This tentative calendar represents a best guess for the course schedule, but aspects of it may change during the semester.


Computational Building Blocks
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 21 January
Wednesday 22 January
Thursday 23 January
Friday 24 January
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Data as Bits: reading 1 (preparing for CS240); start Digital Logic reading
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 28 January
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Finish Digital Logic reading; Data as Bits: videos 1--5; Integer Representation: videos 1--4
Wednesday 29 January
Friday 31 January
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Data as Bits: videos 6--15, review readings 2-4 as needed; Integer representation: videos 5--15, review readings as necessary
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Sunday 2 February
Monday 3 February
Tuesday 4 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Integer Representation: Complete any missed videos and readings; Combinational Logic: Reading 1; Skim Arithmetic Logic readings 1-2.
Wednesday 5 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review readings for details as needed.
Friday 7 February
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Monday 10 February
Tuesday 11 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Skim Registers Reading 1; Skim one option for Arch Reading 1.
Wednesday 12 February
Friday 14 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review the reading as needed.
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Sunday 16 February
Monday 17 February Presidents Day
  • Lecture: No classes today
Tuesday 18 February Monday Schedule
  • Lecture: No lecture today
Wednesday 19 February
Thursday 20 February
Friday 21 February
Hardware-Software Interface
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 25 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Videos 1-2 as needed; CSAPP 2.1.0, 2.1.3; S1 of Pointer Basics.
Wednesday 26 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Videos: 13 (C strings), 15-17 (null-termination, dynamic memory intro).
Friday 28 February
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review videos (1-13, 15-17) and readings as needed.
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 4 March
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Memory videos 19-21. x86 Basics video 1.
Wednesday 5 March
  • Lecture: Exam 1 HW period 2 (choose one) 4-10pm
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): x86 Basics videos 7-9, x86 Control Flow videos 1-2.
Thursday 6 March
  • Lecture: Exam 1 HW period 3 (choose one) 4-10pm
Friday 7 March
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): x86 Control Flow readings 1 & 2.
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 11 March
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Skim x86 Procedures, Call Stack readings 1-2.
Wednesday 12 March
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): x86 Procedures, Call Stack videos 5 & 6.
Friday 14 March
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Monday 17 March Spring Break
Tuesday 18 March Spring Break
Wednesday 19 March Spring Break
Thursday 20 March Spring Break
Friday 21 March Spring Break
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 25 March
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Representing Data Structure reading 1.
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Representing Data Structure videos 3, 4, 7. Buffer Overflows reading 1.
Wednesday 26 March
Thursday 27 March
Friday 28 March
Abstractions for Practical Systems
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Monday 31 March
Tuesday 1 April
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Buffer Overflows reading 1.
Wednesday 2 April
Friday 4 April
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review Buffer Overflows reading 1 as needed.
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 8 April
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Process reading 1: CSAPP 1.7, 8.2 - 8.4.
  • code Due: Buffer
  • code Assign: Concurrency
Wednesday 9 April
Friday 11 April
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review Process reading 1 as needed.
  • Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details): Review readings 1-3
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 15 April
Wednesday 16 April Ruhlman Conference
  • Lecture: no lab
Friday 18 April
  • code Due: Concurrency
  • code Assign: Malloc
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Monday 21 April Patriots Day
Tuesday 22 April
Wednesday 23 April
Friday 25 April
  • code Checkpoint: Malloc
  • Info: ISA Exam
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Tuesday 29 April
Wednesday 30 April
  • Lecture: Exam 2 on ISA will be held during lab time
  • Inclass: ISA Exam
Thursday 1 May Monday Schedule
Friday 2 May Reading Period
Date Lecture Reading summary (click on topics to the left for details) Lab Work
Monday 5 May Reading Period
Tuesday 6 May Final Exams
  • Lecture: Last official day to submit CS240 work without extensions
  • Revisions: ISA Exam
Wednesday 7 May Final Exams
Thursday 8 May Final Exams
Friday 9 May Final Exams
  • Lecture: (4pm) Last day to submit CS240 work with extensions