Homework 4 - Navigation Structures
Due: See Schedule
In this homework assignment, you will have to create a couple of Director
files representing a network and a frame navigation structure.
You can use
your own example, or use the
horoscope signs provided.
Part 1: The Frame (aka: The Complete Network)
Implement the "frame" technique: It
gives the feeling of a single screen, with buttons that change
part of the screen (like the example in class).
For example: The six couples of signs are arranged on the screen as buttons. As you click on one of them, a little picture/text/watever comes up on some part of the screen.
You can check out a sample
implementation of it, plus other examples involving Chinese
Zodiac, riddles, and colors.
As usual, name your file name_FRAME.dir,
where name is your puma account name
and publish it. Your .dcr file should
be no
more that
1MB. Augment the .html file so that it describes
how you did it. Put these three files inside your ps04 directory.
Part 2: The Network
Create a network of screens and an intuitive
interface (through clickable objects) to move between them. You should
use at least 6 screens - simple ones,
nothing fancy.
- In the first one draw a tree or a generic network structure that you
would like to implement. I will need this so as to determine whether you implemented
correctly what you had in mind.
- Implement your network with markers and 'go to the frame' commands. Absolutely
do not use 'pause', 'continue', and 'halt' commands.
For example: If you use the horoscope signs, you could implement the following network that shows how couples befriend other couples (don't laugh, it is scientific):
Think of the signs arranged circularly in alphabetical order:
- AQ, AR, CN, CP, GE, LE, LI, PI, SA, SC, TA, VI
Consecutive pairs of them create our perfect couples.
- AQ, AR
- CN, CP
- GE, LE
- LI, PI
- SA, SC
- TA, VI
Now each couple's screen has connections to:
- the next couple,the previous couple,
- the couple across the cycle
e.g. (AQ, AR) connects with (CN, CP), (TA, VI), and (LI, PI).
can check out a sample
implementation of it, plus other examples
involving office characters, neighbors and feelings.
Name your file name_NETWORK.dir,
(where name is your puma account name)
and publish
it. Your .dcr file
should be no more that 1MB. Augment the .html file
so that it describes how you did it. Put these
three files inside your ps04 directory.
- It is strongly recommended that you implement first the frame, then the network using a copy of the frame part.
- Your work should show that you have not forgotten the principles and techniques from previous assignments. For example you should title and sign your work, and you should try to incorporate animation appropriately.
- Your .dir files should be no larger than 5 MB each.Your .dcr files no more than 1 MB each.
- The horoscope might be a silly way to do this
homework. Feel free to do something more interesting. Try something
you learn in your other classes. But keep the complexity
of your solutions to at
least the one with the horoscopes. Ask me if it is not clear.
- As usual, you will be graded not only on the technical part, but also on the creative part of your work.
In addition to how well you executed the assignment, you will be graded on how well you followed the specifications of the assignment, and whether you completed its Assessment questionnaire.