CS 251 Computing Environment

CS 251 supports computing with the CS GNU/Linux workstations in the SCI L037 CS Systems Lab lab. There are two ways to access this computing environment:

  1. Go to the lab!

  2. Use remote access with SSH to log in from any campus Mac computer or – with some installation of software – your own computer.

The provided environment is the only environment we guarantee to support. It is possible to install the tools directly on your own computer, but we highly recommend working on the lab machines for several reasons:

  • All the tools are ready to go, no installation required.
  • In the lab, you will find a community of other students working on assignments from CS 251 and other upper-level programming systems courses.
  • The lab machine screens are larger than laptop screens, which helps with pair work and especially when you need tutor/instructor help.
  • The lab is where drop-in hours will happen.
  • Some of the tools, while possible to install on your own computer, are tricky to configure.

First-Time Setup

A CS account is required for all computing options. Request one if needed (on campus only).

Completing these steps on one workstation sets up the account that you use on all workstations (and cs.wellesley.edu, a.k.a. tempest).

  1. See the GNU/Linux Skills links below or start with the CS 240 lab activities on the Linux command line if you are new to the command line. (Skip the Emacs/C parts.)

  2. To configure your CS account permanently1 to find CS 251 tools, open a terminal and run the command:

    source /home/cs251/live/env/init/account.sh
  3. Complete the Git for Code Assignments tutorial. Even if you are familiar with Git, please skim through this, since it describes both Git and how to interact with our local Git hosting service for CS course work.

Tool References

  1. If you prefer to use the CS 251 tools only in the current shell session, then run the command source /home/cs251/live/env/init/session.sh instead; run this command in each shell session where you want to use the CS 251 tools. If you need to remove the permanent account configuration, edit ~/.bash_profile to remove the lines marked as related to CS 251.