
  1. "Can you go over how to copy files from your local machine to Tempest? Im not sure if youre supposed to "paste" while in the local terminal or within VS.

    No pasting. Copying is a transitive operation from one machine to another. You do:

    1. Download file to local machine (your laptop)
    2. Open terminal on local machine
    3. Locate file (be in the same folder as it). Probably ~/Downloads but maybe different
    4. scp the file to Tempest: scp localfile youracct@cs.wellesley.edu:

    In the last step, don't forget the "cs." and the colon.

  2. I am still slightly confused when it's better to use an absolute URL versus a relative URL or vice versa

    If two things are related in term of implementation: the same person/team is implementing them such that if they decide to move them to a different folder/server/place, they would move *both*, then relative URLs are way better.

    In short, if you're writing both the referrer and the referree (if that's a word), use a relative URL.

  3. Can you explain the tree diagram (parent folder, sibling folder) and the syntax for relative URL?

    Sure. I think you mean URLs

  4. Can we also go through the part of URLs that discusses the situation when the file isn't in the same folder and we have to describe a "path" from the current HTML file to the other file. Is it the same thing with the "Relationship Rule" part? I don't think I understand that part too well. It would be great if you can go over it again in class!"

    Yes, the relationship rules are quick summary for reference.

  5. What is protocol, and what does http/https mean?

    Protocol is a fancy word for the rules by which two agents communicate. CS has *lots* of protocols.

    For the WWW, there is a protocol by which the browser talks to the server to request files.

    There are two main protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. The latter is a more secure version of HTTP. You should pretty much always use the secure protocol.

  6. Where are you supposed to write your separate code? From what I think I understand, VS is using Unix and you use that to open a file in Tempest in which you type out your HTML. Are you supposed to use Unix to "connect" your HTML to CSS and stuff later?

    You'll use VS Code to edit files on the server. Unix is essentially invisible infrastructure. But you'll need it to copy files, make folders, and stuff like that.

  7. What activities can one do to understand and practice the HTML tags?

    That's what H2 is about. But you can try JS fiddle! That's a great way to practice.

  8. what does attribute mean? How are it affecting the web layout?"

    An attribute is part of a tag that helps it work. Like the SRC on an IMG or the HREF on a hyperlink.

  9. How do you set up each html page? Does it always start with the <doctype> followed by <head> and <body>?

    Using VS Code! You'll do that today.

    Yes, there's some standard boilerplate like doctype, head and body.

  10. "not fully sure about the difference between <span> and <div>: what do inline container and generic container mean?

    Inline elements are like words, they move up to the previous line if there's room on the page, but they move down to the next line if there's not.

    Block elements are big rectangles that stack vertically on the page, like these list items.

    SPAN is an inline element, and DIV is a block element. They both contain stuff, just like EM and LI.

  11. It would be great as well to go through Question 2 as I am not very sure if that one is correct as the wording of the answers are not exactly what I thought the answer was. "
            a DIV is like a SPAN except
    A. DIV is for big sections of the document  
    B. DIV divides a tag into two parts     
    C. DIV can't contain other tags     
    D. none of the above

    But I see that I didn't talk much about SPAN in the reading, so I'll fix that. Talk to me if this affected you.

  12. "I am still unsure about the applications of some of the tags that were covered in the reading so it would be great if we can review them or take a look at it's application in clearer detail.

    Let's look briefly at the flowchart

  13. I'm a little bit confused about why do we need <abbr> instead of just putting the abbreviated text in the paragraph.

    the issue isn't the abbreviated text; it's the long text for those who want to know.

    Which do you like better:


    HTTPS (Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure)

    but, yeah, this isn't the most important tag in the world.

  14. How much is efficient/pretty HTML design going to factor into how we are assessed?

    You should always make your code clear and readable, but it's the minority of the grade. See this syllabus section

  15. This isn't a question but I would love more practice as to how to use the right tag in class.


  16. I understand how everything is related, but I'm still struggling to visualize how its all working with VS and the local terminal.

    Yep. It takes a bit of practice.

  17. Not yet. Everything made sense when reading it but we'll see when trying to do it in class

    For sure!

  18. How are meta tags used for Search Engine Optimization?

    Great question, but let's talk in OH.

  19. None so far, although, I was wondering, is Git based on Unix in any way? Just wondering as the commands like pwd/cwd and whatnot seem familiar to me from Git.

    Yes. Everything is based on Unix.

  20. I don't have any specific questions! I think this is so cool and I am excited to start coding my own website :)

    I'm glad!