Course Information

General Information

Course Information (includes a syllabus/schedule)


For the first 7 weeks of the course the class assignments will consist of a series of "challenges":

- Challenge 1; Kinetic Sculpture .

- Challenge 2; Simple Sciborg Behaviors .

- Challenge 3; Sciborg Line Follower .

- Challenge 4; Simple Line Follower Modifications .

- Challenge 5; More Sciborg Behaviors (Light Follower and Sobiety Test) .

- Challenge 6; Sensor Interactions .

- Challenge 7; Motion Modules .

- Challenge 8; Indestructible Box .

- Challenge 9; Single Motor Racing Vehicle .

- Challenge 10; Build Your Own Sensor .

- Challenge 11; Personal Fabrication .

- Challenge 12; Everyday Sensors .

- Challenge 13; Auto-Thresholding .

(All of the above challenges are collected in the following document: RDS Challenges.)

PicoCrickets , PicoBlocks and PicoBoards

PicoCricket Reference Guide

Cricket Placemats, a collection of suggestions for Cricket-related activities, aimed at a 8-12 year old audience.

PicoCricket Troubleshooting

PicoCricket web site


LEGO Design Tips

Building Robust LEGO Structures

LEGO Gears and Motors

The Art of LEGO Design

Related Papers

New Pathways into Robotics: Strategies for Broadening Participation, by Natalie Rusk , Mitchel Resnick , Robbie Berg & Margaret Pezalla-Granlund.

Robotic Design Studio: Exploring the Big Ideas of Engineering In a Liberal Arts Environment, by Franklyn Turbak and Robbie Berg.

Toys to Think With by Mitchel Resnick, Fred Martin, Randy Sargent and Brian Silverman.

Beyond Black Boxes, by Mitchel Resnick, Robbie Berg and Michael Eisenberg.


Course Information

Project Museum

Robot Resources

Robotic Design Studio
Date Created: 4/26/2008
Last Modified: 5/5/2008
Created By: Alison McKenna and MaCherie Edwards