At Wellesley, I have been involved in teaching the following courses:
I am on academic leave for the whole year 2018-2019. I'll be teaching my classes in 2019-20.
Office Hours: I'm not holding office hours this year. Please send me an email to schedule a time to meet.
App Inventor. Since 2009, I have been an active member of the App Inventor community. I have taught several courses that used App Inventor as a learning environment, as well as held App Inventor workshops in different settings for individuals of ages 5 to 90. Additionally, I am involved in performing research with App Inventor data, in order to gain insights on how people use App Inventor to learn programming. Such insights can lead to improvement of the App Inventor platform and its educational materials.
Data Science. In October 2016 I presented the paper "Students' prior knowledge of data visualization" at the 1st Pedagogy of Data Visualization Workshop. In April 2017, I presented a poster at AERA'17 titled "Embedding Computational Thinking Practices into Data Science Education. In February 2017, I participated in the 1st Data Science Education Technology conference, and I've committed to be in the organizing committee for the second conference, once funding has been awarded.
CS1 courses. In Fall 2015, I introduced Jupyter notebooks in our CS 111 Python course, and I shared experiences about this experiment during Boston's JupiterDays in 2016. Since January 2016, I have been leading a project to use written reflections in CS 111 as a tool for self-evaluation and self-regulation. In 2017, I received a Mellon grant for evidence-based teaching to study their effectiveness. My two student research assistants in this project, Jess Abramson '19 and Khonzoda Umarova '20, presented results from the project in Ruhlman 2017.