Week Date Notes
Week 14 05/08/2015

IP Previews [voluntary]

Course Summary

Sign-up for IP meetings


Code Reviews


Team Presentations

All Meteor examples in one place

Week 13 04/29/2015

Google Accounts in Meteor


Ruhlman - No Class


Discussing the Team Project

Example of the IP Detailed Document

Week 12 04/14/2015

A Meteor/D3 example project that uses GitHub

Meteor Examples [compile list of resources]


Start the work on the team project

Games, Serious Games, Games for Change

Week 11 04/17/2015

Guest Lecture by Nichole Burton '13

List of Resources for the talk


Using external APIs in Meteor

Team Project - Description and ideas


Reactivity in Meteor

Week 10 04/10/2015

Completing D3.js example from Wed.

Completing Meteor material from Tue.


Example of a D3.js chart for Wellesley Courses


Doing more with Meteor

AM6 - Your First Meteor App

Week 9 04/03/2015

Introduction to Meteor


AM4 - Student Achievements

AM4 - Code reviews


MongoDB Notes - An introduction.

Querying Wellesley database - Examples.

Week 9 Posts - topics for your Tumblr reflection posts.

Week 8 03/18/2015

Invited Lecture by Prof. Takis Metaxas. Topic: Network Protocols and History of WWW.

Reflection post [See details].


Invited talk by Prof. Darakhshan Mir

Reflection Post [See details].

Week 7 03/14/2015

All Deadlines for the last days in one place.

Learning d3.js - Part 2


AM4 - localStorage example

Learning d3.js - Part 1

Working with Data tutorial in D3.js

AM5: Wellesley Academics Visualization, connected to the competition of
"Festival of Arts in the Sciences".


Introduction to Visualization

Scalar Vector Graphics

Hello World tutorial in D3.js - do before Wed class.

Week 6 03/06/2015

AM4 topics - regular expressions, jQuery UI, Date operations.


Doing more with the Google Calendar API


AM4 Data - creating a feed, getting data with .getJSON(), organize data in nested objects.

Google Calendar API - an example of adding events

Week 5 02/27/2015

AM4 - Wellesley Courses - Wellesley Courses with Google Calendar. Updated

AM3 - presentations in class.


Discussing the solutions for AM1 and AM2.


What goes in a mashup? - and other things we need to know.

Week 4 02/20/2015

Google Maps examples -- jsFiddle code snippets

RSS Feeds - another way to get data for our apps.


AM3: Divide and Conquer - Wikipedia API and animation features.

Google Maps API - overview and examples.


AM3: Around the Earth - using Google Maps API and Wikipedia API.

AM3: List of questions - enter what you need to learn.

Week 3 02/13/2015

Google Maps API - DYI tutorials (about 1.5 hours)

Google Maps Apps - Previous student work and reflection task.

AM1 Student Achievements - Screenshots and links.


AM2 Concepts - Code snippets for different concepts.

AM2 Tips - Breaking the problem into parts.


Facebook API - A tutorial.

jQuery - Introduction and a mini-challenge.

Week 2 02/06/2015 AM2 Wellesley on Facebook - A preview. [Updated with requirements]

02/04/2015 Wrapping up AM1 - what you need to finish up the Google Books search app.

02/03/2015 Divide and Conquer AM1 - the Javascript code

Plan for the week - What we will do in Week 2, day by day.

Week 1 01/30/2015

AM1: Concepts and Topics - An overview.

Students' List - Generated with Javascript. Get Code.


Answers for all AM1 questions [Updated]

Screencasts - How to use certain tools.


To Do List - What to do on the first day.

AM1: Search Books - Description of 1st AM. [Updated]