CS 240 Lab 5

Processor Datapath

CS 240 Lab 5

In this lab, you will construct part of the hardware (called the datapath) for a simple computer. (referred to as the HW Arch). You have already studied some of the circuits that are major components in previous labs, including multiplexers, ALUs, registers, and register files.

Random-Access Memory

If you already did this part but your partner hasn’t, walk through it again together. If both of you have already done it, you should skip it.

This exercise will show you how a RAM device is used to store and retrieve values from memory.

Download this instructionMemory.cct circuit and then open it in LogicWorks:

Logic diagram for instruction memory. On the left, it has two hex keyboards to specify an 8-bit Address in value, which is fed into an 8-input/8-output tri-state buffer. The enable line of this buffer is connected to a binary switch labeled “Load.” A second “Write” switch is below that, and connects further on to the write-enable input of a “256x16 RAM” component. Both the tri-state buffer enable input and the write enable of the RAM are active-low. The 8 tri-state buffer outputs holding the address connect to the A0-A7 inputs of the RAM, and are also forwarded to two hex displays labeled “Address bus.” Their values are both ‘X’ in the image, because the tri-state buffer is not enabled (“Load” is set to 1). The RAM has 16 data inputs which are connected to 4 hex keyboards labeled “Data in.” It also has an “/OE” input which is active-low and connected to ground (so always activated). This is for disabling the output, which we don’t need to do here. The RAM has 16 outputs, DO0 through D015. These are connected to a bus labeled “Data bus” and thence to four hex displays (which each read ‘X’ in the image). 

This circuit can be used to store data into addresses of a RAM memory, which is necessary for loading a program into the instruction memory.

Examine the circuit carefully to understand its operation: you write data values into a memory location specified by an address by using the hex keyboards on the left to specify the data and address.

The currently selected address and the value stored at that address are displayed on the hex displays on the right.

Exercise 1:

To read from memory: 1. Set Load to 0 (the Load line connects the address switches to the memory chip through the tri-state buffers, which let a signal through only when Load is set to 0. When inactive, the tri-state buffers have neither high nor low output, which LogicWorks shows as an ‘X’). 2. Select the address you want to read from on the Address in keyboards. 3. The data at that address will appear on the Data bus at the right.

Read the data at addresses 0 through 3, and confirm it below (enter just the 4 hex digits you see, from top to bottom):

GCorrect answer:

Address 00: Correct answer: 5002

Address 01: Correct answer: 5003

Address 02: Correct answer: 5003

Address 03: Correct answer: 0230

Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

Exercise 2:

To write to memory (load a program): 1. Set Load to 0. 2. Set the Address switches to the location in memory at which you wish to write a data value. 3. Set the Data switches to the value you wish to write to that location. 4. Set Write to 0, then back to 1 (writes the data input into the specified address in memory). 5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each address and its data value.

Using the write procedure, load the following data values to the specified addresses:

Addr Data
00 5002
02 5003
04 1220
06 0230
08 2122
0A 8001

As you write the values, you will observe the address and data values on the data and address bus displays. At any time, you can observe the contents of an address by setting the address switches to the desired location (without toggling the Write switch).

When you are finished, set Load = 1 to disable the address inputs.

This will always be required when the user is finished loading the program into memory, and wishes to run the program. When RAM is used as part of a full computer, the address is supplied by the CPU during execution of the program, so the switches are not needed at that point (and would interfere with the CPU operation if still connected).

Given that the RAM has 8 address inputs, how many values can it store? Correct answer: 256

Which part(s) of this RAM would it make sense to hook up to which part(s) of an ALU in a design for a full computer (there are several good answers here)?

Example answer: The “Data in” could be hooked up to an ALU’s result to store that result in memory. Similarly, the “Data bus” outputs could be hooked up to one of the inputs of an ALU in order to use data from memory as part of an operation. Although less obvious, the address bus could serve as input and/or output as well, if we need to compute the address of some data using a formula. For example, using the address as one input and the number 1 as another input and setting the ALU to do addition, we could compute the next higher address as part of a solution for writing multiple values into sequential addresses. Finally, one could hook part of the data bus outputs into the Operation bits of the ALU, to let the data determine what operation the ALU will perform!

Fetching Instructions

The RAM we just saw can be used to store a program, if each word stored corresponds to an HW ISA instruction. By feeding these instructions one at a time into a CPU, we can run that program. This means we need to keep track of the current instruction, and have a mechanism for loading subsequent instructions one at a time. The Program Counter or PC is used for this purpose: it’s a register that determines which instruction to read, and that increases its value every clock cycle.

The PC is connected to the address inputs of the memory device, and the instruction stored at that address is output on the data output lines of the memory device (and is then fed into the processor for execution).

The PC must be updated after an instruction is fetched, with the address of the next instruction stored in memory. Often, this will simply be PC + 2, since the default is that instructions execute in sequential order. An adder can accomplish this, as shown below:

A diagram of the PC register hooked up to instruction memory. A rectangle labeled “PC” in the lower left has inputs “CK” and “reset” on the bottom, and an 8-wire output to the right that connects to the “Read Address” input of a square labeled “Memory.” The memory has a 16-bit “Instruction” output. The PC output line branches upwards, and connects to the top input of an “Add” component above the “Memory” block. The bottom input of the “Add” component (also 8 wires) is just the number 2. The “Add” output circles back along the top and down the left of the diagram to connect back to the PC input. 

Exercise 3:

Download the FetchInstruction.cct circuit and then open it in LogicWorks.

The memory has been loaded with a program previously, by writing data representing instructions to sequential addresses in memory, starting at address 0 (as you did in the previous exercise).

Make the necessary connections to the circuit shown below to implement instruction fetch (look at the previous diagram to understand where to make the connections in the circuit).

A LogicWorks screenshot showing three components: A PC register, an adder, and Data memory. “CK” and “Reset” switches are already hooked up to the appropriate inputs of the PC Register. Its inputs (D0-C7 on the left) and outputs (Q0-Q7 on the right) are each connected to a separate data bus with labels D0-D7. The data memory has inputs A0-A7 connected to a data bus labeled D0-D7, which is also connected to two hex displays to show the value in the bus. The data inputs DI0-DI15 are not connected to anything. The “/OE” input is connected to ground and the “/WE” input is connected to a switch labeled “Write” which is set to 1 (both of those inputs are active low). The data outputs DO0-DO15 are connected to four different busses that each link over to a hex display; these are labeled the “Data Bus/Instruction.” Above the PC (which is at the lower left of the data memory) the adder has inputs A0-A7 and B0-B7, as well as outputs S0-S7. The A inputs are connected to a data bus with labels D0-D7. The S outputs are connected to another equivalent bus. The B inputs are each connected to ground, except B1 which is connected to +5V. 

When you’ve made the connections, check them against this image (there are three connections to make).

Example answer:

The same diagram above, with the following connections made: PC register output bus to Data memory address input bus, as well as to the adder A input bus. Adder output bus to PC register input bus. 

Describe how the value of “2” is achieved as an input to the adder in the circuit:

Example answer: The B1 line is set to +5V while the rest of the B lines are set to ground, meaning that the inputs B0 through B7 are permanently set to 0000 0010, which represents the number 2.

When the adder adds 2 to the PC, it stores the result back into the PC. Turn on “Simulation -> Show Values” in LogicWorks and you’ll be able to see the data values each bus is carrying as hex digits. When the PC output value is 00, what is the value of the output from the adder? Correct answer: 02

Since the adder output is connected to the PC input, the PC output will update to match. Given that the PC register uses D flip-flops to store data internally, when will this happen?

Continuously while the clock signal is on.
Continuously while the clock signal is off.
Once per cycle, at some point during the ON part of the clock signal.
Once per cycle, exactly on an edge of the clock signal.

When the PC is updated to have the value 02, what will be the value of the adder ouptut? Correct answer: 04

Explain what would happen during a single clock tick if the PC register used D latches (which update continuously during the clock ON pulse) instead of D flip-flops (which update once exactly on the falling edge of the clock) to store data?

Example answer: If the PC register used D latches, the inputs D0-D7 would immediately determine the outputs Q0-Q7, which would then change the input to the adder, changing its outputs and feeding back into the D0-D7 inputs. This loop would keep adding 2 continuously during the ON tick of the clock, resulting in an undefined (and definitely incorrect) PC value. By using D flip-flops, we guarantee that the data is read in only at one instant (when the clock tick ends), and that the old address values are output during the entire clock ON cycle.

Exercise 4:

To fetch the instructions from memory:

Pulse the Reset input (1 then back to 0). Note that PC = 0 (same as the address).

Activate the CK (set to 1 and back to 0) to go to the next address.

Record the address and instruction below, and then repeatedly clock and record results for 8 instructions (do NOT reset between clocks; you just need to reset once).

Address Instruction
0x00 Correct answer: 5012
0x02 Correct answer: 5013
0x04 Correct answer: 0040
0x06 Correct answer: 2232
0x08 Correct answer: 2233
0x0A Correct answer: 3414
0x0C Correct answer: 7401
0x0E Correct answer: 8003

Instruction Set Architecture

Before we add further components to our CPU, let’s take a look at how these instructions in the instruction memory are supposed to be interpreted. The HW ISA is a specification that determines what the HW Arch circuit is supposed to do.

Exercise 5:

For the first instruction we saw above, 0x5012, use the HW ISA Instructions table shown below to translate it into assembly syntax.

Note: The Opcode, Rs, Rt, and Rd values together are encoded in 16 bits (4 bits = 1 hex digit each). The opcode bits are the most significant bits, while the Rd bits are least significant.

Assembly Syntax Meaning
(R = register file, M = data memory)
Opcode Rs Rt Rd
ADD Rs, Rt, Rd R[d] ← R[s] + R[t] 0010 s t d
SUB Rs, Rt, Rd R[d] ← R[s] - R[t] 0011 s t d
AND Rs, Rt, Rd R[d] ← R[s] & R[t] 0100 s t d
OR Rs, Rt, Rd R[d] ← R[s] | R[t] 0101 s t d
LW Rt, offset(Rs) R[t] ← M[R[s] + offset] 0000 s t offset
SW Rt, offset(Rs) M[R[s] + offset] ← R[t] 0001 s t offset
BEQ Rs, Rt, offset If R[s] == R[t] then
PC ← PC + 2 + offset * 2
0111 s t offset
JMP offset PC ← offset * 2 1000 offset
HALT Stops the program 1111 ignored

Note: The JMP offset is unsigned. All other offsets are signed.

Keep the HW ISA Instructions slide open in another tab for reference throughout the lab.

The assembly syntax for 0x5012: Correct answer: OR R0, R1, R2

We haven’t shown you the register file yet, but you’ve seen the HW ISA, which is a specification for what the HW Arch circuit must do. According to the specification, which register should 0x5012 store its result in?


Which registers does 0x5012 read values from?


Explain what the result of executing 0x5012 should be, in terms of changes to the contents of the register file:

Example answer: The value of register R2 would be set to 1, since R0 always holds 0 and R1 always holds 1, so 0 | 1 is 1.

After working through the exercises above, click here to see each instruction from the provided RAM translated into HW ISA assembly, along with an explanation of what it does:

Example answer:

Address Instruction HW ISA Assembly What it does:
0x00 5012 OR R0, R1, R2 set R2 to 1
0x02 5013 OR R0, R1, R3 set R3 to 1
0x04 0040 LW R4 0(R0) load memory at 0x0 into R4
0x06 2232 ADD R2, R3, R2 add R2 and R3, store into R2
0x08 2233 ADD R2, R3, R3 add R2 and R3, store into R3
0x0A 3414 SUB R4, R1, R4 subtract 1 from R4
0x0C 7401 BEQ R4, R0, 1 skip next instruction if R4 is 0
0x0E 8003 JMP 3 jump to PC address 6
0x10 1022 SW R2, 2(R0) store R2 in M at address 2-3
0x12 1034 SW R3, 4(R0) store R3 in M at address 4-5
0x14 F000 HALT stops the program

Note that we did not ask you to inspect the last three instructions listed above.

Basically, this is how a program is executed:

Initially, the program instructions are loaded into the instruction memory.

Then, the instruction fetch mechanism you just saw loads one instruction at a time (one instruction per clock cycle).

The rest of the CPU executes that instruction during the clock cycle, updating the register file, data memory, and/or program counter as specified by the HW ISA.

The CPU circuit needs to be fast enough to deliver correct outputs by the end of the clock cycle, when these outputs will be internalized by the D flip-flops in each memory component and a new instruction from the instruction memory will be sent to the CPU.

Fill in the table for the following program to show your understanding of the HW instructions at the machine code level:

Address Instruction Operation Rs Rt Rd/offset Purpose Check
0: 5012 OR R0 R1 R2 Set R2 to 1
GCorrect answer: 2: 5013 Correct answer: OR Correct answer: R0 Correct answer: R1 Correct answer: R3 Set R3 to 1 Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above
GCorrect answer: 4: 2232 Correct answer: ADD Correct answer: R2 Correct answer: R3 Correct answer: R2 Add R2 and R3, overwriting R2 Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above
GCorrect answer: 6: 2233 Correct answer: ADD Correct answer: R2 Correct answer: R3 Correct answer: R3 Add R2 and R3, overwriting R3 Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above
GCorrect answer: 8: 8002 Correct answer: JMP Correct answer: 2 Jump to PC 0x04 Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

Describe the result (specific values of modified registers, plus the current PC value) after allowing 10 total instructions to execute:

Example answer: 10 instructions will run all 5 of the listed instructions, plus after jumping up (which happens twice) instructions at addresses 4 and 6 will run twice more each. The final PC will be 8 (ready to do the jump again) and the values of R2 and R3 will be 13 and 21, respectively.

Does this program ever stop?


To connect this to a programming language we’re familiar with, click here to show an example of C code which might compile into these instructions:

Example answer:

void fibonacci() {
    int x = 1, y = 1;
    while (1) {
        x = x + y;
        y = x + y;

Control Flow

As you learned about in lecture and the pre-lab assignment for today, the logic of conditional execution in the HW computer is implemented by BEQ and JMP instructions.

The diagram below shows the additional logic for producing a branch address for the BEQ instruction:

A diagram showing the BEQ logic: on the bottom left, a PC has CLK and RESET inputs, along with 8-wire input and output buses. The output of the PC goes to the “Read address” input of the instruction memory, which has an “Instruction” output that’s not shown as connected to anything. The PC output bus also branches up to the top input of an adder, whose bottom input is the number 2. The result of this adder in a previous diagram went directly to the PC input bus, but instead here it branches. One branch goes in as the top input to a second adder, and the other becomes the top (0) input to a 2x8 multiplexer. The output of the second adder is the second (1) input to the multiplexer, which is controlled by the AND result of BRANCH and ZERO circuit inputs. The output of this multiplexer is then connected back around to the PC input bus. What about the second input to the second adder? That 8-bit value is the result of a “shift left by 1” sub-circuit, whose 8-bit input comes from a “sign extend” sub-circuit, whose input is a 4-bit circuit input labeled “offset.” 

The offset for BEQ (which comes from the last 4 bits of the instruction) specifies the number of words away from the next instruction in memory (PC + 2) to jump to. The additional adder calculates a branch address = PC + 2 + 2 * offset.

A 2x8 MUX then selects whether the next address going back to the PC is PC+2 or the branch address.

The selection line to the MUX is based on two control lines: the Branch bit, which is true when a BEQ instruction is being executed, and the Zero bit, which is true when the contents of Rs and Rt are equal.

The Zero bit comes from the ALU: when the result produced by the ALU is 0, the Zero bit is set to 1 (we saw that in the ALU lab).

So, on a BEQ instruction, the ALU performs Rs - Rt, which will set the Zero bit to 1 only when the contents of Rs is equal to the contents of Rt.

Exercise 6:

Download the ControlFlow.cct circuit and then open it in LogicWorks.

Connect together the components in the circuit to implement the branch address logic as shown in the diagram above.

You will use the switches and hex keyboard you are given in the circuit to simulate Branch, Zero and the 4-bit BEQ offset (the real signals are produced in parts of the CPU we haven’t added yet).

LogicWorks screenshot of the ControlFlow.cct circuit. The PC is in the bottom-left, with CK and Reset inputs hooked up. Its output connects to the address inputs of a data memory and also to two hex displays. The data memory’s output connects to four hex displays. The PC output also connects upwards to the bottom 8 inputs of an adder. The top 8 inputs of that adder are connected to ground, except the second one (B1) which connects to +5V. The first adder’s outputs S0-S7 are connected to a data bus with labels D0-D7. Right next to that (but not connected) is another data bus with labels D0-D7, connected to the top 8 outputs of a second adder. The bottom inputs A0-A7 of that second adder are connected as follows: A0 to ground, A1-A4 to a data bus with 4 wires D0-D3, and A5, A6, and A7 are all connected to the D3 output of that data base, in addition to A4. The outputs of the second adder S0-S7 connect to a bus with labels D0-D7. Not connected but adjacent to that, another bus with D0-D7 labels is connected to the bottom inputs B0-B7 of a 2x8 Mux. The top A0-A7 inputs of that mux are also connected to a separate bus with D0-D7 labels. The outputs of that Mux Q0-Q7 are connected to one final D0-D7 bus. The single select line of the mux is connected to an AND gate, whose inputs are not connected anywhere. At the left of the diagram, separate from the other components, are three inputs: a hex keyboard labeled “offset for BEQ” connected to a 4-wire bus with labels D0-D3, a binary switch labeled “Branch,” and a binary switch labeled “Zero.” 

When the circuit is complete, pulse the Reset line (set to 1 and back to 0) to initialize the PC to address 0. (Do NOT reset for each of the following exercises, instead just do this one to set things up).

Set the offset = 3, Branch = 1, and Zero = 1 and pulse the CK (set to 1 and back to 0):

What is the value of the PC (two hex digits)? Correct answer: 08

Click here to see what the circuit should look like when it’s connected:

Example answer:

The same circuit as above, with the following connections added: 1. branch and zero inputs to the AND gate inputs for the 2x8 mux. 2. “Offset for BEQ” bus to the A1-A4 inputs to the second adder, via the attached D0-D3 bus. 3. First adder S0-S7 bus to the adjacent B0-B7 top input bus of the second adder. 4. That same bus extended over to the top A0-A7 input bus of the mux as well. 5. The second adder S0-S7 bus outputs connected across to the B0-B7 inputs of the mux. 6. The mux outputs Q0-Q7 back around to the PC inputs D0-D7 by connecting the attached buses. 

Now set Zero = 0 for the next instruction (without resetting the PC, which should match the answer above). Activate the CK.

What is the value of the PC? Correct answer: 0A Why? Example answer: If the Zero bit is not set, that implies the two values were not equal, so the branch shouldn’t happen. Instead, the normal PC = PC + 2 formula kicks in.

Set Branch = 0 and Zero = 1 for the next instruction. Activate the CK.

What is the value of the PC? Correct answer: 0C Why? Example answer: The Branch but must be set in addition to the Zero bit for a jump to happen.

Set Branch = 1 and Zero = 1, and set offset to each of the following values for the next set of instructions (you should see that PC = 0C to begin):

Note: Offset is a 4-bit two’s complement values (so can be negative!), and both offset and PC are displayed in hexadecimal notation.

Record the PC for each offset after activation of the CK. Write the formula you used to calculate your result in the right column.

offset PC (in hex with ‘0x’) Formula used
0xC Correct answer: 0x06 Example answer: C + 2 + 2*(-4) = E - 8 = 6
0x5 Correct answer: 0x12 Example answer: 6 + 2 + 2*5 = 8 + 10 = 18 = 0x12
0x2 Correct answer: 0x18 Example answer: 0x12 + 2 + 2*2 = 0x14 + 4 = 0x18

Basic Datapath

The following diagram describes the basic datapath for executing the arithmetic and logic instructions:

A diagram showing the Register File, Control Unit, and ALU. The Instruction (16 bits) is an input on the left, and the top 4 bits of this (the Opcode) fed into the control unit. The other 12 bits are grouped into three groups of 4 labeled Rs, Rt, and Rd, and these connect to the “Read Addr 1,” “Read Addr 2,” and “Write Addr” inputs of the register file. The other data input to the register file is 16 bits of “Write Data” which comes from the ALU result, wrapping around the bottom of the diagram from the right side. The register outputs “Read Data 1” and “Read Data 2” are each 16 bits and feed into the top and bottom inputs of the ALU. Besides the ALU result, the ALU outputs “overflow” and “zero” bits. The Control Unit has two outputs: “Reg Write” which connects to the “Write Enable” input at the top of the Register file, and “ALU Op” which connects to the top of the ALU. 

Exercise 7:

Download the datapath.cct circuit and then open it in LogicWorks.

Make the necessary connections to implement the diagram shown above. Make sure to turn on “Simulation -> Show Values.”

Note that we do not have a control unit, and instead control the ALU Op and RegWrite values directly

Click here to check your work:

Example answer:

A LogicWorks Screenshot showing regfile and ALU devices, with binary switch inputs for CK, Reset, and RegWrite, as well as hex keyboard inputs for ALUOp, Rs, Rt, and Rd. The CK and Reset lines are connected to the CLK and CLR inputs of the regfile, with a NOT gate on the Reset line. The RegWrite input connects to the RegWrite input of the regfile. The RDreg1_0 through RDreg1_3 inputs of the regfile are connected to the Rs hex keyboard inputs via a data bus. Likewise the Rt input connects to the RDreg2_0 through RDreg2_3 inputs of the regfile, and the Rd input connects to its WReg0 through WReg3 inputs. The regfile has outputs RDdata1_0 through RDdata1_15 and RDdata2_0 through RDdata2_15. The RDdata1 outputs are connected to four hex displays labeled Rs, as well as to the A0-A15 inputs of the ALU. The RDdata2 outputs of the regfile connect to four hex displays labeled Rt, as well as the B0-B15 inputs of the ALU. The Op0-Op3 inputs of the ALU connect to the ALUOp input data bus. The ALU has 1-bit Zero, Overflow, and Carry outputs, each connected to a binary indicator. Its main data outputs S0-S15 are connected via a data bus to the WRdata0 through WRdata15 inputs of the regfile, and also to a set of 4 hex displays labeled ALUoutput. 

The following table describes which ALU function will be produced by a given value of ALUOp:

ALU Op (decimal) ALU function
0000 0 a AND b
0001 1 a OR b
0010 2 a + b (add)
0110 6 a - b

BEQ is accomplished by subtraction (which sets the Zero bit).

BEQ and JMP do not change the value of a register.

The following table describes the ALU Op and Reg Write control lines for the arithmetic/logic and control flow instructions:

Instruction Opcode ALU Op Reg Write
ADD 0010 0010 1
SUB 0011 0110 1
AND 0100 0000 1
OR 0101 0001 1
BEQ 0111 0110 0
JMP 1000 N/A 0

Simulate executing some instructions to verify that your circuit is correct:

  • Pulse the “Reset” line (set it to 1 and then back to 0) so that all registers are set to 0 (except R1 which always contains 1).
  • Execute these tests in order without resetting in between.
  • For each given test, set the specified values on the input devices and then pulse the CLK input (set to 1 and back to 0) to execute the instruction.
  • For each given instruction, record the values for each of the signals in the datapath, and note what registers are modified by the instruction.
  • Then, to verify your result, set the inputs on the hex keyboards and switches in the circuit, and pulse the CLK to observe the output of the ALU.

Note: The ALUop is not always the same as the opcode for an instruction- check the table directly above!

  1. ADD R1,R1,R5

    ALUop (in hex): Rs: Rt: Rd: RegWrite: ALU result (4 hex digits):
    GCorrect answer: Correct answer: 2 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 0002

    Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

    Which register is changed? Correct answer: R5

    What value does that register have now (in decimal)? Correct answer: 2

  2. ADD R5,R5,R2

    ALUop (in hex): Rs: Rt: Rd: RegWrite: ALU result (4 hex digits):
    GCorrect answer: Correct answer: 2 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 2 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 0004

    Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

    Which register is changed? Correct answer: R2

    What value does that register have now (in decimal)? Correct answer: 4

  3. OR R2 R5 R6

    ALUop (in hex): Rs: Rt: Rd: RegWrite: ALU result (4 hex digits):
    GCorrect answer: Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 2 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 6 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 0006

    Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

    Which register is changed? Correct answer: R6

    What value does that register have now (in decimal)? Correct answer: 6

  4. SUB R5,R6,R3

    ALUop (in hex): Rs: Rt: Rd: RegWrite: ALU result (4 hex digits):
    GCorrect answer: Correct answer: 6 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 6 Correct answer: 3 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: FFFC

    Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

    Which register is changed? Correct answer: R3

    What value does that register have now (in decimal)? Correct answer: -4

  5. AND R2,R5,R7

    ALUop (in hex): Rs: Rt: Rd: RegWrite: ALU result (4 hex digits):
    GCorrect answer: Correct answer: 0 Correct answer: 2 Correct answer: 5 Correct answer: 7 Correct answer: 1 Correct answer: 0000

    Check AnswersCorrect answer: See above

    Which register is changed? Correct answer: R7

    What value does that register have now (in decimal)? Correct answer: 0

Full Datapath with Memory Access Instructions

The following diagram adds the logic and the Data Memory device needed to implement the memory access instructions (LW and SW):

Diagram of the full datapath. The register file, control unit, and ALU are connected in a similar fashion as before, although those connections will be re-described here. A Data Memory device is added. The whole circuit has just a single 16-bit “Inst” input. This is split into four groups of 4 bits: the Opcode (top 4 bits) which is input to the Control Unit, then Rs, Rt, and Rd. Rs is the “Read Addr 1” input to the Register File, while Rt is the “Read Addr 2” input. However, Rt also goes into a 2x4 mux whose output is the “Write Addr” Register File input. The other input to that mux is Rd, and its select line is the “Mem” output of the control unit, with 1 selecting Rt and 0 selecting Rd. In addition to entering this mux, the Rd bits (also labeled “offset”) bypass the register file, go through a Sign Extend to become 16 bits, and enter a 2x16 mux, whose output is the second ALU data input. This mux is also controlled by the Mem signal from the Control Unit, with 1 selecting the sign-extended Rd, and 0 selecting the “Read Data 2” output from the Register File (which is the other input to that mux). To round out the Register file, its “Write Enable” input is the “Reg Write” output from the control unit, and its “Read Data 1” output goes directly into the first ALU data input (its “Write Data” input will be specified later). Finally, the “Read Data 2” output, in addition to entering the mux for the second ALU input, bypasses the ALU and becomes the “Write Data” input to the Data memory. We’ve already described the data inputs to the ALU; its ALU Op input comes from the Control Unit. The 16-bit ALU output connects to the “Address” input of the Data Memory, and also to a 2x16 mux below the Data Memory. That mux takes its other input from the “Read Data” output of the Data Memory, and is selected by the Mem output of the control unit (the third and final connection for that output): 0 selects the ALU output, and 1 selects the Data Memory “Read Data” output. That mux result circles back around and becomes the 16-bit “Write Data” input to the Register File (the final input for that chip). Finally, the “Mem Store” output of the Control Unit connects to the “Write Enable” input of the Data Memory. 

To distinguish between what is done in the dataptath for arithmetic/logic and control flow instructions (ADD, SUB, AND, OR, BEQ) versus what is done for memory access instructions (LW, SW), the following is necessary:

  • Use a 2x4 MUX at the input of the Register File to choose the source for the register to be written to (Rd gets written to for arithmetic/logic operations, Rt gets written to for LW).

  • Use a 2x16 MUX at the second input to the ALU. The MUX selects whether the ALU input comes from Rt or from the offset specified by the third operand of the instruction.

Instruction Datapath Action
ADD Rs Rt Rd ALU performs Rs + Rt and stores result in Rd
SW Rs Rt offset ALU performs Rs + offset and sends result as Address to Data Memory.
Then value in Rt is stored to *Data Memory at specified address.
LW Rs Rt offset ALU performs Rs + offset and sends result as Address to Data Memory.
Then value at specified address in Data Memory is loaded to Rt.

Exercise 8:

Below we have specified several operations by giving the relevant instruction values Rs, Rt, and Rd/offset as well as the Control Unit output values derived from the Opcode part of an instruction.

Refer to the table from the previous part about which ALU Op specifies which ALU function.

Before predicting the following operations, assume that all registers contain a value of 0 initially except R1 (which contains a 1). But assume that the registers are NOT reset between operations.

For each operation, predict the ALU result (in decimal) and explain which registers or memory locations would get a new value as a result of the operation.

Operation 1:

ALUop Rs Rt Rd/offset RegWrite Mem MemStore ALU result
2 1 1 6 1 0 0 Correct answer: 2

Explain the operation and result, and what register is modified with what new value:

Example answer: Addition of R1 with itself. R1 + R1 = 1 + 1, stored in R6. R6 gets a 2.

Operation 2:

ALUop Rs Rt Rd/offset RegWrite Mem MemStore ALU result
2 6 6 3 1 0 0 Correct answer: 4

Explain the operation and result:

Example answer: Addition of R6 with itself. R6 + R6 = 2 + 2, stored in R3. R3 gets a 4.

Operation 3:

ALUop Rs Rt Rd/offset RegWrite Mem MemStore ALU result
2 6 1 6 0 1 1 Correct answer: 8

Assume that Operation 3 is a Store Word (SW) instruction. Explain how you would know this from the values of the control signals.

Example answer: Mem being 1 means it’s either LW or SW. MemStore being 1 means it’s SW.

What value would be stored to what address in Data Memory?

Example answer:

The value stored is from Rt, which is a 1, so the contents of register 1 are being copied into memory. That register always has the value 1.

The address to store to is given by the value of register Rs plus the offset specified where Rd would normally be given. So in this case, that’s Rs = R6, with value 2, plus offset = 6 gives us address 8.

Operation 4:

ALUop Rs Rt Rd/offset RegWrite Mem MemStore ALU result
2 3 6 4 1 1 0 Correct answer: 8

Assume that Operation 4 is a Load Word (LW) instruction. Explain how you would know this from the values of the control signals.

Example answer: Mem being 1 means it’s either LW or SW. MemStore being 0 means it’s LW.

What address in Data Memory is being accessed?

Example answer: The address being accessed is address 8, the same one we just wrote to. But the way it’s computed is different. This time Rs = R3, and the offset is 4, so we compute 4 + 4 = 8.

What register will receive what new value from that address in Data Memory?

Example answer: R6 gets the value 1, which was previously stored in address 8.

Stretch Exercises: Control Unit

You have seen that the ALU Op bits (which control the operation of the ALU) are not the same as the instruction opcode (which specifies which instruction is being executed).

It is necessary to translate the instruction opcode to the proper ALU operation (which specifies ainv bneg op1 op0 into the ALU) for each instruction, as shown below:

Instruction opcode ALU operation ALU operation encoding
O3 O2 O1 O0 ainv bneg op1 op0
LW 0 0 0 0 ADD 0 0 1 0
SW 0 0 0 1 ADD 0 0 1 0
ADD 0 0 1 0 ADD 0 0 1 0
SUB 0 0 1 1 SUB 0 1 1 0
AND 0 1 0 0 AND 0 0 0 0
OR 0 1 0 1 OR 0 0 0 1
BEQ 0 1 1 1 SUB 0 1 1 0

Note: The JMP instruction is not shown in this table because it does not use the ALU.

Exercise 9:

  1. Explain why LW and SW have the same ALU operation as ADD:

    Example answer: Because they need to add the address register to the offset that comes as part of the opcode to get the actual address to read from or write to.

  2. Write a Boolean function for each ALU operation bit in terms of the opcode “O0-O3” inputs.

    ainv = 0 (always off in these examples)

    bneg = Example answer: O1O0

    op1 = Example answer: O2’ + O2O1O0 (could be simplified to O2’ + O1)

    op0 = Example answer: O2O1’O0

The logic to produce the ALU Op bits (which you just designed) is part of the Control Unit.

The Control Unit also produces the other data path control signals for each instruction, as shown below:

Instruction opcode Reg Write Mem Mem Store Branch | Jump | |
O3 O2 O1 O0
LW 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
SW 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
ADD 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
SUB 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
AND 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
OR 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
BEQ 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
JMP 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Explain why the Reg Write bit is set for LW, ADD, SUB, AND, OR, but not for SW, BEQ, or JMP:

Example answer: The operations where RegWrite is set are operations where a result is written to a register. SW, BEQ, and JMP don’t write to a register: SW writes to memory instead, and BEQ and JMP change the PC.

Write a boolean function for each control line as a function of the opcode bits O0-O3:

RegWrite = Example answer: (O3’O2’O1’O0 + O2O1O0 + O3)’

Mem = Example answer: O3’O2’O1’

Mem Store = Example answer: O3’O2’O1’O0

Branch = Example answer: O2O1O0

Jump = Example answer: O3

Although we will not do so in lab today, you can see that it is easy to implement the Control Unit with basic logic gates.

Extra Exercises: Full Implementation

Download the computer.cct circuit and open it in LogicWorks.

Close the timing window and parts palette in LogicWorks to view the full circuit:

A LogicWorks screenshot of the computer.cct circuit. Its two main components are Instruction Memory and a CPU, although it also has two “244” chips. Inputs include four hex keyboards for 16 bits of “Instruction/Data In,” two hex keyboards for 8 bits of “Address in,” plus single binary switches for LOAD, WR, RESET, and CLK. The “Instruction/Data in” inputs are connected via a bus to the DI0-DI15 inputs of the Instruction Memory. The address inputs of the construction memory are connected via a bus to the YB0-YB3 and YA0-YA3 outputs from two 244 tri-state buffer chips (each chip connects to all 8 address lines). They are also hooked up to two hex displays labeled “PC/address” so you can see their value. The top 244 chip accepts inputs from the “Address in” hex keyboards, and has both of its enable lines (which are active low) hooked up to the LOAD switch. The enable lines of the bottom 244 chip are also hooked up to the LOAD switch, but via a NOT gate, so that only one of the two tri-state buffers is enabled at a time. The 8 inputs to the second 244 chip are connected via a bus to the A0-A7 address outputs of the CPU. The DO0-DO15 data outputs of the Instruction Memory are connected to the D0-D15 CPU inputs, via bus which also connects to 4 hex displays to show its value; these are labeled “Instruction.” The WR input switch connects to the /WE Instruction Memory input, which is active-low. The RESET and CLK switches connect to the RESET and CLK inputs of the CPU. It has 16 RF1 outputs and 16 RF2 outputs, these are each hooked up to four hex displays, labeled Rs for RF1 and Rt for RF2. The final outputs from the CPU are ALU0-ALU15, which are hooked up to four hex displays labeled “ALU Result,” plus a single wire for “Zero” hooked up to a binary probe. 

The CPU has been abstracted to a black box, and is connected to the Instruction Memory, where programs must be loaded prior to execution by the CPU.

The WR, LOAD, Instruction/Data in, and Address in inputs on the left are used to load a program into Instruction Memory.

LOAD is used to control the 244 devices that you see on the bottom left, and is needed for proper operation of the circuit for loading a program vs. running a program (the 244 is a multi-input/output tri-state buffer that can be set to let data through or appear disconnected; the LOAD switch toggles whether the top or bottom buffer is activated). Simply follow the instructions given later for how to use it.

The PC/address and Instruction hex displays on the bottom show the address in Instruction Memory currently being executed, and the instruction itself.

The Rs and Rt register file ports and the ALU result from the CPU are also displayed. These can be used to verify correct execution of instructions.

The Reset and CLK switches on the bottom are used to control execution of a program in the CPU. The following program will perform a loop (the first three instructions initialize registers to values to be used in the calculation).

Exercise 10:

Fill in the hexadecimal value for each encoded instruction in the table below, including values to make the BEQ and JMP instructions reach the intended lines:

Address Instruction op Rs, Rt, Rd/offset Purpose
0: 2112 ADD R1, R1, R2 ; R2 = 2
2: Correct answer: 2223 ADD R2, R2, R3 ; R3 = 4
4: Correct answer: 2334 ADD R3, R3, R4 ; R4 = 8
6: (LOOP) Correct answer: 3424 SUB R4, R2, R4 ; R4 <- R4 - R2
8: Correct answer: 4444 AND R4, R4, R4 ; display the result of the subtraction
A: Correct answer: 7422 BEQ R4 R2 NEXT ; escape the loop when R4 = 2
C: Correct answer: 8003 JMP LOOP ; repeat the loop
10: (NEXT) Correct answer: 1032 SW R0, R3, 2 ; store 4 at address 2 in data memory
12: Correct answer: 1244 SW R2, R4, 4 ; store 2 at address 6 in data memory
14: Correct answer: 0052 LW R0, R5, 2 ; load 4 from address 2 in memory into R5
16: Correct answer: 4555 AND R5, R5, R5 ; display the contents of R5 = 4
18: Correct answer: 5555 OR R5, R5, R5 ; will also display 4

To load the Instruction Memory with this program:

  • Set LOAD = 0
  • Set address and data switches for one instruction
  • Set WR = 0, then back to 1

Repeat until all instructions are loaded to memory.

To execute the program:

  • Set LOAD = 1
  • Set Reset = 1, then back to 0
  • Set CLK = 1, then back to 0, for each instruction. Stop the first time PC = 8, and examine the output of the ALU. The first time, you should see the value of 6 displayed at the ALU output.

Keep executing the program, examining the result each time PC = 8.

The program is finished when PC = 0x18. How many times was the loop repeated? Correct answer: 3

Write a Program

Exercise 11:

Assume that after the previous exercise, you have a value of 4 stored in address 2 and a value of 2 stored in address 6 in Data Memory.

Write a program which will add those two values together, and store the result in address 8 in Data Memory. Write your program as a series of hexadecimal instructions in the table below, using registers 5 and 6 to store the data after loading it from memory, and register 7 to hold the addition result before loading it back into memory:

Address Instruction (hexadecimal) Explanation
0 0052 Example answer: Load from address 2 into R5
2 Correct answer: 0066 Example answer: Load from address 6 into R6
4 Correct answer: 2567 Example answer: Add R5 + R6 and store in R7
6 Correct answer: 1078 Example answer: Store R7 in memory address 8

Load your program into the Instruction Memory and verify that it works correctly.

Now, write a program which will load from memory addresses 2 and 6 and multiply those two values using a loop with successive addition (use the R2 and R3 registers to hold the loaded values, and R4 for the result. Record your program below:

Address Instruction (hexadecimal) Explanation
0 0022 Example answer: Load from address 2 into R2
2 Correct answer: 0036 Example answer: Load from address 6 into R3
4 Correct answer: 5004 Example answer: Zero out R4
6 Correct answer: 2244 Example answer: Add R2 and R4, overwriting R4
8 Correct answer: 3313 Example answer: Subtract 1 from R3, updating it
A Correct answer: 7301 Example answer: Skip the following JMP if R3 is 0
C Correct answer: 8003 Example answer: Jump back to address 6, to add again

Note that at the end, you can use instruction 4444 to show register 4 which should hold the result.

Load your program into the Instruction Memory and verify that it works correctly.