
Milestone One

October 1, 2019

Check out our Team Contract for our core values and planning process.


Milestone Two

October 22, 2019

Survey takers: 108
as of 11/4/2019 at 19:32:03

Survey sharing strategies: All group members shared the link to the survey through friends by means of imessage, snapchat, and facebook messenger. Courtney mainly chose text and snapchat out of convinience for directly contacting her peers and family members. She also chose snapchat, instagram direct messages, and sharing Mackenzie's post on facebook to further widen her audience. Jina did the aforementioned and also emailed people that she is in clubs with so multiple perspectives could be accounted for. Mackenzie, took another effective route, which was using tinder as a platform to boost takers of the survey of both genders. Overall, the members of the group decided to use more private sharing options so that responses would be faster and more intimate, as well as trusting that the survey would be passed along to others through friends and family.

Link to Survey

Milestone Five

November 26, 2019

KryptoKreeps is continuously making more improvements to our content!

Milestone Six + Seven

December 9-20, 2019

Our website is being launched on the World Wide Web! Check out our Google Analytics!

Link To Reflection
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