
- Scala Multimedia Directory - A comprehensive index that tries to keep track of everything related to multimedia.
- Virginia Tech: Multimedia, Hypertext, & Information Access - [From the course description] This course is designed for seniors to become familiar with a range of information technologies, much like Database Systems covers certain types of data, and Artficial Intelligence covers certain types of knowledge. Coverage includes text, electronic publishing, search, retrieval, browsing and related issues of information access. Other media types are considered separately and in combination, when synchronization and time-based performance are crucial to achieve adequate quality of service. [...] Students will gain expertise working with key packages such as AuthorWare, Netscape, and Storyspace. 60Mbytes of files, over 800 HTML pages, over 300 links, exercises, figures, study questions, quizes (self-paced). Includes extensive lecture notes.
- Brooklyn College of CUNY: An undergraduate overview course touching upon both development and systems. Includes extensive lecture notes.
- George Washington University: Courses on the graduate level, all designed around educational multimedia: CSci260 Design of Interactive Multimedia, CSci261 Design & Implementation of Educational Software, and CSci361 Advanced Topics in Interactive Multimedia are some example courses.
- UC Berkeley: Multimedia Systems and Applications - Graduate level. [From the course description] This course covers the design and implementation of the technologies used to implement interactive multimedia applications such as streaming video playback, video conferencing, interactive television, video editing, and hypermedia authoring. Fundamentals of human perception, digital media representations, compression and synchronization are covered. Implementation technologies including hardware architectures for media processing (e.g., processor, bus, and input/output devices), OS support, multimedia systems services, network architectures and protocols, and distributed programming services are also discussed.
- University of Texas, Austin: Multimedia Systems - Graduate level. CS 384M is a course in advanced systems covering both theoretical and practical issues in designing multimedia systems. Topics to be covered include introduction to multimedia systems, digital video compression techniques, operating system support for digital audio and video, as well as network and transport protocols for multimedia. An emphasis will be placed on current design issues and research topics.
- UIUC: Multimedia Systems - Organization and structure of modern multimedia systems; audio and video encoding; quality of service concepts; scheduling algorithms for multimedia within OS and networks multimedia protocols over high-speed networks; synchronization schemes, user-interface design; multimedia teleservices.
- UMass, Amherst: Multimedia Networking - A graduate-level seminar course in multimedia networking.
- Concordia: Multimedia Computing and Systems - A graduate course primarily aimed at preparing students in Computer Science for research in Multimedia Computing. Covers fundamentals of computing with digital media, current technology, standards, and research in this area.
- MIT's Media Lab: Media Arts and Sciences Catalogue - A major research lab, offers MSc and PhD. Extensive course offerings. The following are more geared toward authoring and production. (Pay attention to course numbers. Some course names seem to change rather often).
- MAS.110 Fundamentals of Computational Media Design (New) MAS.111 Introduction to Doing Research in Media Arts & Sciences (New) MAS.134 Story: Representation and Process MAS.432 Graphics/Imaging Media Projects MAS.713 Learning Environments MAS.731J The Society of Mind MAS.736 Discourse
- MAS.838 Graphic Imaging Media Projects
- CMU: Human Computer Interaction Institute - One of the better graduate programs focusing on HCI, it is also covering multimedia development and authoring.
- SFSU: Multimedia Studies Program - An extensive and comprehensive program in development and authoring, offering a variety of degrees.
- LaSalle University: The Digital Arts and Multimedia Design Program is a new major at LaSalle.
- Boston University: Multimedia Lab - A research lab focusing on video.
- University of Plymouth (England): Offers a BSc in MediaLab Arts involving the school of computing, and the Plymouth College of Art and Design.
- London Guildhall University: Metro New Media has now become a company. They also offer a MSc in Multimedia Systems.
- California State University, Hayward: They have a MSc in Multimedia program.
- New School University: They have a Master of Arts in Media Sciences program.
- YAHOO: Multimedia Institutions