parameters and the trajectory that is produced. This picture shows an example of the results of adding several trajectories with different initial speeds, angles, and colors:

  • showTarget(ax, targetDist)
    Given the name of an Axes area (ax) and distance to a target (targetDist), this function adds a red target to the display (as seen in the animateTrajectory example above)
  • testProjectiles
    This script contains calls to the animateTrajectory and addTrajectory functions to illustrate how they are used. You can call this script immediately, to view the examples.

Your task is to create an App that allows the user to view projectile trajectories through a GUI, and try to adjust parameters of the trajectory to hit a target. Your final GUI layout might look something like this:

Part A: Use the Design View in App Designer to create your GUI layout

Start with a new Blank App in App Designer as you did for Problem 1, and create the layout of the GUI components in the Design View. This layout will include three new components:

  • List Box: allows the user to select the color of the trajectory. After dragging this component to the canvas, set the Label, Value, and Items properties in the Inspector as you did for the Drop Down menu in the drawApp program
  • Radio Button Group: allows the user to select one of three possible speeds (slow, medium, fast). At any one time, only one of the radio buttons can be selected. After dragging this component to the canvas, change the Title at the top of the button group, and then select each button and change its Value and Text properties (only one of the buttons can have its Value property "checked")
  • Slider: allows the user to set an angle that lies within some range. After dragging this component to the canvas, change its Label property and set the Limits property to range from 25 to 75 degrees (enter 25,75 in the property box labeled Limits). The Value property corresponds to the value (within the specified range) that the user selects with the slider (set to the left end of the range by default)

Save and run your App to see how the GUI looks, and name the program launchAPP.

Part B: Use the Code View in App Designer to add actions to the GUI

There is one piece of information that needs to be accessed in two callback functions, the distance to the current target. Add a new property to the app structure (select the +Property icon in the toolbar to access this area of the code file) to store a target distance. You can assign this to a random integer that is within a certain range using the randi function, e.g. randi([30 80]).

For each of the five Button components, add a ButtonPushedFcn callback function to implement these actions:

  • close button: terminate the program
  • new target button: assign the target distance property to a new random value and call the showTarget function to display the red target in the Axes that you created for the animation
  • launch button: create a variable for initial speed that is either 1, 2 or 3 depending on whether the slow, medium, or fast radio button is selected by the user, and then call the animateTrajectory function. For the angle of launch, you can refer directly to the Value property for the Slider GUI component
  • add trajectory button: same as the launch button, but the addTrajectory function is called instead
  • clear trajectories button: clear the two Axes using the cla function, e.g. cla(app.launchAxes)

Be sure to thoroughly test your launchApp program, and enjoy trying to nail the target!