Pre-Exam Logistics

Grading and Assignment Solutions

  • Update: All grades are in gradescope or in your hosted repositories for past due dates.
  • Paper sample solutions for the above assignments available on the corner window sill shelf in the Microfocus.
  • Any Pensieve Processing submissions made by Wednesday night will be graded by Thursday night. Solutions will be available by request once you have submitted.

Drop-in/Review Hours

Staff will run regular drop-in hours 7-10pm Wednesday 10 October and 3-5pm/7-9pm Thursday 11 October. Support will be available for the Pensive Processing assignment and for exam review.

Ben will offer a review session 7-8pm on Thursday 11 October in SCI E211.


All review sessions follow a BYO policy: bring your own questions, examples/problems that don’t make sense, etc. We will be around as a resource for you, but we do not prepare any structured review material.

The chapters we have used in the DDCA, CSAPP, and SCO books include many good problems. Inventing problems by making small changes to homework/lab problems is also useful.

You may find the following materials from past CS 240 SI sessions useful as a source of small practice problems (available on campus only):



  • The exam is a handwritten paper exam only.
  • The exam is closed-book, to be completed individually, as a weekend take-home.
  • The exam is designed as a slightly overfull in-class exam. We allow the weekend take-home window to remove time pressure.
  • The exam covers all material from the start of the semester through the Floating Point topic, including everything in the Computer Hardware Implementation part of the course.
  • The front page calendar and topics pages on the website provide two complete views of the topics involved.
  • Expect problems similar in style to those you have seen on assignments.


  • You may sign out your exam in person at the end of either lecture section on Friday 12 October or during Ben’s office hours 1:30-2:30pm on Friday 12 October.
  • You may not skip lab on Monday 15 October to work on the exam.
  • You must sign in your exam in person with Jean before 8:00pm Monday 15 October (the end of the last lab of the day).

Rules and Resources

  • You may optionally prepare one 2-sided 8.5x11” handwritten note sheet ahead of the exam and use it during the exam. If you use a note sheet:
    • You must show your completed note sheet to Ben when you pick up the exam.
    • You must submit your note sheet with the exam.
  • No calculators or other electronics are allowed.
  • No other resources are allowed.
  • During the exam window, you may not communicate about the exam or 240 material with anyone except the instructors.
    • If asked about the exam or 240 material, the only acceptable response is “I am not allowed to talk about the exam at this time.”
  • Any violation of these rules is an Honor Code violation and will be handled through the relevant processes.
  • Should any emergency or extenuating circumstances arise before you submit the exam that may affect your ability to submit the exam on time (and without missing lab), contact all of Ben, Jean, and your Class Dean as soon as possible.
  • Under normal circumstances, missing lab on Monday 12 October will result in loss of credit for that lab, with no make-up option, and a penalty on the exam grade.