CS115 Term Project

PM4: Visualization

Short summary: In this milestone, you will continue to work on the layout of your page by adding visual elements to break the monotony of the text.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview and goals
  2. Submission guidelines
  3. Updating your layout
  4. Feedback and grading

Overview and Goals

What makes web exiting is its multimodality: even on a single web page one can experience text, images, videos, sounds, infographics, interactive visualizations, etc. While we all have seen examples of such websites, here are some recent examples by the New York Times that stand out for their multimodality. They are provided here for inspiration.

Reminder: Wellesley College provides a free NYT subscription for all students, in case you are having a problem accessing the articles.

Your goal for this milestone is to consider making your website as interesting as possible by thinking about how the use of colors, images, audio, video, infographics, etc. might benefit your website, and then implement some of these ideas.

Submission Guidelines

In this milestone, your output will include the following components:

  1. An HTML page, titled pm4_graphics.html, which contains your latest version of the website. (You can have other files, prefixed with pm4, to indicate they belong to PM4.)
  2. An HTML page, titled pm4_changes.html, which contains a brief description of the things that changed from PM3 to PM4 (what was added, what was removed or modified). This file doesn't need to have any fancy formatting, use pmstyle.css, since it's not part of your final product.

As usually, you'll store all your files in a folder titled pm4 and upload them on the CS server, where all other project subfolders are stored.

Updating the layout

In PM3 you were asked to create about 50% of the layout for the website. In this milestone, you should try to complete the layout, while also thinking about how to make it visually more dynamic.

I invite you to consider various opportunities for achieving this goal:

To the extent that it is possible, try to make progress with your content writing as well, since the final milestone is fast approaching.

Recording your changes

On a simple page, pm4_changes.html keep track of what you changed from PM3 to PM4. In particular, highlight components of your design that you believe will fulfill the spirit of PM4, making your page visually more dynamic.

Feedback and Grading

This milestone counts for 6 points (out of 40 for the whole project).

Here is what we will consider in our grading:


Visualization and layout

What comes next? In PM5, you will create a short presentation screencast, 3-5 minutes, to share with the class an overview of your project. Your website should be complete. PM5 is the final milestone.

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Project Milestones Overview

Project Milestone 1 (PM1)

Project Milestone 2 (PM2)

Project Milestone 3 (PM3)