; controls the stem-motors. The two motors ; are physically tied together to stem-motors a, end ; controls the bud-motor which is raised and lowered to bud-motor b, end ; grow the stem to stem stem-motors on wait 18 stem-motors off end ; grow the flower to blossom ; bud-motor setpower 4 bud-motor on wait 5 bud-motor off end ; de-bloom the flower. Flower ; would retract into the stem and the stem would ; shrink to wilt stem-motors rd bud-motor rd blossom stem stem-motors rd bud-motor rd end ; main program. Wait until there's sunlight (ie, ; the light is shining on all three pot ; sensors) and then bloom. to bloom waituntil [(sensor 1) < 30] waituntil [(sensor 2) < 30] waituntil [(sensor 3) < 30] stem blossom wait 30 wilt bloom end
Last Updated: January 24, 1998