CS249 | Screencasts

Using Fetch

Make sure that when you use Fetch, you choose the SFTP option. Once you log in, you'll see the public_html folder. You will put most of the code you'll write in this semester in that folder. The screencast shows that if you have a file index.html in that folder, the content of that file will display on the browser when you point to the URL of you account.

Adding Tags to Tumblr

When you write a Tumblr post, the process of adding a tag happens at the very end, before posting your entry. Always use a unique and informative title for the post, and use the tags only to label the category of the post: #reflection, #contribution, #question, and #answer.

Using the Javascript Console

Javascript runs in the browser. We will use the browser's console to write code and inspect data. See the screencast below to learn how.