
ISA Exam Overview

Exam Logistics

The exam will be in person during class time.

You may bring a provided paper blue book that you can fill with your own notes to the exam (you may not bring textbooks or electronic material). Blue books will be available the week before the exam in class or picked up from Alexa’s office (W116).

If you have an ADR accommodation, Alexa will reach out to schedule extra time the week before the exam.

Honor Code

The exam is subject to the Honor Code.

You may not give or receive help on the exam. You may not share details of the exam questions or what material is covered until exam grades have been released to everyone in the course. At that point, you can discuss the exam with other current CS240 students (you should not provide this information to any future CS240 students). You may not discuss the exam with past or future CS240 students.

You are encouraged to study with other students and can prepare your own paper notes with other students.

Reference material

The exam does not focus on memorization and will include specific required information for certain sections (e.g., you do not need to memorize all x86-64 instructions, which would be an impossible task). However, you should know offhand, for example, how to read an x86 addressing mode, how structs are aligned in C programs, where C program constructs are laid on in memory, or how to deference a pointer.

In addition to the per-question reference material, the following reference pages will be provided: ISA reference pages


  • The exam focoses on topics under the Hardware-Software Interface part of the course, plus Processes and Shells.
    • While the exam does not focus on topics from the earlier Computational Building Blocks part of the course, the ideas are connected, so facility with those ideas may still help.
    • +Optional topics are excluded.
    • Later topics, starting with Memory Allocation, are excluded.
  • The exam assumes familiarity with the concepts used by assignments associated with the exam topics.

Study Materials

The following materials may be of use in studying for the exam: