
For AM1 (Achievement Milestone 1), students first learned working with Web APIs by creating an app that searches the Google Books API. Then, they took that knowledge and transferred it to create an app that searches data from another Web API.

In this process, they learned not only to use Javacript to send an HTTP request and process its JSON results, but also to dynamically create HTML elements and style them to create a consistent presentation.


Searching recipes from Yummly

Screenshots from the pages of Jessica, Ella, and Sophia.

Here is one live instance of the web page. Yummly is a bit slow in returning results, thus, be patient.

Around Town: Searching Businneses from Locu

Screenshot from the Around Townapp by Susie, MR, Chimuanya.

Here is one live instance of the app. After your search, click on one category to filter results.

Movie Trailers: Searching YouTube and Rotten Tomatoes

Screenshot from the Movie Trailersapp by Jessica and Lucy.

Here is one live instance of the app. Trailers and information don't always match, but the idea and execution are cool (and the YouTube API is tricky to work with).

Searching products on Etsy

Screenshots from the apps of Priscilla and Lee.

Here is Priscilla's version of the app, and this is Lee's version Etsy doesn't give access to images of products in its results.

Searching albums or songs on last.fm

Screenshots from the apps by Meridian and Clara.

Here is Meridian's album search app. And here is Clara's song search.

Searching movies on Rotten Tomatoes

Screenshots from the app by Audrey and Jamie.

Here is one live instance of the web page.