CS115 Term Project

Project Introduction


In this term-long project, you will build a website that communicates your research on a chosen topic related to the Socio-Techno Web. You should strive to make your audience pause to think about the complex issues related to our everyday reliance on online technologies. Or you might inspire them to use the Web to come together and create new things.

Learning goals

This project shares many of the learning goals of the course:

  1. Critical Thinking: Engage in a thorough investigation of a topic related to the technological and social aspects of our online platforms, in order to apply and deepen what we are learning about them in class.
  2. Web Programming: Create a website of your own design to communicate your findings in a compelling and appealing way for the 21st century online users.
  3. Public Speaking: Prepare a presentation that summarizes the highlights of your research.

Project Milestones

This is the list of the milestones. Click on each link to access the detailed description of each milestone.

Nr Milestone Description Due Date
1 Writing the proposal: Choose the topic and perform some preliminary research. 04-28-2021
2 Researching the topic: Write about the research you have gathered. 05-05-2021
3 Layout: Upload a first version of your website with CSS layout that contains your research writing. 05-12-2021
4 Visualization: Create various graphical elements (images, videos, infographics, interactive visualizations, etc.) to present some aspects of your research. 05-19-2021
5 In-class presentation: Each student will record a short video (between 3-5 minutes) to present their website and research. The final version of the website is also due. 05-24-2021

Grading of Milestones

Here is a breakdown of how many points each milestone is worth. the project counts for 40% of the grade, which is translated into 40 points.

The milestones don't have many points because it will be difficult to complete them entirely within a week. You'll get points for making steady progress toward your vision, but the final website only needs to be 100% ready by the presentation day.

You will be receiving feedback along the way. One aspect of the grading for the final website will be about how well you have incorporated the provided feedback in your final version.

Hall of Fame

Here are some projects from past students. Your project may also be spotlighted here at the end of the term, if it stands out for writing, research, aesthetics, or interactive features.

Library Research Award

This class project is eligible for two kinds of research awards from our Library. Read the details. I encourage you to consider these awards.