CS115 Term Project

PM5: Presentation

Short summary: In this milestone, you will be presenting your website to your peers, as well as upload your completed website.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview and goals
  2. Submission guidelines
  3. Presentation
  4. Website
  5. Feedback and grading

Overview and Goals

Your learning journey in this class is approaching the finish line. As part of this milestone, you will be presenting to your peers the website you have been developing during the term, highlighting the best of your work.

You will create a short screencast of your website (between 3-5 minutes), which you will upload either to YouTube or Zoom. We will watch the videos together in class and give feedback to one another.

Submission Guidelines

In this milestone, your output will include the following components:

  1. A link to a video of your recorded presentation.
  2. A link to your project website, which your peers can visit during your presentation.

You will submit both links using this Google form. We will use the timestamp of your submission to establish the order of presentations.


Here is some general guidance for preparing your presentation (which you will record via screencasting):

It's probably a good idea to write down your script and rehearse it to measure how long it takes. Once you have it under five minutes then use a software such as QuickTime Player (on Mac) or Screencast-O-Matic (all platforms) to record yourself while doing the presentation.

It is also possible to use Zoom to record your presentation to the cloud.

Here are some examples of screencasts created by students in Spring 2021 T3:

Peer Feedback

Your peers know how hard you have worked on this project and can appreciate all the learning that has happened in the past weeks, since they went through the same process. In class, we will make available a Google Form for you to provide feedback to your peers during and after each presentation. The input fields will be the following: a) Share one thing you loved about the presentation; b) Share one thing you loved about the website; c) What can be still improved? All students are expected to provide feedback to their peers. The feedback will then be anonimized (the column of email addresses will be deleted) and it will be shared with students to help them make improvement to their code before the final deadline.


General Advice about the Website

Upload the Website

During class presentation, all students should have access to your website. You will create a folder pm5 and put all your content there.

However, all students have time until May 28 to continue making improvement on the website (strengthen the writing and fix any spelling mistakes, fix validation errors, comment the code and give attributions, etc. That means that you can continue updating and uploading the pages in this folder until the final deadline.

Make sure that all relative links are working properly.

Do not affect the work you have done in your previous milestones.

The URL that you'll be sharing with the class should be something like:


Feedback and Grading

This milestone is split in two parts in terms of grading: a) you'll get 4 points for the video presentation; and b) you'll get 12 points spread out in four areas: feedback to peers (1 point), content of website (5 points); coding of website (5 points), final reflection (1 point).




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Project Milestones Overview

Project Milestone 1 (PM1)

Project Milestone 2 (PM2)

Project Milestone 3 (PM3)

Project Milestone 4 (PM4)

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