code Basic explorations in parallelism and concurrency



1. Backus to the Future (20 points)

This task is about John Backus’s 1977 Turing Award Lecture: Can Programming be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and its Algebra of Programs. Backus led development of the procedural Fortran language in the 1950s. This lecture/paper demonstrates some shifts in thinking in the intervening 20 years. Read sections 1–7, 9-10, and 15 of this paper and answer the following questions. Write concise responses, aiming for just a couple informative phrases or sentences. Write your answers in the file backus.txt.

Please git pull starter master to get the initial backus.txt file.

  1. One of the reasons this paper is well-known is that in it Backus coined the term “von Neumann bottleneck”. Describe what this term means and why it is relevant to the paper.

  2. Many programming languages have at least two syntactic categories: expressions and statements. Backus claims that expressions are good but statements are bad. Explain his claim.

  3. In Sections 6, 7, and 9 of the paper, Backus discusses three problems/defects with von Neumann languages. Summarize them.

  4. What are applicative languages and how do they address the three problems/defects mentioned by Backus for von Neumann languages?

  5. Backus wrote this paper long before the development of Java and Python. Based on his paper, how do you think he would evaluate these two languages?

  6. Read (at least skim) section 11, which introduces the details of the FP language. Backus uses many notations that may be unfamiliar to you. For example:

    • McCarthy’s notation of cond expressions, from earlier in the course: $p_1 \to e_1; \ldots; p_n \to e_n; e_{n+1}$ matches (cond (p1 e1) ... (pn en) (#t en+1)) in Racket.

    • $\langle e_1, \ldots, e_n \rangle$ denotes the sequence of the $n$ values of the expressions $e_1$ through $e_n$. $\phi$ denotes the empty sequence. Because FP is dynamically typed, such sequences can represent both tuples and lists.

    • The symbol $\bot$ (“bottom”) denotes an undefined value: the value of an expression whose evaluation either doesn’t terminate or terminates with an error.

    • If $f$ is a function and $x$ is an object (atom or sequence of objects), then $f : x$ denotes the result of applying $f$ to argument $x$.

    • $[f_1, \ldots, f_n]$ is a functional form denoting a sequence of $n$ functions, $f_1$ through $f_n$. Evaluation of $[f_1, \ldots, f_n] : x$, the application of this form to a single object $x$, is equivalent to evaluation of $⟨f_1 : x, \ldots, f_n : x⟩$, applying each of the $n$ functions to a single object $x$ and gathering the results as an $n$-element sequence.

    Read enough of section 11 to answer the remaining questions.

  7. What is one feature of FP that is familiar from Racket or SML but not Java or C? Identify and explain briefly.
  8. What is one feature of FP that could be used to express data parallelism (even if its evaluation is not explicitly parallelized in Backus’s description)? Identify and explain briefly.
  9. What is one feature of FP that could be used to express task parallelism (even if its evaluation is not explicitly parallelized in Backus’s description)? Identify and explain briefly.
  10. Does FP provide any feature analogous to explicit futures, tasks, or threads? Explain briefly.
  11. Describe how the form $[f_1, \ldots, f_n] : x$ relates to the familiar map operation from Racket and ML by writing an equivalent Racket or ML call to map, assuming the function sequence, $[f_1, \ldots, f_n]$, is available as fs and the object, $x$, is available as x.

2. Parallel Calculator (15 points)

In this task you will parallelize a tiny calculator implementation. The file calc.sml defines an interpreter for a small calculator expression language.

(* Calculator expression language. *)
datatype calc_expr = CalcInt of int
                   | CalcAdd of calc_expr * calc_expr
                   | CalcSub of calc_expr * calc_expr
                   | CalcMul of calc_expr * calc_expr
                   | CalcDiv of calc_expr * calc_expr
                   | CalcBind of string * calc_expr * calc_expr
                   | CalcVar of string

The key interpreter functions are eval and its helper try:

(* Evaluate calculator expression e in environment env, returning SOME
   answer if the expression is well-formed or NONE otherwise. *)
fun eval e env =
        (* Try to evaluate e1 and e2, apply the operation f to their
           results, and return SOME of this value. If either e1 or e2
           results in NONE, return NONE instead. *)
        fun try (f, e1, e2) =
            case (eval e1 env, eval e2 env) of
                (SOME x, SOME y) => SOME (f (x, y))
              | _ => NONE
          case e of
              CalcInt i => SOME i
            | CalcAdd (e1, e2) => try (fn (x,y) => x + y, e1, e2)
            | CalcSub (e1, e2) => try (fn (x,y) => x - y, e1, e2)
            | CalcMul (e1, e2) => try (fn (x,y) => x * y, e1, e2)
            | CalcDiv (e1, e2) => try (fn (x,y) => x div y, e1, e2)
            | CalcBind (x, e, body) => (case eval e env of
                                            SOME y => eval body ((x, y) :: env)
                                          | NONE => NONE)
            | CalcVar x => lookup x env
        ) handle _ => NONE

For example, evaluating the following calculator expression should yield SOME 2:

(* A sample calculator expression. *)
val calc_prog = CalcBind ("x", CalcAdd (CalcInt 21, CalcInt 2),
                          CalcDiv (CalcAdd (CalcInt 4,
                                            CalcMul (CalcInt 5, CalcVar "x")),
                                   CalcSub (CalcMul (CalcInt 17, CalcInt 3),
                                            CalcDiv (CalcInt 34, CalcVar "x"))))

(* Should evaluate to (SOME 2) *)
val calc_result = eval calc_prog []

When parallelizing, stick with pval. Do not try to use pcase.

  1. Parallelize the calculator interpreter using pval bindings by taking the following steps:

    1. Think. What can be parallelized? Where? How will you transform the code?
    2. Edit calc.sml (the SML program) to introduce val bindings where you can later parallelize in the Manticore version.
    3. Copy your edited calc.sml to calc.pml.
    4. Edit calc.pml to convert the relevant SML val bindings to Manticore pval bindings. To get syntax highlighting for calc.pml in Emacs, use M-x sml-mode. See the Emacs Basics document if you don’t understand that command.

    Doing the pre-edits in the calc.sml SML version is optional but recommended, because:

    • The SML compiler’s error messages are more familiar than those of the Manticore compiler.
    • You can test calc.sml via the usual SML tools to confirm that your initial transformed calculator still works like the original and use it as comparison for the parallelized version.

    Unlike SML/NJ, the Manticore implementation uses an ahead-of-time compiler, called pmlc. (P is for parallel.) To compile calc.pml, use this command:

    $ pmlc -o calc calc.pml

    It will create an executable named calc that you can run with:

    $ ./calc

    Note: Unlike the SML/NJ interpreter:

    • The executable is a compiled version of the program.
    • There is no REPL.
    • The executable displays only what is explicitly printed by the compiled program. It does not display any extra info (such as bindings, types, etc.)

    Thus, you must use explicit printing for any tests you perform.

  2. Does your parallelization exploit data parallelism? Task parallelism? Both? Neither? Explain briefly in a comment at the end of calc.pml.

  3. When evaluating the provided sample calc_prog calculator expression with your parallelized calculator implementation, how many potentially parallel tasks will your implementation run in total? Explain briefly in a comment at the end of calc.pml.

  4. When evaluating the provided sample calc_prog calculator expression with your parallelized calculator implementation, what is the maximum number of parallel tasks that could be running at one time? Explain briefly in a comment at the end of calc.pml.

  5. Challenge question: There is at least one opportunity for parallelization that you cannot exploit via pval bindings. What is it? Why is it not possible with pval? How could you parallelize with another feature? Explain briefly in a comment a the end of calc.pml. Hint: think about bindings in the calculator language.

3. Concurrent Bank Accounts (20 points)

Please git pull starter master to get the initial bank.sml file.

This task deals with representations of bank accounts in Concurrent ML. You will break (and explain the breakage of) an unsafe implementation of a bank account and then implement a safe version.

The file bank.sml contains starter code for this task. The starter code includes two completed ADT implementations and one that you will complete.


The Cell structure implements a mutable storage cell ADT using Concurrent ML and no actual mutation. A cell is represented by:

  • A “server” thread runs forever and is responsible for:
    • knowing the current logical contents of the cell
    • responding to requests from client threads to:
      • get the current contents of the cell
      • put a new value as the new context of the cell
  • A pair of channels:
    • A request channel is used by client threads to send a get or put request to the “server” thread.
    • A reply channel is used by the server thread to send the current balance in response to a client’s get request.


The UnsafeAccount structure implements a mutable bank account ADT where the account balance is stored by a Cell.t. The account provides three operations:

  • getBalance: get the current balance
  • deposit: mutate the account balance to deposit (add) the given amount
  • withdraw : mutate the account balance to withdraw (subtract) the given amount

Notice that withdraw is extraneous; it can be modeled by a deposit of a negative ammount.

The deposit operation is implemented by getting the current balance from the underlying Cell.t with Cell.get, adding to that balance, and puting the new balance back in the Cell.t with Cell.put. This implementation works fine when only one client thread is interacting with an UnsafeAccount.t. You will show how to break this implementation with operations from multiple threads.


The SafeAccount structure is a second implementation of a mutable bank account ADT, with same ACCOUNT signature as UnsafeAccount. You will complete this structure with a thread-safe implementation of the bank account.

Questions and Programming Tasks

  1. Write comments in the Cell and UnsafeAccount structures to document how they work. Your comments will not be graded; they are for your own reference in the rest of the task. Understanding these implementations is a major part of what you need to accomplish.

  2. Why does the Cell use two distinct channels for requests vs. replies? Explain briefly how the implementation would break if requests and replies where sent on the same channel instead of on two different channels. Write your answer in a comment below the Cell definition in bank.sml.

    Hint: it is enough to think about the interaction of just 1 client thread with the Cell.t’s server thread.

  3. Unfortunately, the UnsafeAccount implementation is not thread-safe. When multiple threads concurrently apply deposit or withdraw operations to the same UnsafeAccount.t, the final account balance may not always accurately reflect the expected cumulative result of these operations.

    The key issue is that the deposit and withdraw operations are not atomic. Clients expect that a deposit occurs as a single atomic event that—all at once—reads the current balance, adds to it, and updates it. However, the UnsafeAccount implements deposit/withdraw using distinct get and put operations on the underlying Cell.t. If multiple client threads are interacting with the same account, the underlying Cell operations by one client threads might happen in between the underlying Cell of another client thread.

    Your first account task is to break the UnsafeAccount. The function myUnsafeTest in bank.sml calls the general test function defined above it to run a stress test on an account. This stress test creates a new account and applies deposit/withdraw operations to it in multiple threads.

    Run the stress test like this in an SML REPL:

    - use "bank.sml";
    - run myUnsafeTest;

    Read the printed output together with the test code. The output shows:

    • the sequence of Get and Put operations that occurred on the UnsafeAccount’s underlying Cell.t
    • the expected and actual final balance in the account after all operations have completed

    If the expected and actual balance match, you may need to adjust the test parameters to increase the number of operations until you can cause the actual balance to diverge.

    Feel free to add printing in deposit to help understand the output.

    What to submit:

    • In a comment below the definition of myUnsafeTest in bank.sml, copy-paste the printed output of your account-breaking stress test.

    • Label each Get or Put line with the thread (the main testing thread, thread1, or thread2) that most likely requested it. If multiple labelings might be correct, choose one of them, so that each Get/Put is labeled by a single thread.

    • In the same comment, briefly explain what happened. Which underlying Get/Put events interacted in what problematic ways to violate the atomicity of deposit / withdraw operations and cause the final balance to be incorrect?

    Hint: drawing time diagrams will likely help your thinking! You do not need to submit them, but if you wish to use them in your explanation, they are easily represented as text using vertical alignment to show relative timing and horizontal columns for threads. For example:

    Thread 1                Thread 2
    account operation foo:          
                            account operation bar:
  4. Complete the skeleton of the SafeAccount with a thread-safe implementation of the bank account ADT using Concurrent ML. Instead of implementing it by using and underlying Cell, implement the SafeAccount from scratch in the same style as the Cell itself to support atomic deposit and withdraw operations.

    Like a Cell.t, a SafeAccount.t should consist of a pair of request/reply channels tended by a “server” thread that maintains the account balance and responds to requests. Instead of low-level Get/Put requests the requests should handle full account operations on the level of Deposit.

    If you are uncertain about how to approach this, follow these steps to transform a Cell implementation into a SafeAccount implementation.

    1. Copy the Cell implementation.
    2. Rename the operations.
    3. Change the associated logic of those operations.

    Stress-test your implementation with run mySafeTest. This runs the same style of multi-thread stress test you used to break UnsafeAccount. Adjust the parameters to try larger numbers of deposit/withdraw operations. Your implementation should always with with the expected final balance.

    Note: there are many other interesting ways to approach implementing a SafeAccount. You are welcome to explore anything (read more in the concurrency material, especially Concurrent Programming in ML [local access]), but please try this simple implementation first.

  5. In a comment below the definition of mySafeTest in bank.sml, briefly explain why your SafeAccount avoids the problems that you demonstrated in your UnsafeAccount-breaking test.


Submit: The course staff will collect your work directly from your hosted repository. To submit your work:

  1. Make sure you have committed your latest changes.

    $ git add ...
    $ git commit ...
  2. Run the command cs251 sign to sign your work and respond to any assignment survey questions.

    $ cs251 sign
  3. Push your signature and your latest local commits to the hosted repository.

    $ git push

Confirm: All local changes have been submitted if the output of git status shows both:

  • Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master', meaning all local commits have been pushed
  • nothing to commit, meaning all local changes have been committed

Resubmit: If you realize you need to change something later, just repeat this process.