addPseudocountsToMatrix() - Method in class MotifSearch
Replaces values of 0.0 in the matrix (motif model) with small pseudocount values (0.0001).


determineMatrixModel() - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
The Maximization step in the EM algorithm.
determineMotifInstances() - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
The Expectation step in the EM algorithm.
determineMotifInstances() - Method in class Gibbs_MotifSearch
The Expectation step in the EM algorithm.


EM() - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
Executes the EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm.
EM_MotifSearch - Class in <Unnamed>
An instance of the EM_MotifSearch class represents a search using the EM algorithm for a motif common to a set of genomic sequences.
EM_MotifSearch(String, int) - Constructor for class EM_MotifSearch
Creates an initially empty EM_MotifSearch.


getConsensusSequence() - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns the consensus sequence for the motif.
getIndexViaSampling(Vector<Double>) - Method in class Gibbs_MotifSearch
Returns the index of a randomly sampled value in a Vector.
getInformationContentOfMatrix() - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
Returns the information content associated with the matrix model.
getInstanceLocations() - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns a copy of the indices of start locations of motif instances in the sequences.
getMatrix() - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns a copy of the matrix that models the motif.
getNucleotideContent(char) - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns a double representing the frequency that the specified nucleotide character occurs in the genomic sequences.
getScoreForMotifInstance(String) - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
Given a candidate motif instance, returns the score (probability) of that instance based on the matrix model.
Gibbs_MotifSearch - Class in <Unnamed>
An instance of the Gibbs_MotifSearch class represents a search using the Gibbs sampling algorithm for a motif common to a set of genomic sequences.
Gibbs_MotifSearch(String, int) - Constructor for class Gibbs_MotifSearch
Creates an initially empty Gibbs_MotifSearch.


instanceLocations - Variable in class MotifSearch
A collection of integers where each integer represents the index of the start location of a motif instance in a genomic sequence


main(String[]) - Static method in class EM_MotifSearch
The main method generates an EM_MotifSearch for a motif of the specified length in the genomic sequences found in the specified FASTA file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Gibbs_MotifSearch
The main method generates a Gibbs_MotifSearch for a motif of the specified length in the genomic sequences found in the specified FASTA file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class MotifSearch
The main method creates an initially empty MotifSearch for a motif of the specified length in the genomic sequences found in the specified FASTA file.
matrix - Variable in class MotifSearch
A 2D array corresponding to a position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) that is a model of the motif being searched for
matrixToString() - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns a String representation of the matrix that models the motif.
motifInstancesToString() - Method in class MotifSearch
Returns a String representation of motif instances found in the genomic sequences.
motifLength - Variable in class MotifSearch
The length of the motif being search for
MotifSearch - Class in <Unnamed>
An instance of the MotifSearch class represents a search for a motif common to a set of genomic sequences.
MotifSearch(String, int) - Constructor for class MotifSearch
Creates an initially empty MotifSearch.


numSequences - Variable in class MotifSearch
The number of genomic sequences


run_EM_multiple_times(int) - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
Executes the EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm multiple times.


sequences - Variable in class MotifSearch
A collection of genomic sequences
setRandomLocationsForMotifInstances() - Method in class EM_MotifSearch
The initial random seed step in the EM algorithm.